Recipes for Love and Murder (2024)

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Recipes for Love and Murder


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Recipes for Love and Murder (7)

Christiaan Olwagen, Karen Jeynes / Mystery, Romance

English [OV]

10x45 min

Recipes for Love and Murder

Maria Purvis is an empathetic, accomplished recipe advice columnist for a smalltown gazette. When Martine, a woman who had written to Maria about her abusive husband, is found dead, Maria joins forces with her local, risk-taking, rookie journalist colleague, Jessie September. Between cooking rich mutton curry, decadent chocolate cake, answering letters and getting in the way of the local policemen, Maria and Jessie are determined to solve this murder mystery and catch the killer. But the killer might be following their traces just as quickly as they are hunting him...

Recipes for Love and Murder is a charming quirky murder mystery series based on the acclaimed novel by best-selling and award-winning South African author Sally Andrew – ‘Recipes for Love and Murder: A Tannie Maria Mystery’. Filmed in South Africa and Scotland, this treat to the senses, culinary series features Maria Doyle Kennedy (“Outlander”), Tony Kgoroge (“Invictus”) and newcomer Kylie Fisher.

Recipes for Love and Murder (8)

Recipes for Love and Murder (9)

Recipes for Love and Murder (10)

Recipes for Love and Murder (11)

go to Series ( 10 Episodes )

Key Information

Original Title Recipes for Love and Murder
Genre Mystery
Produced by:

Both Worlds Pictures

Year Of Production 2022
Duration 10x45 min
Country Of Origin Southern Africa
Language Versions English [OV]

Cast & Crew


Christiaan Olwagen

Karen Jeynes


Maria Doyle Kennedy

Tony Kgoroge

Kylie Fischer


Thierry Cassuto


Karen Jeynes

Recipes for Love and Murder (2024)


Is there a season 2 for Recipes for Love and Murder? ›

Building on the success of the critically acclaimed first season, which was sold in 94 countries, season two will be comprised of eight episodes of small-town high drama with an array of new characters to support returning leads Maria Doyle Kennedy (Tannie Maria), Tony Kgoroge (Detective Khaya Meyer), and Kylie Fisher ...

Where is Recipe for Love and murder filmed? ›

Executive producers include Jeynes of Both Worlds, Catherine Mackin and Lesley Pemberton of Acorn, and Yolisa Phahle, Allan Sperling, and Jan du Plessis of M-Net. Principal photography took place on location in Cape Town, Prince Albert in the Karoo region of the Western Cape, as well as in Edinburgh.

What happened to Maria's husband in Recipes for Love and Murder? ›

The Mickey they're talking about is Tannie Maria's aforementioned abusive husband (played by Ashley Dowds), who died in late 2008 of a heart attack. (This was not totally unexpected. His doctor warned him about his cholesterol levels, and he smoked while he ate.)

What is the plot of the recipes for love and murder? ›

When a woman from the village is viciously murdered, Tannie Maria and her feisty young reporter colleague Jessie can't resist being drawn into the investigation. Martine's murder shakes up the whole town, skeletons come flying out of closets, and danger lurks around every corner.

How did Recipes for Love and Murder end? ›

The killer has been caught! Thanks to Tannie Maria's determination and Jessie's intrepid spirit, Martine and Lawrence's murderer was caught...and killed! It was a dramatic conclusion to an action-packed and delicious mystery drama, sprinkled with a good dose of humour.

How many series of Love and Murder recipes are there? ›

What to watch after Recipes for Love and Murder? ›

What is the name of the chicken in recipes for love and murder? ›

Irish actor Maria Doyle Kennedy plays the lead, Tannie Maria. Find out how she feels about working with a chicken named Morag.

What is the theme song for recipes for love and murder? ›

This is Maria (Title music from the original TV series Recipes for Love and Murder) - Zethu Mashika: Song Lyrics, Music Videos & Concerts.

Why is she called Tannie Maria? ›

Maria van Harten is a widowed foodie living in South Africa's Klein Karoo region. With an English father and an Afrikaans mother, she straddles two of the many ethnic groups that form South Africa's history and culture. As with many women of a certain age, she's referred to as Tannie Maria, or Aunty Maria.

Who is Jessie in recipes for love and murder? ›

Kylie Fisher: Jessie September.

Who is Anna in Recipes for Love and Murder? ›

Daneel Van Der Walt: Anna Pretorius.

Will there be a season 2 of Recipes for Love & murder? ›

We're delighted that the much-loved RECIPES FOR LOVE AND MURDER series has been renewed for a second season, with the new eight 45-minute episodes to begin filming in South Africa in April 2024.

What is the dancing in Recipes for Love and Murder? ›

The dance shown throughout and at the end is called the Nama Riel (also Riel or Rieldans). It's a dusty jitterbug with ancient roots that has recently made a resurgence in popularity. Rieldans is a Khoisan word for an ancient celebratory dance performed by various South African indigenous groups.

Who played Martine on Recipes for Love and Murder? ›

Her first letter is from Martine Burger (Tinarie van Wyk Loots), a woman who is being abused by her husband; despite placating him with Maria's lamb curry recipe, Martine is found dead soon after.


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.