Heavy Cream Recipe - Oh So Foodie (2024)

by Toya

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Last Updated on February 7, 2024 by Toya

Just how do you make your own homemade heavy cream recipe? This is something many people want to know. So, keep reading to see how to make heavy cream in a few minutes and with 2 simple kitchen staples!

Heavy Cream Recipe - Oh So Foodie (1)

Yes, that’s right! I’ll teach you how to make your own heavy cream right in your kitchen with staple ingredients. You can then use this recipe as an effective substitute for heavy cream in most dishes that require heavy cream!

In this article, we will guide you through a simple homemade heavy cream recipe that can be easily prepared with two common ingredients: butter and milk. With this recipe, you can create your own rich and creamy heavy cream at home, eliminating the need to rush to the store when you run out.

Yes, that’s right. You can make a simple homemade cream right in your own kitchen in a few minutes! This is a pretty neat trick that has saved me more times than I can remember.

How to make heavy cream at home

To make your own heavy cream, you will need:

  • ¾ cup of milk
  • ¼ cup of unsalted butter
    For equipment, you will need a saucepan, a whisk, and a refrigeration container to store the heavy cream.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Begin by melting the butter in the microwave—or in a saucepan if that is what you have. Be careful not to let it simmer or boil.
  2. Let the butter cool for about 2 minutes.
  3. Pour the milk into the melted butter, whisking continuously to combine the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. This may take a few minutes by hand.
  5. Continue whisking the mixture until it thickens and forms a smooth, creamy consistency.
  6. Once the heavy cream has thickened to your liking, store it in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to two days.
  7. Our use immediately in your favorites recipes!
Heavy Cream Recipe - Oh So Foodie (2)

Tips and Variations

  • For a richer flavor and thicker texture, you can increase the amount of butter used.
  • If you prefer a lighter version of heavy cream, you can reduce the amount of butter and replace it with more milk.

How to use

Here are eight easy ways to use your homemade heavy cream:

  1. Whipped Cream: Use your homemade heavy cream to make luscious whipped cream. Simply whip it with a bit of sugar until soft peaks form, and use it as a topping for desserts, fruits, or hot beverages.
  2. Creamy Soups and Chowders: Add richness and thickness to your favorite soups and chowders by incorporating some of your homemade heavy cream. Whether in a classic clam chowder or a comforting tomato soup, a splash of heavy cream can enhance the texture and flavor.
  3. Pasta Sauces: Create creamy, rich pasta sauces by incorporating some of this homemade heavy cream to the mix. Whether you’re making Alfredo or carbonara, the addition of heavy cream adds a velvety texture and a luxurious touch to your pasta dishes.
  4. Quiches and Casseroles: Enhance the creaminess of quiches, casseroles, and savory pies by incorporating homemade heavy cream into the egg mixture.
  5. Baked Goods: Add richness and moisture content of your baked goods by adding some homemade heavy cream to the batter. This heavy cream recipe works well for scones, cakes, biscuits, and more.
  6. Coffee and Hot Chocolate: Upgrade your morning coffee or a cozy cup of hot chocolate by adding a splash of homemade heavy cream. It add a luxurious, silky texture and a subtle richness to your favorite hot beverages.
  7. Sauces for Meat and Poultry: Create the creamiest, most flavorful sauces for meat and poultry dishes using your own homemade heavy cream.

Ready to make it? Check out the full recipe below:

Heavy Cream Recipe - Oh So Foodie (3)

Heavy Cream Recipe

Yield: 1 cup

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes

Just how do you make your own homemade heavy cream recipe? This is something many people want to know. So, keep reading to see how to make heavy cream in a few minutes and with 2 simple kitchen staples!


  • ¾ cup of milk
  • ¼ cup of unsalted butter
  • For equipment, you will need a saucepan, a whisk, and a storage container to store the heavy cream.


  1. Begin by melting the butter in the microwave—or in a saucepan if that is what you have. Be careful not to let it simmer or boil.
  2. Let the butter cool for about 2 minutes.
  3. Pour the milk into the melted butter, whisking continuously to combine the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. This may take a few minutes by hand.
  5. Continue whisking the mixture until it thickens and forms a smooth, creamy consistency.
  6. Once the heavy cream has thickened to your liking, store it in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to two days.
  7. Our use immediately in your favorites recipes!
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 1Serving Size: 1 cup
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 600Total Fat: 60gSaturated Fat: 38gTrans Fat: 1gUnsaturated Fat: 19gCholesterol: 170mgSodium: 100mgCarbohydrates: 10gFiber: 0gSugar: 10gProtein: 7g

Heavy Cream Recipe - Oh So Foodie (2024)


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