Disco Elysium: How to Open the Apartment Door for Evrart – Walkthrough (2024)

by James Robinson

In this guide for Disco Elysium, we’ll provide you with a detailed walkthrough on how to complete the task of opening the apartment door for Evrart.

In Disco Elysium, this task involves doing a favor for Evrart by opening the door to a specific apartment. In exchange, the Union leader will provide you with information regarding the hanged man’s case. Although this task may not be entirely moral, it won’t negatively impact the storyline.

Disco Elysium: How to Open the Apartment Door for Evrart – Walkthrough (1)

To begin, speak with the NPC known as Call Me Manana and request the key to the apartment. You can find him near the protest area, sitting on a railing and observing the events unfolding.

Disco Elysium: How to Open the Apartment Door for Evrart – Walkthrough (2)

The apartment’s door is located in another part of the courtyard, behind the Whirling-In-Rags hotel building. To get there, proceed around the Doomed Commercial Area and make your way into the alleyway on the right. Once you arrive, interact with the door and use the key to unlock it.

Disco Elysium: How to Open the Apartment Door for Evrart – Walkthrough (3)

After completing the task, return to Evrart and share the information about the open door. You’ll now have the chance to learn more about the murder mystery from the Union leader.


1. How do I find Evrart’s apartment in Disco Elysium?

To find Evrart’s apartment in Disco Elysium, you first need to complete the “Finding the Union Boss” quest. Once you’ve done that, head to the south of Martinaise and enter the Whirling-in-Rags hotel. Talk to Garte, the bartender, and ask him about Evrart. He’ll give you the address of his apartment. Exit the hotel and head towards the coast. You’ll see a large building with a red door. This is Evrart’s apartment. Interact with the intercom and he’ll buzz you in.

2. How do I open the apartment door in Disco Elysium?

To open the apartment door in Disco Elysium, you need to have the key. You can get the key by completing the “Get the Key to Evrart’s Apartment” quest. Head to the Whirling-in-Rags hotel and talk to Garte, the bartender. He’ll give you a task to complete in exchange for the key. Once you’ve completed the task, return to Garte and he’ll give you the key. Head back to Evrart’s apartment and use the key to unlock the door.

3. What do I do after opening the apartment door for Evrart in Disco Elysium?

After opening the apartment door for Evrart in Disco Elysium, you’ll need to talk to him and complete the “The Political Compass” quest. Once you’ve completed this quest, you’ll have the option to either help Evrart or turn him in to the authorities. Your decision will affect the outcome of the game, so choose wisely.

4. How do I complete “The Political Compass” quest in Disco Elysium?

To complete “The Political Compass” quest in Disco Elysium, you need to talk to Evrart and answer a series of questions. The questions will ask about your political beliefs and morality. Depending on your answers, Evrart will either view you as an ally or an enemy. The quest will end with a decision to either help Evrart or turn him in to the authorities.

5. What are the consequences of helping Evrart in Disco Elysium?

The consequences of helping Evrart in Disco Elysium are significant and affect the outcome of the game. By helping Evrart, you’ll gain his trust and he’ll provide you with valuable information and resources. However, you’ll also become complicit in his criminal activities. This could lead to negative consequences later in the game, such as being arrested or losing the trust of other characters.

Disco Elysium: How to Open the Apartment Door for Evrart – Walkthrough (4)

James Robinson

James, a young and enthusiastic gamer. With a passion for gaming, he personally plays and experiences the games he writes about, providing authentic and insightful content to fellow gamers.

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Disco Elysium: How to Open the Apartment Door for Evrart – Walkthrough (2024)


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