The News Tribune from Tacoma, Washington (2024)

JANUARY 14, 1953 Stocks Roll Ahead In General Advance Markets at a Glance NEW YORK.Stocks- Higher; generous gains registered. Bonds-Mixed; changes narrow. Cotton- Irregular; commission house buying, liquidation. CHICAGO.Wheat--Closed firm: new seasonal lows Corn-Closed firm: new seasonal early. Oats -Closed firm; new seasonal lows early.

cents lower; top, $19. Cattle--Steady to $1 lower. DOW, JONES AVERAGES (Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Beane) 30 industrials, 286.85: up 1.61. 30 rails, 109.80; up .89. 16 utilities, 52.00: up .18.

NEW YORK. broad demand sent the market rollting ahead today stock, a general advance. The swing up went to around 2. points at the outside with gains in the 1 to 2 point range frequent. Losses were limited to fractions, and they- were without influence.

Business volume was under some restraint and came 10 an estimated 1,800.000 shares. Although that was well ahead of Monday's million and a half shares, it still was below the two million mark the bulls would like to see more often on rise. The advance displayed its greatest vigor in the railroads, steels, motors, rubbers and aircrafts. Among the major groups. chemicals seemed the most reluctant to join in the push.

Noma Electric was under special pressure and dropped between 3 and 4 points at the worst after the U. S. court of appeals reversed a lower court decision which had held in favor of Noma a patent infringement suit against General Motors Corp. and General Motors Sales Co. Higher prices were paid for Santa Fe.

Union Pacific, Sinclair "Oil, American Airlines, Naional Theaters. American Smelting, American Cyanamid, International Paper, Youngstown Sheet Tube. Studebaker, Goodyear and Admiral Corp. The bond market was narrowly mixed in selective trading. U.

S. government obligations turned irregular after starting in the minus column. Bank-eligible were higher at 95 bid. The new intermediate lower at 99 bid. Stock prices ranged as follows: Sales in 100s.

High Last Abbott 42 4558 45 451 Admiral Crp 26 3112 313 A1f Eq 29 956 9 91 Air Reduction 15 2812 28 28 Alanca Juneau. 2 31,8 3 31 Allechany COrp. 42 3 Allia Chalmers. 46 58 58 Alum Ltd 54 5412 53 Am Airlines .130 1538 1470 151. Am Can 61 3412 3112 Am Car 23 3638 36 361 Am Chh Cbl.

25 321 3114 324 Am 79 521 Am For Pow 28 9 83 AN INTELLIGENT WAY TO EARN MORE MONEY A Word from The Wall Street Journal With prices and taxes the way they are, you simply have to have more money. Some get it by taking chances. Some by saving pennies. Some by keeping their noses to the grindstone. Why not follow The Wall Street Journal get ahead plan? It costs only $6 to try it.

the success habits you form will probably stay with you for life. Each day The Wall Street Journal tells you about far-reaching changes that are taking place all over America. New inventions. New industries. New ways of doing business.

New opportunities to earn money. Because the reports in The Journal come to you daily, you get quick warning of any new trend that may affect your income. You get the facts in time to protect your interests or seize a profit-making opportunity. The Journal is a wonderful aid to salaried men making $7000 to $15,000. It is valuable to the owner of a small business.

It can be of priceless benefit to young men. The Wall Street Journal is the complete business DAILY. Has largest staff of writers on business and finance. The only business paper served by all four big press associations. It costs $20 a year, but you can get a Trial Subscription for 3 months for $6 (in United States and Possessions).

Just tear out this ad and attach check for $6 and mail. Or tell 11S to bill you. Published daily right on the Pacific Coast and delivered by air to bring you vital business and Washington news immediately. Address: Pacific Coast Edition, The Wall Street Journal, 415 Bush Street, San Francisco 8 or 108 W. 6th Street, Los Angeles 14.

TNT 1-13 C. C. J. J. MELLINGER PRESIDENT Sensible low prices Two beautiful chapels Convenient location Complete 24-hour service Courteous, friendly attention THE TACOMA NEWS TRIBUNE Hud Man 119 Hudson Mot 10 Hunt Foods 23 Hupp Cp.

23 Ill Cent 21 Interl 11 32 Int Har 54 Int Nick 74 Int. Papepr 26 Int Tel Tel 60 Interst 1 Interst Pw 61 Jones Stl. 58 Joy Mfg 20 Kennecott Cop. 32 Kern Land. 33 Lehigh Val RR 42 LOF.

Glass 20 Lockheed Aire. 30 Loew's Idc 72 Long Isl Lt xd 49 Lorillard 26 Macy Mar Midland 22 Martin (GL) 41 Math Chem 40 May Dept Strs. 26 McCrory Str 26 Mead Crp 32 Mercant Str 2 Miami Cop 12 Middle Sta Ut. 28 oM Pac 73 Montzom Ward. 28 Morrell Motorola 14 Murray 02 Nash Kelvin 35 Nat Airlines xd 33 Nat Biscuit 39 Nat Can 42 Nat Cash Reg.

Nat Distillers. 56 Nat Gypsum 27 Nat Lead 20 Nat Tea Nat Thea .234 Nat Vul 64 New Eng El. 22 Newmort NY Air Br 22 NY Central NY NH Hart 74 NY Shipbldg Niag Noma Elec No Am 31 No Am Co 39 Northern 70 Nor Sta Pow. 56 Northw Airl pid 27 Ohio Edis 57 do rts .579 Oliver Crp 33 Pac El 28 Packard ..428 Pan Am Air. 129 Parke Dav 42 Penney (JC; 15 Pa RR .225 Pepsi Cola 60 Pfizer 83 Phelps Dod 45 Philco 46 Phillips Pet 46 Press St Car.

20 Pub Sv 58 Publick Ind 37 Radio Cp Rayonier 44 Raytheon 75 Rem Rand 48 Repub Avia 28 Repub S11 78 Revere 26 Resall Drug 55 Rey Tob 24 Richfield 0 11 Rob Fulton 27 Rons Art MW. 11 Safeway Str 13 St. Jos Lead 27 St. 1. San 47 St.

Reg Pap 79 Schenley Ind 29 Sears Roebk 23 Servel 39 Shom 23 Sharon StI 20 Simmons Co 30 Sinclair Oil 74 Socony Vac 67 So Car 46 Southern Co 81 Son Pac 63 Soul Ry 31 Sperry Std 16 do 4 pf 23 Std Oil Cal 26 Sid Oil Ind 35 Std Oil NJ 78 Std Oil Ohio 23 Stew Warn 21 44 Sun Oil 25 Sunray Oil 45 Sunsh Bis 5 Sunsh Mn Swift Co 11 Texas Co 45 Tex Gulf Sul 8 Tex Util 25 Textron 24 Tide Wat As 30 Toledo Ed 53 Transamer Tri Cont 25 Un Carbide 65 Un Oil Cal 34 Un Pac U'nit Air Linu 40 Unit Airc 49 United Co 75 Unit Fruit 50 Unit Gas Cp 25 1n Param Th 34 Rubber 60 Steel 96 Un Wallpap 26 Panad Cp 22 Warn Br. Piet 18 West Ind Sug 37 Ky Coal 10 Va Coal 32 West Mary 40 West Un Tel 22 Westg Brk 20 Westg El 44 Willys Oer 76 Wilson Co 44 York Cp 21 Youngst Sh 29 53 45 53 161 4 he 1,3 45g 412 4 82 83 18 1758 18 31 46 46 54 535 19 285 285 2853 103 103 105 235 23 3634 785x 78 78 593 581 20 20 3 41 4012 22 1758 1714 25 2518 25 25 2558 125 15 3 1478 395 31 303 31 15 15 27 27. 2714 1856 188 258 253 26 261 52 63 621 623 411 413 21 2014 21 22 15 355 351, 54 3 54. 221 22 223 31 25 25 25 458 127. 14 13 14 543 54.

5478 21 21 25 25 2518 151. 151 1513 27 27 14 11 12 165 1636 1612 215 2112 81 80 13 127 24 04 2433 38 11-32 141 11 141 3834 381 385 51 10 10 4338 69 68 235 23 111 11 3018 403 39 403 353 34 613 604 27 151 14 15 27 271 34 3358 341 123 19 19 20 1978 467 46 4658 36 6 401 4084 621 62 6216 19 193 10 101 1036 3418 4058 401 4014 3118 3034 19 27 271 27 59 127 4012 39 411 4012 41 32 33 415s 4038 35 361 12 117 12 1618 16 16 44 7831 78 781,4 411 401 41 171 1075 10718 1071 55 551 5512 79 781 75 755 3758 37 371 2212 40 39 014 40 813 81 2038 20 203s 68 68 936 3634 3638 361 1073 451 45 45 113 1136 113 22 223 121 27 2656 27 1718 163 17 7178 71. 383 38 3814 114 1 113 3012 3014 3014 361 4738 51 58 58 28 23 1416 137 21 29 3012 431 42 43 33 314 4236 1312 1308 1312 2878 27 2812 3612 361 3612 16 2838 40 273 27 11 11 13 19 19 BANK TRANSACTIONS Tacoma transactions. Seattle clearings, halances, $11,088.942. Portland clearings.

529.852.895; balances, $13.455.566. Spokane transactions, $22.572.836. RECEIVES AWARD OLYMPIA. Ted Moon. 600 Carlyon has been awarded the Department of Army superior accomplishment award af Mount Rainier Ordnance depot.

The accomplishment award represents a sustained work performance that exceeds normal requirements. Moon was recommended by Col. F. G. Crabb, commander at the depot, for his excellent eightyear record there.

Marriage Licenses Applications for marriage licenses were received at the office of the county auditor Tuesday from: Jack Batinovich, 1414 So. and Colleen McLarney, 611 So. Frederick D. Sullivan. 2201 No.

Union and Donna M. Carlson, Seattle: Earl Fain and Genevieve Phyllis Truillo, both of 913 No. St. George 1. Skog.

2205 No. Stevens St. and Helene A. Shugard, 4051 East St. Melvin C.

Maupin, Rt. 5. Box 458, and Dottie V. Talbatt, Rt. 2.

Box 325: Earl Palmer and Loma Lu Goertzen, both of 544312 South Tacoma way, John Barino and Carlotta F. Ferguson. both of Seattle: Gustave S. Gahnberg and La Verta N. Claussen.

both of Seattle Gerald P. McNeil, Forest Park, 111.. and Gloria Wyres. 3102 No. 24th Camuel Blessingame and Merle Epperson, both of 2117 So.

Delbert F. Ladwig. Puyallup, and Edna L. Inderbitzin, Spanaway; Edward L. Goddard.

Sumner, and Nina V. Layton. Rt. 4. Box 278; for Sympathetic Service when they need it most, more and more families are turning to MELLINGER CO.


BROADWAY 3268 Deaths HENRY RICKEN Henry Ricken, 87, of So. Tacoma died Saturday in a local hospital. He had lived here 27 years, coming from Moline, Ill. Surviving are two daughters. Alice Collins of Tacoma Mrs.

Mabel Marshall of Bremertton, as well as four grandchildren, one great-grandchild and two great-great-grandchildren. Services will be Wednesday at 2 p. m. in Gaffney's chapel, with the Rev. Don Rogne officiating.

Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. FRED G. CHARLET Fred G. Charlet. 72, died Sunday in a local hospital.

His address was 1419 East 31st St. and he had lived in Tacoma nine years, coming here from Kansas. The original home was Illinois. Survivors are his wife. Emma a son, Henry of Wichita, and two daughters.

Mrs. Winnie Haverfield of Tacoma and Mrs. Fern Stienkuehler of Kinsley, Kans. Also surviving are 10 grandchildren and one greatgrandchild, as well as three brothers and two sisters: William of Kinsley, Edward of Helena, Henry of Long Beach, Mrs. Mary Hurd of Wichita and Mrs.

Elizabeth Work of Kinsley. The funeral will be Thursday at 10 a. m. at the C. O.

Lynn chapel, with the Rev. Harry Coates officiating. The body will be sent to Kinsley for burial. EDWARD O. SODERGREN Edward O.

Sodergren, 79. of Sumner died Saturday night in a local hospital. He was born in Bloomington, and lived in Sumner for three years. His church affiliation was Lutheran. Surviving are a brother, Carl Sumner: and a sister, Mrs.

Hulda Rooney. Modesto, Calif. Services will at 2 p. m. Wednesday in Voiles Funeral chapel, Sumner, with lowing in the Sumner cemetery.

The Rev. G. E. Jones ficiate. MRS.

MAUDE BEVIS WELLS Mrs. Maude Bevis Wells, 80, of Burbank. a former city employe and school teacher, died there she Jan. 8. Born school in in Linwood, the 1.

Ohio. taught east before moving to Tacoma. She is survived by son, E. Rex Wells, of Burbank. Funeral services were held Saturday and burial was in Forest Lawn cemetery in Glendale.

NEVA DAVIS Services for Mrs. Charles (Neva) Davis, 37. of 6313, So. Thompson will be Wednesday at 9:30 a. m.

at St. Leo's church with the cortege leaving Cassedy Allen's 9:30. Burial will follow in Oakwood cemeterv. Davis was born in Tacoma and was a member of St. Leo's church and the Pierce county Democratic club.

Surviving are her husband Charles, two children. Thomas E. and Lynne her father. Fred W. Collier.

and her sister. Sister Barbara Ann, O. S. all of Tacoma. LINDA ECKLUND Funeral services for Linda Ecklund, 4, who died Saturday route to a local hospital, will be Wednesday at 3 p.

m. at the C. O. Lynn chapel. Burial will follow in the Auburn cemetery.

Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ecklund, and four brothers and a sister. Richard. Freddie, Charles.

Jimmy and Nancy. Also surviving are grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Victor A.

Ecklund. Kent. and Mrs. Edith Harlow. Victoria.

Tex. DAN O. ANTON Dan 0. Anton. 64.

of 407 6th Seattle, died Sunday in a local hospital. He was born in Greece but had lived in Seattle several vears. He leaves a cou- Donald 8 Miner, Preston. and Irma J. Lindsey, Seattle; Frank Heady Veterans hospital.

and June L. Overton. 3632 So. Yakima Robert Devine, 4005 So. and Hazel E.

Jones, 5020 So. Puget Sound George F. Bell, 4943 No. Visscher and Vivian Ann Cauthier, 4309 No. Gove Frederick S.

Smjth and Margaret L. Anderson, both of 'Puyallup; Johnnie C. Goker, Fort Lewis. and Ruby C. Frick, Los Angeles; George L.

March and Ila M. DeWald, both of Auburn, and Floyd H. Smith, R. Rt. 3.

Box 567, and Juanita Wall. 104 Granita St. wow: finish paint with Rubber for washable walls dries so hard washable year so after fast -it's year TOP- FLITE New easy way to paint walls and woodwork. Dries in minutes to scrubbable finish Pastels and deep colors $519 Gal. PASTELS Drive-In PAINT STORE So.

27th and Jefferson BR 4462 Beauty in Services 11 Cost 1 LAkewood 2167 Entombment is "The Better Way" The Tacoma Mausoleum So. 53rd and Cedar Sts. George Papadi, San Francisco. The funeral will be announced by C. C.

Mellinger company. MRS. MARY D. MILLS Mrs. Mary D.

Mills of Seattle. widow of John L. Mills who was connected in Tacoma with the West Coast Trade magazine and the Tacoma Times. died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Miss Gertrude Mills, in Seattle. Mrs.

Mills was a charter member the Illema club and a member of the Fourth Church of Christ. Scientist. in Seattle. Her daughter is her only survivor. Funeral services were to be held Tuesday in the Johnson Hamilton funeral home, Seattle, at 4 p.

m. FUNERALS Lapp- Services for Paul A. Lapp will be held Wednesday at p. m. at the Buckley-King chapel, Rev.

Robert Albertson officiating. Burial will be in the New Tacoma cemetery. Beckman -Piper's will be the setting services for day at 1 p. m. be in William Frank Beckmann ThursMountain View cemetery.

Strayer--Services for Vernon O. Strayer will be Thursday at 11 a. m. in Piper's chapel. Burial will follow in Mountain View cemetery.

Satherberg Funeral services will be held for Carolina Satherberg Tuesday at 3 p. m. in the C. O. Lynn Co.

chapel. The Rev. Carl E. Rydell will officiate. Burial will be at Mountain View cemetery.

Tollefsen Hans. G. Tollefsen will be buried Thursday at 3 p. m. with services at the C.

O. Lynn Co. chapel and burial at the New Tacoma cemetery. The Rev. F.

H. Theuer will officiate. Pallbearers are Chris Larsen, Ed Sorensen, Julius Melboe, Arnold Johnson, James Paulson and Martin Kleiven. Honorary pallbearers are Ludwig Johnson, Alfred Ericksen, Hans Pedersen and Math Monsen. Pagnotti- Services for Anthony Pagnotti who died Saturday at the home of a friend will be Wednesday at 9 a.

m. in St. Rita's church. The cortege will leave Cassedy and Allen's at 8:45. The rosary will be recited Tuesday' at 7:30 p.

m. in the Cassedy and Allen chapel. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery. Divorces Divorces Divore actions filed in superior court here Tuesday included the cases of La Vera vs. Ralph C.

Rice. John T. vs. Helen H. Prenovost, and Noria vs.

John S. Taylor Jr. on the bum Your TV CALL WIRE ELECTRIC FUlton 1567 DEPENDABLE REPAIRS 32 YEARS OF KNOW-HOW Tacoma Ship Movements ARRIVALS Canadian M.S. Argus from Victoria, B. at 9:10 p.m.

Monday, Penn. Salt. American S.S. Hawaiian Lumberman from San Francisco at 1 a.m., Dickman Mill. DEPARTURES American S.S.

Tanker Ticonderoga from Shell Oil for Wilmington, at 2 p.m. Monday. Canadian M.S. La Force with scow R.L. 21, from that Smelter for Vancouver, B.

7 p.m. Monday. American S.S Tanker Eliza Jane Nicholson Associated Oil for Seattle at 10 p.m. Monday. Canadian M.S.

Argus from Penn. Salt for Quatsino, B. at 12:30 a.m. Tuesday. IN PORT American S.S.

Olympic Pioneer, Hooker dock. Take Son's Car, Judge Advises A Tacoma father was urged by Police Judge Martin Potter 10 take away a car newly purchased by his 19-year-old son. The son. William P. Flaherty, of Rt.

5, Box 688, was in court on a charge of negligent driving. being accused by Officers Stan Johnson and A. L. Jackson dangerously skidding the machine in driving a 50-mile speed along Dock on raindrenched pavements, Sunday afternoon. The officers said the car at one point, caught on railroad tracks and skidded sidewise a considerable distance.

To the father, who came to court with the son, Judge Potter said: "He may be old enough to drive but his judgment is apparently not yet sufficient. I really think you should take the car away from him." The son was then fined $25 and costs. KPUY-Puyallup 1150 Ke WEDNESDAY 4:00 p. Teen Time: 4:30. High School Reporter: 5:00.

News. Dial Fun: 5:30. Tune Time; 5:45. Adventurea 111 Research: 6:00. Invitation to Muste: 6:15.

John Flynn; 6:30, Report to the Valley; 6:45, Melody Corner: 7:00, Sport Roundup; 7:15, Evening Serenade; 7:45, American Legion Newspaper; 8:00, Piano Playtime; 8:30, Melody Mill: 9:00. Valley Platter Party; 10:00. News, Platter Party, News Final; 11:00, Sign off. THURSDAY 6:30 a m. Wake Up Time: 6:45, News; 8:00, Hot Cakes and Coffee: 8:30, Western Caravan: 9:00, News, Organ Interlude: 9:15, Morning Devotions; 9:30.

Women in the News; 9:45, Mindy Carson Show; 10:00. News. Platter Party; 11:00, Classified and Club Ads: 11:30, Music You Like: 11:45, News: 12:00 Weather Report, Commentary; 12:15 p. Farm Reporter: 12:30. Melody Magic; 1:00, News, Record Review; 2:00, News.

Western Music: 3:15, Stars Sing: 3:30, Afternoon: Serenade; 1:00. Teen Time: 4:45. High School Reporter; 5:00. News. Dial Fun; 5:30.

Movieland News; 5:15, Spotlight on a Star. GET BACK THINGS YOU'VE LOST, place a Lost ad it's a MUST! Dial 2121. YOU COME OUT FINE when you solve everyday problems the Want Ad way! For a helpful News Tribune Classified ad writer, phone BR 2121. BANISH dollar worries through a Classified Want Ad. To sell.

Station KTOY-FM 9:00 a. 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 12:00 m. 12:15 p.m.12:30 1:00 1:15 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 91.7 THURSDAY Organairs Date in Hollywood -Sports Tunes with Tempo Music by Masters World News Guest Star Local News June Christy Tunes Till Noon Freddy Martin Sports News F. M. Songshop Rhythm and Reason -World News Concert Hall of the Air Man Behind the Melody Melody Drive Sign Off Gas El.

20 Am Fdy. 28 Am Pow Lt. Am Rad 69 lAm Smelt 27 Am Sti Fdra 10 Tel Tel. 101 Am 71 Am Wat Wks. 92 Anaconda Cop.

67 Armeo StI 34 Armour 60.143 Ashl Oil 73 Atl Refining 68 Avco Mfg 65 do pid Bald Lima 48 Balt 118 Barber Oil 38 Bath Iron Wks. Beech Nut 20 Fell Aire 38 Bendix Av 25 Benguet .206 Bethlehem 78 Boeing Airpl 61 Briggs Mfg 41 Bucyrus Erie 21 Eurl Mills 46 Burr Add Mch. 11 Butler Bros 28 Calif Pack 3 Callahan 6 Canada Dry Canadian 22 Capital Airl 40 Carrier Crp 41 Case (JI) 23 Cater Trae 6 Celanese 32 Celotex 24 Cent sw. 34 Ches 0 50 SIP P. 189 0 Pac.

60 Chrysler 75 Cin 35 Cities Svc 28 Clev El I .50.50 Coca Cola 4 Colo Ir 72 Col Gas 42 Coml Cred 17 Comi Solv 20 Comw Edis 38 Cone Mills 25 Con Edis 67 Con Vultee 49 Container Cont Bak Cont Mot 62 Crown Curtis Pub 38 Curtiss Wrt 29 Dana Cp 20 Davison 20 Dayton Rub 6 Deere 62 Den RGW Dist Cp Seag 25 Doug Aire 16 Dow Chem 49 du Pont 39 East Air 47 Eastm Kod 99 El Auto 35 El Mus In 23 Emer Rad P. Equit Gas 37 Erie RR 52 Eureka W'ma 36 Fairb Mor 27 Fairch 97 Fedd Quig 41 Ferro Cp 12 Francis Sug 31 Gen Bak Gen Cable 35 Gen Elec 56 Gen Foods 22 Gen Instru 28 Gen Mills 8 Gen Mot 110 Gen Pub Sv 98 Gen Pub It 36 Gen Refract 23 Gen Tel 38 Gen Ga Pac Ply 34 Goodrich 20 Goodyear 43 Grah Paige 9 Gt No Rv pf 36 Greyhound Gulf Mob 0. 49 Gulf Oil 50 Haves Mfg Hersh Choc Hilton Hot Homestake Housh Fin 6 Houst 6 Howe Sound 663 65 3 2113 15 14 15 4158 34 31 343 159 34 1601 67 663 6712 10 9:8 10 433 43 423 411 42 165 32 32 8 731 734 4838 4898. 4834 10 10 20 28 56 53 533 23 22 2012 29 29 23 211 221 60 5 8 5912 6002 1 1 543 5478 413 4212 3814 05 25 1638 16 163 161,2 150 27 he 27 275 21 214 11 111 33 32 12 5 125 3614 36 2412 211 243 60 34 64 64 37 3612 181 1816 2012 203 39 39 221 687 67 9256 9112 411 93 92 5318 531 1123 112 10 1912 15 14 15 363 363 211 261 26 3819 3819 3812 19 183 1958 4116 411 203 1018 621 621 8 7 778 812 838 39 38 39 39 3858 21 2078 2078 295 20 29 8018 7978 801 253 2538 25 6614 65 4278 4212 423 9418 931 933 2833 273 281 4578 4518 45 5418 2 135 23 231,2 22 005. 221,8 736 2718 2411 25 833 81 814 16 1618 28 28 28 12 1218 13 70 69 69 525: 1108 1112 60 3 5912 60 66 66 4 2676 2636 2632 2312 2318 233 3678 3656 367 3134 173 1786 7712 6712 531 5312 07: 23s 55 12 3a 363.

3616 361 4812 7 42 42 1538 151 151 3818 3858 4831 4918 253 253 20 2038 203 MITY MIKE SAYS Another National Sponsor Recognizes the Value Accuracy Acceptance of KMO NEWS HEAR Top Tacoma Stories World Wide Coverage P.M. (Sunday through Friday) Sponsored by LANGENDORF: BAKERIES KM0 1360 on Your Dial Coming: KMO-TV, Channel 13 TELEVISION Call Co. KELL 32 Years of Customer Service HI 9551 LYON YOUR There's a special technique GOODS to packing fragile articles, and Lyon packers have this skill. For Sponsoring rates, Call BR 3131 LYON ELMER PETERSON, N.B.C. -Tues.

5:45 6 P.M. VAN STORAGE CO. Mr. Victor Says BUY The Nation's Leading Brand Television RCA VICTOR From the Northwest's Leading Television Organization NORTHWEST RADIO 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU 3009 6th Ave. 907 Tac.

Ave. So. Phone FU 24411 Radio Programs FM-AM-TV-Wednesday KTNT KGY KVI KIRO KTAC KJR KOMO KMO 1400 Ko. Olympia 1240 Ke. FM 97.3 Here's Reed Fulton Lewis Jr.

F. Hemingway Curt Massey Sam Hayes Where Am Sones of the Bar Toyland Trolley Records Wild Bill Hickok What's New Gabriel Heatter News What's New Dinner Muste in Music Sam Hayes Candlelight Musical and Silver Panorama Guest Star News Campus Showcase Governor's 'Curtain at Eight Inauguration Capitol City Newsroom Today Choristers Records with Glenn Hardy Reed Governor's Ball Olympla Today Governor's Ball Record Rumpus Governor's Ball Take 30 Sign Off Sign Off When not notified by the radio broadcasting KING television times are approximate 10:00 a. KING 10:30 a. 110:35 a. (All Approximate Times 10:45 Are P.

M. Unless Noted) 11:00 11:15 a. MBS 570 Ke. CBS 710 Ke. FM 100.7 Me.

Fulton Lewis Jr. Jimmy Wakely F. Hemingway Show Curt Massey Housewtves, Inc. Hayes Songs of the Ed R. Murrow Bar Clifford and Clark Wild Bill Hickok Frank Goss Gabriel Heatter Broadway Newsreel Playhouse Behind the Story What's My Line? Sam Hayes Men Behind the The Lineup Melody Cisco Kid On Stage What's the Name Lowell Thomas of That Song? World Today Guest of America Dr.

Christian Arboretum Glenn Hardy F. B. Fulton Lewis Jr. and War Reporters Club 15 Roundup Glenn Miller Answer Man World Final Frank Edwards Weather: Swap Chuckwagon 'n' Shop Jamboree Pacing 11 Sign off stations, The News Tribune is not and may vary by 10 minutes. -Strike It Rich 11:30 a.

m. -Double or -Farm Nothing Summary 12:00 m. -Big Payoff -Short subject Moore -Guiding Light and Groom -Love of Life Smith for Tomorrow Workshop 850 Kc. ABO 950 Ke. NBO 1000 Ke.

1360 Ko. FM. 98.9 Mc. :00 Melody Cruise Bandwagon Mary Foster Variety Time :15 News; Dog Finder Road of Life 3 Time 4:30 Flyer My Favorite News :45 A Records Meet the Band :00 Bob Eberly Fun Factory Note Note Cherokee Jack :15 Crazy Cowhay Virgil Finkley News :30 Chet Huntley Folk Tunes Manhattan Musta :45 News: Weather Keyboard Elmer Peterson Supper Club :00 Starlight Keplinger Spotlight Review News :15 Serenade Ace'ding Record Kaltenhorn Sports Review :30 Bob Garred Red Skelton Campus Theater :45 Elmer Davis Show :00 Lone Ranger Bob Hope Show News: Musio 7 :30 :15 Salute to the Mystery Walk A Mite Sports Supper College Club :45 44th Theater Bandbox :00 Town Meeting One Man's Family College 0:15 Morgan Beatty Basketball: 0 :45 :30 Concert Hall Book Review The Great Gildersleeve C. VS.

P. S. :00 Serenade in Life Beging at 80 Groucho Marx P. L. C.

9 :15 :30 :45 Muste the Legislat. Night Review Night Final Harmonaires News Collegiate Sing Quote, Unquote :00 Night Riders' Edwin C. Hill Reporter Merry-G0-Round :15 Jamboree Dance Time Weather :30 Cummings' Time :45 Olympia Today :00 Moods In Muste News :15 Jazz At the :30 Sports Final Philharmonis :45 Music and News 12:00 Sign Off Sign Off Sign off Sign Off responsible for last-minute program changes. 2:30 -King's Queen Como the Victim Views Edition 10:30 -Episcopal Camera nial Magic -News Caravan on Parade Newsreel Highlights -Dragnet Doody One Hospital Tex Final It Rich Today Thursday KTNT KGY KVI KIRO KTAC KJR KOMO KM0 Tune Time Sunrise Club Sunrise Salute Your Farm and News Rise and Yawn Mine Morning Tunes Up 'n' At 'Em F. Hemingway F.

Hemingway News Breakfast Gang Breakfast Gang 4 For A Quarter News Back to Bibla Frank Goss Up 'n' At 'Em Songs of Praise Harry Babbitt Ceell Brown Cecil Brown Swap 'n' Shop News News David Valle Noire Haven of, Rest Haven of Rest Grand Slam Up 'n' At Rosemary Kitchen Table Morning Melodies Breakfast Gang Wendy Warren Musto for You Bankhage Aunt Jenny Music for Mama Local News Unity Viewpoint Helen Trent Datebook: Muste Radio Journal Our Gal Sunday Glenn Hardy Glenn Hardy The Road of Tello-Test Tello-Test Ma Perkins FI. Tune Pg. Time Headlines News Musio Gold Answer Mine Man Dr. Guiding Malone Light 10 Gall's Notebook Ladles Fair Ladies Fair 2nd Mrs. Burton Perry Mason A Guy and a Gal Queen for A Day Queen For 8 Nora Drake Day Brighter Day City Desk Dick Haymes Noon News Noon News Tacoma Topics Local News Cedric Foster (eell Solly Official Weather Luncheon with Houseparty Capitol Melodies Lopez.

12 Hits for Missus Jack Kirkwood Jack Kirkwood Hilltop House Show Mr. Information Lucky I Ranch Lucky Ranch Housewives League News Net Sing Americans Answer Man United Nations Arthur Godfrey It's Melody Time Take a Number News Sagebrush Here's Reed Serenade Paula Stone Paula Stone Curt Massey Fulton Lewis Jr. Fulton Lewis Jr. Jimmy Wakely F. Hemingway F.

Hemingway show Curt Massey Curt Massey Housewives, Inc. Sam Hayes Where Am I Sat. Preston of Sgt. Preston Ed R. Murrow the Yukon the Yukon Clifford Clark Records for You Sky King Sky, King Toyland Trolley Frank Goss When not notified by the radio broadcasting stations, The News Tribune is not KING television times are approximate and may vary by 10 minutes.

8:30 a. m. -Shopper's 11:00 a. Love of Life Showtime: 11:15 8. -Search for Deal" Tomorrow KING- TV- Dennis O'Keete 11:30 a.

m. -Mike and 10:30 A. Furness Buff (AIl Approximate Times 10:15 A. Farm 12:00 M. -Big PAyoft Are Unless Noted) Summary 12:30 Moore 10:50 A.

m. -Short Subject And Groom Smith L. Wines :00 Crazy Cowboy Maury Rider The Old Boat Alarm Clock :15 Show Puller Club :30 Devotion Psalm of Life :45 Farm Forum Farmer Dirks Gospel League :00 Good News Music for Brkfst. Swing Band News :15 Harmony Time News News Top o' Morning :30 Murray Morgan Bob Garred Bob Nichols Eye Opener :45 Morning Melodies Rise and Shine Knox Manning News :00 Breakfast Club News: Weather Breakfast With :15 Breakfast McMurtrie 8:30 Fracas Tick Victor Lindiahr Trade 'n' Sales :00 News Homemaker's News News :15 Mid- Morning Ann Sterling Katherine Wise Hits and Encores :30 Matinee Break the Margaret Methy Weather: HIts :45 Bank Ruth and Dick Hits and Encores :00 News and Berch News :15 Hall of Music Bob and Ray Hollywood Date :30 My True Story Strike It Rich Personal Choice :45 :00 Whispering Streets Double or Nothing News; Well :15 When Girl Marries Hear South :30 Dick Haymes Everyday Personality :45 Chet Huntley Bob Hope Sons of Pioneers :00 Murray Morgan Today's News Life Beautiful Toast to Bread :15 Melody Cruise Bill Moshier News It Seems to Me :30 Live Like A Pepper Young Weather: News :45 Millionaire Right Happiness Farm News :00 RIll fine Backstage Wife Gospel League :15 Ann Sterling Stella Dallas Reflections :30 Wilder Brown :45 Bandwagon Woman In House dr. Barn Dance :00 Retty Crocker Inst Plain Bill News 2 :30 :45 :15 Bandwagon FT.

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The News Tribune from Tacoma, Washington (2024)


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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.