Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship podcast episodes download Jun, 2024 (2024)

Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship podcast episodes download

170: Covid-19: Wisdom for Thriving from a Parent in Lockdown with Virgil Tanner

Today I have a dear friend joining me from Spain where he and his family of six have been in lockdown for more than three weeks.

He’s going to help give us wisdom and counsel on how we might set ourselves up to thrive spiritually, physically, and emotionally, while also having realistic expectations for ourselves and those around us as we continue to navigate Covid-19.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.

I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.

Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

Show Highlights

Virgil Tanner has been married for 20 years and is a father of four. He and his family have lived on three continents and he is currently based in Spain where he oversees strategy and global operations for a non-profit with hundreds of staff scattered all over the world.

It is possible to thrive in lockdown. It is possible to thrive in uncertainty.

You can thrive spiritually by:

* Withdraw – Allow yourself to pull away from the people you are on lockdown with and from distractions to create space where you can listen to Jesus.

* Gather – Jesus touches us when we gathered. Find ways, with social distance, to connect with people so you can connect deeply with Jesus, together.

* Obey – Listen to God’s call, obey, and reflect on what you’ve learned from obeying Him.

Health is incredibly vital during the lockdown. You can thrive physically by:

* Eat – Be intentional about what you put in your body. Boost your immune system with vitamins and minerals.

* Move – Have a regular movement practice with active intentional action. 30 minutes of high intensity exercise every day is the best way to fight depression and anxiety.

* Recover – Notice your energy levels and get the right amount of sleep, not too much and not too little. Right now, adjusting and coping to our new work and life situation can be more tiring than usual. Be intentional about giving yourself more time to rest.

You can thrive cognitively and emotionally by:

* Learn – Keep your brain active by presenting your mind with something novel.

* Focus – Be selective about when you are going to think of certain things. Know when not to put things in your head and the kinds of things that you shouldn’t put in your head. This also makes space for you to feel necessary feelings.

* Play – Schedule play into your day. We are at our most human when we are at play. It helps to play together as a family.

Most importantly, be intentional about lowering the bar for yourself during this challenging time. Right now, everyone’s capacity is diminished. Try hard to do yourself, but cut yourself some slack.

Resources Mentioned

* Things for Thursday and free e-book: Text THINGS to 66866

* Virgil’s Youtube Channel: a style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;" href="https://www.youtube.

Bonus: Homeschool Peptalk with Eliza Huie

This is a bonus edition of Let’s Parent on Purpose, especially for all of you moms and dads that found yourselves thrust into the role of homeschool overseer on top of all the other things you’re trying to reorient in nearly every area of your life right now.

I’ve got one major word for you today: relax.

Join me as I speak with Christian counselor and veteran homeschool mom Eliza Huie for a few moments of encouragement before you rush back into all that you’re carrying.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.

I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.

Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

Show Highlights

Eliza Huie is the Director of Counseling at McLean Bible Church in Virginia. She and her husband Ken have three grown children and a wonderful daughter-in-law. Eliza balanced homeschooling and work-life for several years while their kids were growing up.

Eliza’s first piece of advice? Take a deep breath, relax. Realize that we are all figuring this out at the same time, together. Manage your expectations. You are not expected to create a school in your home. Aim to help your child retain what they have already learned in school, not start a whole new curriculum.

Your kids may not remember the academic worksheets and drills that you do. They will remember and appreciate the stories you read, the activities you do, and the time you spend together during this time. It is a great opportunity to instill what we really want them to take away from this unique period in their lives.

Let your day work for your family. Don’t feel restricted or pressured by regular school hours. Homeschooling gives you the chance to consider yourself and your child and the best times of the day for learning. Consider each family member’s needs, including your own.

Allow time for work and play. Don’t forget social time. If they can call a friend or connect online, schedule that into their day. If at all possible, try to take a short walk with only one child at a time. Talk to them about how they are coping. Let them ask you questions without having someone barging in and interrupting your heart to heart conversation.

Look at this time as an opportunity to build a relationship with your children in a unique way. It is an opportunity to parent in a different way than you’ve been doing before, but you are still parenting on purpose.

Remember that even without realizing it, your children have been learning from you all their lives. They learn from what they observe from you and how you communicate and connect with them. Beyond textbooks and school, life lessons are some of the most important things they learn from you everyday.

Resources Mentioned

* Things for Thursday and free e-book: Text THINGS to 66866

* Article: Suddenly Homeschooling? 9 Ways to Help Keep Your Sanity

171: Hunter Wheatcraft: God Redeems Messy Childhoods

Sometimes as a parent, we can worry that the decisions we make or even one bad decision might wreck our children for the rest of their lives.

Today I am joined by someone who has become a dear friend. Hunter Wheatcraft has served as Children’s and College Pastor at our church for the last three years here at Covenant Fellowship Baptist Church in Stuart, Florida while he completed seminary at Palm Beach Atlantic University. This is his last week with us, as Hunter and his bride Anna are heading to Texas so she can pursue her masters degree. They’ll leave a deep hole in hundreds of hearts in South Florida.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.

I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.

Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

Show Highlights

Hunter is a steady, faithful man of God who loves Jesus and others so well. But you would have never dreamed he would turn into such a solid man based on his childhood. Today we talk about Hunter’s life. I want you to be encouraged that you don’t have to get everything right as a parent. God redeems horrific parenting, and he can redeem our follies as well.

Sometimes, as parents, we fear that our children’s decisions will change the rest of their life for the worst. But, it is naive to think that we know that trajectory.

Trust that the Lord has a plan for your children’s lives. No decision they make will be outside the goodness of the Lord.

Resources Mentioned

* Things for Thursday and free e-book: Text THINGS to 66866

172: Watch Your Tone

Do you remember when you were young and your mom and dad used to tell you to watch your tone? I think that’s a reminder that I’ve needed in these last few days of being around family members non-stop – not to remind my kids to mind their tone, but to remind myself to watch my tone.

That’s what we’re going to talk about on today’s Let’s Parent on Purpose.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.

I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.

Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

Show Highlights

Tone matters. When we think about communication there is content and context. In some cases, the context can mean even more than content. Depending on how you say something, it can vastly change the meaning of your message.

Especially during this time when most of us are at home with our children all day, we need to pay special attention to our tone. As a parent, your tone helps set the standard for the tone that is used by everybody else in your household.

Proverbs 15 says: “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” When dealing with your children, think about de-escalating heated situations instead of answering with an angry outburst. Answer gently so that they may change their tone as well.

Tone is also important when you are reading God’s word. Think of the inflection of your voice, whether you are reading to yourself or to your children. Your tone will influence the way listeners receive the message of the loving God.

Ultimately, you get to choose your tone. It will help affect how you feel about a situation and convey that to those around you.

Resources Mentioned

* Things for Thursday and free e-book: Text THINGS to 66866

* Daily prayer: Morning Prayer

173: Navigating Media Choices with Neal Harmon of VidAngel

If your home is like mine, you’ve seen an uptick on the amount of time on screens and devices as we’ve all self-isolated.

Today I’m joined by Neal Harmon, co-founder of the streaming service VidAngel. We talk about the challenges and resources for parents navigating all of the media choices for our children.

Neal brings a lot of wisdom and some encouraging options to help our families.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.

I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.

Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

Show Highlights

Neal Harmon is the CEO and co-founder of VidAngel, a streaming service that allows parents to skip objectionable content in entertainment using ground-breaking technology.

VidAngel has been highly-profiled for The Chosen, its original series about Jesus and the #1 crowdfunded media project in history, and its other incredible family-based content like Dry Bar Comedy. VidAngel recently made headlines by offering all of its streaming content free during the COVID-19 pandemic, provided people agree to social distancing of course.

Now that everything is being done at home during the lockdown, many parents are relaxing their policies on screentime. Regulate this by setting good expectations. Schedule your family’s media time for the week together. Before giving younger children devices, set up a contract with them, setting the parameters to using them to help them manage device fatigue. Making a pre-arranged agreement removes a lot of stress because you’ve talked about it in advance.

Having several children of different ages in the family can create difficulties when it comes to choosing what to watch together. What works for Neal’s family of nine children is scheduling two movie nights a week at their home, one where the group of older kids and group o younger kids get to choose what they want to watch separately, and one family night where they can find something to watch together.

Resources Mentioned

* Things for Thursday and free e-book: Text THINGS to 66866

* Website: VidAngel

* Show: Dry Bar Comedy

* Show: The Chosen

* Show: Some Good News

* Show: Never Failed

* Show: Hello Ninja

* Show: Spirit Riding Free

174: Engaging Your Kids in Family Devotions with Laurie Christine Ressler

Today I’m joined by author and speaker Laurie Christine Ressler as we talk through ways to engage your children in family devotions.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.

I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.

Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

Show Highlights

Laurie Christine Ressler writes devotional Bible stories for families. As a mom of four young boys, she understands how important it is for parents to connect with their children while communicating the truth of God’s Word to them in a way they can understand. With degrees in Creative Writing, Biblical Studies and Education, Laurie has more than twelve years of experience in teaching the Bible to young children as well as writing Sunday School curriculum for her local church. She also serves as the Administrator for the Christian Writers Institute. Laurie’s passion is to equip parents with the resources they need to create Christ-centered connections with their children.

There are a number of reasons why many families – even the most spiritual – do not spend time for family devotions regularly. Most of us are too tired at the end of the day, or you feel like you don’t know the Bible well enough to teach your children, or the kids are just too chaotic.

But, creating the family devotions habit does not have to be intimidating. Start small, even with reading just one Bible verse together. Then, talk about what it means to you and to each one in the family. What do you learn about God from the verse?

Here are some creative ideas for starting family devotions:

* Go through a devotional book or children’s Bible stories. Make sure your kids are engaged while you read them together. Read with expression.

* Be passionate in what you are sharing with your kids. If you are excited about it, your kids will be excited about it.

* Tap into things that your kids already know about the Bible stories. Make them tell the story or contribute what they remember about it. Let that dig deeper into the story.

* Have your kids draw or act out what they know and remember about the stories. Learning is reinforced by involving all their senses.

* Connect the stories to real life.

* Always end by talk about what you learned about God from the Bible stories.

Don’t put pressure on the family to do your devotions every day, at a specific time. There is no formula for how you have to teach God’s word to your children. You will not transform your children in one single moment, but it is the consistency of coming together for the devotions that will make a difference.

Resources Mentioned

* Things for Thursday and free e-book: Text THINGS to 66866

* Health care ministry: samaritanministries.org

* Family Devotions Resources: https://www.LaurieChristine.com/family-devotions/

* Website: a href="http://www.lauriechristine.

175: Creating a Family Culture with Joel Montgomery

Let’s spend a little time together today thinking intentionally about the culture that we create within our household for our families.

My guest today is Joel Montgomery and he helps us with crafting a vision and a strategy for family culture.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.

I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.

Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

Show Highlights

Joel and his wife Elaine have been married for 10 years and have 3 kids: Sofia Grace, Julia Joy and Mateus. Over the past 12 years, Joel has been helping for-profits, non-profits and churches around the world to create an authentic culture that turns their people into a passionate tribe on a mission. Most recently, Joel has applied his expertise of culture to the family, founding Family on Purpose with his wife Elaine. They teach parents with young children how to focus their limited time on what is most important so they can live more purposefully together.

Having a family culture starts by sitting down together and creating a family purpose and establishing your family’s key principles. Then, look at your family’s habits and identify intentional practices that all of you can do to live out your collective purpose.

Joel breaks down the process:

* Purpose – the future that you want for your family; why you do what you want to do.

* Principles – the core elements that are most important to you; the truth you believe as a family and what you want to be known for in the world.

* Practices – habits that enable your to live out your family’s purpose and principles on a regular basis.

While it’s much easier to set the foundations for a family culture when your kids are young, it’s still important to start doing this no matter where you are in your family journey.

If you want to establish your family culture and already have older children, involve them in the process. It’s an opportunity for them to engage in what the family is about.

The more involved your young and old kids are in forming your family culture, the more they will hold each other – and you – accountable for living it out.

Resources Mentioned

* Things for Thursday and free e-book: Text THINGS to 66866

* Free Digital Download: 10 Tips to Do Family on Purpose

* Online Course: Create a Family Culture Blueprint in 7 Days

* Instagram:Joelrmontgomery

* Website: joelrmontgomery.com

182: My Non-Expert Opinion

There are no true experts in every single aspect of parenting. As a parent who has been on the path for a while, here is some wisdom for moms and dads in all stages of parenting.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well!

184: When Your Discipline Method is Not Working with Bradley McCallister

What do you do when your child doesn’t care to disobey because they know you cannot do anything about it in the moment? One of my listeners has this struggle with her three year old. I called up my good friend and Licensed Christian Counselor Bradley McCallister to help brainstorm ways to change the scenario and put the control back into mom and dad’s hands.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cana href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lets-parent-on-purpose-christian-parenting-

186: Leadership Development at Home with Virgil Tanner

Virgil Tanner, my good friend and one of the best leadership development gurus, talks about how to develop your children into leaders, right in your own house.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like t

176: Suffering Well

There’s a good chance that we’ve never met and there’s a good chance that I’m not actually your pastor. But would you mind for a few minutes today if I took the place of pastor in your life and shared with you on a topic that I think is really needful to address? That is suffering and how to suffer well. Bear with me for a few minutes as we talk about that today.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.

I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.

Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

Show Highlights

Suffering is a topic that we don’t often want to talk about. But, it’s something that is present in everyone’s lives.

There is so much suffering in the world today, but some people might feel it more than others. Realize that suffering is often disproportionate to my circ*mstances.

There are times when you are going through terrible hardship, but you don’t feel like you are suffering. On the other hand, there may be times when, despite the many things you have going for you, you experience a kind of emotional suffering.

In Philippians 1:29, the apostle Paul says: “For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ, you should not only believe in Him, but also suffer for his sake, engaged in the same conflict that you saw I had and now hear that I have.”

God has granted your suffering for the sake of Jesus. We’ve all experienced tremendous amounts of personal suffering. But, when I look back on my life, I can see every suffering I’ve experienced has served a purpose.

We are naturally programmed to look forward to victories – overcoming difficult circ*mstances. But your hope cannot be in the outcome of suffering.

Your hope must be in Jesus Christ. As you pray for the victory that is to come, spend your time rejoicing in the fact that God is right there with you in your suffering.

Resources Mentioned

* Things for Thursday and free e-book: Text THINGS to 66866

177: Talking to Your Children About Race and Racism with Mikiala Tennie

This is episode 177 of Let’s Parent on Purpose and a very timely one. I am joined today by my good friend and co-youth minister here on the Treasure Coast, Mikiala Tennie and we are going to discuss talking about race and racism to our children.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.

I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.

Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

Show Highlights

Mikiala grew up in sunny South Florida. She started volunteering in student ministry while still a student herself and hasn’t stopped serving students since. Mikiala works in ministry because of her desire for people to truly know Christ. For six years she has served at First United Methodist Church of Stuart and currently has the role of Director of Discipleship and Student Ministries. She lives with her little Yorkie, KiKi Okoye Tennie.

In light of everything going on today, many of us want to have a nuanced and sensitive talk with our children about race and racism. When you do this, remember that the goal is always to approach equality.

As a parent, you cannot be afraid to talk about racism. Mikiala says, if parents are not willing to have these difficult conversations with their kids, they are doing a disservice to their families.

Do not leave it to the outside world to teach your child about racism. If you are not addressing it, it will create trauma.

Embark on the conversation with the hope of brining up your children as assets to the gospel as it relates to racism and inequality.

Inequality is real. Racism is real. And it is not over.

Teach your children to look at differences as one of the joyful parts of life. Mikiala says, to be able to move forward, everyone has to be willing to step into somebody else’s world and understand that trauma that has made them who they are. We have to be human together.

More than just talking about it, you must show your child that beyond that, you are a good example of striving to make things better. This is not just a topic of conversation.

Watch what you say because your children will pick up on your racist remarks, even if you make the comments in passing.

Your children must see you intentionally engaging in conversation with adults about race and racism. Show them that you too are open to a diverse set of friends and voices.

The greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. If we are truly people of the gospel, that has to mean putting into practice what we preach, taking actions informed by the gospel.

Resources Mentioned

* Things for Thursday and free e-book: Text THINGS to 66866

178: Kara Powell: Sticky Faith in an Anxious World

I couldn’t be more excited to bring to you episode 178 of Let’s Parent on Purpose. We get to share in the incredible wisdom of author and executive director of Fuller Youth Institute, Kara Powell.

Kara has a treasure trove of research to help us guide our children through the anxious world we’re living in and into faith in Christ that sticks through adulthood.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.

I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.

Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

Show Highlights

Kara Powell, PhD, is the Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) and a faculty member at Fuller Theological Seminary. Named by Christianity Today as one of “50 Women to Watch,” Kara serves as a Youth and Family Strategist for Orange, and also speaks regularly at parenting and leadership conferences. Kara is the author or co-author of a number of books including Faith in an Anxious World, Growing With, 18 Plus, Growing Young, The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family, Sticky Faith Curriculum, Can I Ask That?, Deep Justice Journeys, Essential Leadership, Deep Justice in a Broken World, Deep Ministry in a Shallow World, and the Good Sex Youth Ministry Curriculum.

The demands to remain agile and adept at responding to what’s going on to our kids and our world poses many challenges to parents today. The fast-changing world certainly keeps parents on our toes.

There is more stress and anxiety in our culture today that affects people across all generations. Kids can experience anxiety for several factors, including:

* Technology – While technology is certainly an essential in navigating today’s world, it also puts pressure on children’s fear of missing out.

* Parenting – Some of our parenting techniques could be putting more stress on our children. We may be putting too much pressure on our kids to succeed quickly. On the other hand, we may also be helicopter parenting, rescuing them from situations before they are able to develop their own grit and resilience.

* Busyness – Today’s busy culture contributes to the increase in stress and anxiety.

Kara shares her five-step process to help adults deal with young people who are experiencing anxiety:

* ASK. First, ask the young person to rate their anxiety or depression on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst.

* BREATHE. Encourage them to take deep breaths. When we panic, our hearts beat faster to get blood to all the extremities. Breathing deeply helps counter act this and put a break pedal on the physiological feeling of stress.

* CENTER. Help them center on a helpful truth or phrase. Find a line from scripture or a worship song that can give them an anchor to hold on to.

* DEVELOP a team. Build a support group of friends, supporters and even mental health professionals that your child can turn to.

* EMPATHIZE and EMPOWER. Listen and understand what they are feeling, and go beyond that be helping them figure out a step forward.

179: Self Care During and After Crisis

We’re going to spend some time today talking about ways to take care of yourself during and then after a crisis.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.

I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.

Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

Show Highlights

Whether it’s dealing with a global pandemic or navigating a personal loss, there is always someone in crisis. Know that you are not alone.

It is essential to take care of your health and wellbeing in the midst of a crisis. Sometimes this seems unimportant especially when we are helping someone else through a difficult experience. But remember that you have to be well enough to be able to help those around you.

During a crisis:

* Lower your expectations. Worrying about something puts an extra weight on you, so realize that during this time, you’re not going to be able to do all of the stuff that you normally do. There are things that are going to fall through the cracks and that’s okay.

* Get enough sleep. If you are not sleeping well, everything else will get messed up.

* Think of food as fuel for your body… Not as a refuge to run through. A little bit of junk food – and junk time – could be good for you, but recognize that more than a little bit of it will junk up your ability to cope with what’s happening.

* Value your alone time. You recharge when you are alone, so schedule it if you need it. Alone time will not happen in a quality way if you do not plan for it.

* Spend time with God.In crisis, time with God is essential.

* Physical fitness is a big deal.It will burn stress and release endorphins and can lighten your mood.

* Consider journaling. You’ll start to see more insight into your life as you read everything back. You’ll also be able to have so much gratitude as you find yourself on the other side of previous difficult times.

* Reach out to your friends. They are a big part of lifting you up. Aim for deeper and greater connections.

* Be honest with your employers.Let them and people who count on you at work know about what you are going through. If you work hard and bring value to your workplace on a regular basis, they will probably understand.

When you are ready to jump back to “normal” after overcoming a crisis:

* Keep your expectations realistic. After surviving a crisis, you tend to have big bursts of energy, but keep your expectations realistic as to what you are able to do.

* Re-establish your routine. But realize that your routine might be different from what it was before the crisis hit. What is your new normal?

* Consider extended periods of rest. You may not have a ton of control over the time that you can spend for resting, but in any way you can, get some time to recuperate and evaluate what happened.

* Strive for spiritual renewal. Give yourself to the things that heal your spirit.

* Review your journal. Read back and see what the Lord told you during this time.

180: Stop Carrying Other People's Backpacks

This is episode 180 of Let’s Parent on Purpose and I’m going to use this episode to try to convince you to stop carrying other people’s backpacks. Are you confused? Stick around and you might just learn one of the most liberating principles that I’ve ever taken into my life.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.

I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.

Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

Show Highlights

Throughout our lives, we use backpacks in school, when we travel, even as a mobile office. Our backpacks carry everything that is important for our day and they can get quite full and heavy.

Your own backpack can get heavy enough on its own. If you start carrying someone else’s too, you could get overwhelmed.

At every part of our life, we all have a load that we are carrying. It could be as small as having proper manners or cleaning your room when you are young. As you get older, the responsibilities grow with you. That’s our individual “backpack.”

Moms often end up carrying other family members’ load when it comes to doing chores just to make sure things get done. But, remember that if you are constantly bailing them out, you aren’t doing them any favors.

If you continually intervene on your kids financial situation, schoolwork, and other aspects of their lifestyle, they will not develop in themselves a sense of responsibility and capability for carry their own load.

However, the Bible also says “bear one another’s burdens.” Think of burdens as boulders. It’s possible for you to pick up a boulder on your own and carry it a little ways, but it’s not possible for you to sustain carrying it for an extended period of time.

In each of our lives, boulders are going to come. We need help to carry these. If someone can take things out of your backpack, they can help you bear the burden a little bit. There are small things that we can do to make their loads a bit lighter, without carry their backpacks for them.

Resources Mentioned

* Things for Thursday and free e-book: Text THINGS to 66866

181: The Principle of the Path

This is episode 181 of Let’s Parent on Purpose. Today I’m going to share with you a little devotion that’s perfect if you’ve got any summer travels coming up. Stick around and learn about the Principle of the Path.

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182: My Non-Expert Opinion

There are no true experts in every single aspect of parenting. As a parent who has been on the path for a while, here is some wisdom for moms and dads in all stages of parenting.

If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well!

183: Parenting is Not Finished at 18 with Brooklyn Holland

I used to get stressed thinking that if my children weren’t fully formed, totally prepared for the adult world by 18 years old, I was a failure. Then I realized how much I still had to learn and master after 18 years old myself. I STILL rely on the wisdom of my mom and dad.

I asked my daughter Brooklyn to give me perspective on how the tragedies AND blessings have all worked together for good to form her into the amazing young lady she is today. You’ll be encouraged as you listen to Brookl

185: Should I Send My Child Back to School This Fall?

Here’s a question I would have never predicted at the beginning of the year, but one that ever single parent I know is now having to wrestle through: Should I send my child back to school this fall?

For some the answer is easy and obvious, but for many of us there are so many unknowns we have to consider. I spend time talking to parents and teachers (all off the record since it’s such a hot-button issue and I wanted to protect teacher’s jobs). Here is the best wisdom I gathered. I ca

209. Routines for Faith Formation with Ken Kuhn

Faith is built through consistent, small interactions. My guest Ken Kuhn shares how to use meal times, bed times, and other regular routines to strengthen your child’s faith. Through regular questions, prayers of blessings and simple spiritual habits, you can slowly grow your children into the men and women of God who will be a blessing to the world.
Ken Kuhn is a Christian education specialist, former family ministry pastor, and coach who focuses on helping young families share Jesus with their kids from a very young age. He is the author of several resources that are intended for parents to use with their children, including the devotional prayer book May They Be Blessed.
Resources: May They Be Blessed Book Link Constant Source Website Link Family Devotional Link
Sponsor Affiliate:The Hopegivers Stories of Hope Podcast

187: I've got big news

Now, by joining the Christian Parenting Podcast network LPOP is part of an even stronger parental support family, able to help more parents across the world with podcasts that directly deal with their parental, marriage, and spiritual needs.

188: Tending your soul with Jim O'Neill

In a world of unrelenting demands, it can be very easy to spend all of our focus on work and the needs of our children. This laser focus can come at the cost of our own spiritual health, which will then damage every other area of our life. My guest today has spent decades observing the effects of spiritual neglect on the mission field as well as home front.

Thanks to our sponsor www.lazybearcabinrental.com!

189: Teaching Children HOW to Think with Virgil Tanner

Virgil and his family have lived everywhere from Nashville to Central Asia and Spain. Because of this, his kids have been exposed to several cultures and have become discerning of what in those cultures are not applicable to their own beliefs.

As parents, we should aim to equip our children to hold their own and think clearly, especially when they set out on their own into an environment where everyone is screaming and nobody is thinking carefully before they talk.

190: Serving and Generosity with Steven Argue

Instilling the concept of service and generosity is one of the most impactful things that we do inthe formation of our children's character. It is something that definitely must be started in thehome and not just at church. Steven Argue talks to us about the practical strategies that will helpgrow a heart of service and generosity in our children to ultimately make it a way of life.

191. The Heavy Lifting of Prayer

Prayer is what gets us close to the heart of God as we shepherd our children's hearts. After more than 20 years of legitimately seeking the Lord, 18 years of parenting, and thousands of prayers, I have realized three fundamental things:

1.There is no manipulation in prayer. We cannot compel the Lord to do anything for us through prayer.

2.There is great mystery in prayer. Sometimes our prayers are answered in a way that there is no human explanation for it.

3.There is spiritual movement in prayer.

192: The Power of a Family Sabbath with Joy Tanner

These days, it's hard to make a distinction between work days and weekends. Many working moms and dads find their weekends overflowing with chores and to-dos, and even recreation that exhausts them, leaving them weary.

One of the ten commandments is to "remember the Sabbath and keep it holy" but we tend to ignore this need to rest.

If you know a family who deserves a special vacation, nominate them and tell their story at www.lazybearcabinrental.com to register for a free 3 day, 2 night getaway.

193: The Prodigal Son Comes Home with Shane O’Neill

Over the years, I've had the chance to pray with parents who are in grief over the current spiritual state of their children who have chosen the path of rebellion. My friend, Shane O'Neill gives a powerful testimony of hope after a long season of rebellion and how his parents were a steadfast witness to him as God brought him back to the faith.

Thanks to our sponsor www.lazybearcabinrental.com.
Things for Thursday and free e-book: Text THINGS to 66866

194: Money: The Heart of the Matter

You may not even realize this, but Jesus speaks of money more than of heaven and hell combined, perhaps more than any singular topic. In fact, 11 of the 39 parables that Jesus teaches are on the topic of money and finances.

Finances often trigger anxiety and stress. From what I've experienced, I've realized: my worry was not fixing my financial situation and I belong to Jesus and He is taking care of me.

Today, I want to share five over-arching heart principles on money and finance.

195. Financial Literacy for Parents with Donna Hosang

Finances are either going to strengthen your marriage or tear them apart. As parents, your family depends on you developing your financial literacy. Raising a child with a disability, Donna Hosanglearned that the more organized they were as a family in their daily lives, especially in the financial lives, the easier it was for them to handle any unexpected crisis that might arise.

Show Highlights
Donna Hosang Certified Financial Coach with the Dave Ramsey Financial Group. She’s also is the retired mother of three and member of Covenant Fellowship Baptist Church. Donna and her late husband John navigated multiple unexpected health and family challenges in theirmarriage, including raising a special needs child who is now in heaven. By God’s Grace, they got their financial house in order early in their marriage, allowing them to thrive in situations where many families drown. Donna has a passion for helping families with wise financial planning to protect themselves from Murphy’s Law.

The first step to getting your finances in order is to establish your budget each month and actually write it down so that you know that it is real. Work on this together with your partner. Both should understand what is going on.

But, despite all your planning, there can always be an unexpected crisis, whether big or small. To prepare for that, establish an emergency fund. Donna suggests setting aside $1,000. This will be there for you if you have a medical emergency or an accident, anything outside of the budget. If you know you're prepared for it financially, you'll worry less.

Ultimately, Donna says what will really make you financially stable is getting yourself out of debt –and if you are not in debt, stay out of it.

Tackle your debt by listing everything down, with the smallest debt first. Instead of paying a little of each every month, systematically knock out your debt by paying the smallest in full first, and so on.

To really be able to finish paying all your debt, you will have to make changes in your daily habits. But, know that as a couple and a family, you do this together.

Though it may seem difficult, Donna says, "It doesn't matter how much debt a family has. There is always a way out."

Once you are out of debt, work on accumulating 3 to 6 months of living expenses set aside.

As you get yourself on more stable ground, work on paying down your mortgage. It will give you even more financial freedom.

Then, you can start tosave up for your retirement and your kids' college. This will set both you and your children up for a more comfortable future.

[bctt tweet="It doesn't matter how much debt a family has. There is always a way out." username="jaydholland"]

Resources Mentioned
Sponsor: Perfectly Imperfect, Oct 23-24
The Christian Parenting Podcast Network on www.christianparenting.org
Things for Thursday and free e-book: Text THINGS to 66866
Website: www.daveramsey.com
Contact Donna: [emailprotected]

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I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on my homepage.

Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at my email

196. Teaching Kids to Be Smart with Money

Parents are often hesitant to talk to their children about sex and money on a personal level. The lack of serious money talkleads to kids who don't know what their parents make and much worse, what things cost. This often gives our kids a skewed perspective of the reality of money and finances.

Show Highlights

It is important to be intentional in teaching your kids about money. Financial wisdom doesn’t come from a lesson, but from hundreds of experiences wisely processed. It is not just important to go through certain experiences, but to process them and learn from them.

Don't automatically bail your kids out of foolish decisions that they make when it comes to money. Praise God for foolish decisions! There's nothing better for a young person to go through than a foolish decision that they own. It will teach them better than most anything else.

There are 5 principles that you should teach your kids to help them to be smart and wise with money:

1.Working –When we talk about finances, the first thing to talk about is working. Emphasize the importance of earning through honest work. Establish a good work ethic in your children. Try not giving them an allowance. Instead, replace it with a commission system in your household to set them up with a mindset that when they put in the hard work, there is a reward to be earned.

2.Giving –Part of your child's hard-earned money should be allotted for giving. This goes to the Church collection, teaching them to give back to the Lord and be involved in the work of God.

3.Saving –Teach your children to be the best friend of their future selves by allotting money for their savings. Motivate them by setting a goal or item they are saving up for.

4.Spending –Guide your children in making wise decisions when spending their money and making their own purchases.

5.Debt –This is harder for children to understand, but is no less important in your child'sfinancially literacy. Start talking to them about debt when they are young to ease them into an awareness of what it is.Teach your kids to pay the Lord first, their future selves next, and live off of what is left. Strive to raise children who are wise, generous, and smart in the way they handle their money.

[bctt tweet="There's nothing better for a young person to go through than a foolish decision that they own." username="jaydholland"]

Resources Mentioned
Sponsor: Perfectly Imperfect, Oct 23-24
Sponsor affiliate: Hopegivers
The Christian Parenting Podcast Network on www.christianparenting.org

Things for Thursday and free e-book: Text THINGS to 66866

Book: Financial Peace Junior Kit by Dave Ramsey
Previous episode: Anthony Oneal: Debt Free Degree

If you find this podcast helpful, you can subscribe and click here to find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do so by becoming a patron.

I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on my homepage.

Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at my email.

197. Generations of Generosity with Lisa Gibson

To wrap up this series on Money Matters, I wanted to talk about the power of service and generosity in the family and how transformative that could be. In this episode, Lisa Gibson talks about the impact of three generations of generosity and serving as a family.
Show Highlights
Lisa Gibson is a wife to Brent, the mother of three, and follower of Jesus. She’s an active member of Covenant Fellowship Baptist Church, and also happens to be my wife Emily’s sister. Lisa was profoundly shaped by her parent’s reliance on the Lord and generosity with others, and she and Brent are seeking to model the same spirit in their household.
Learning from her own father's generosity, Lisa saw first-hand how it can change lives. She remembers him saying "Ask the Lord to show you people who you can be a blessing to." There is no shortage of people who need your help.
In her own family, Lisa and her husband Brent strive to intentionally guide their children in putting feet to their faith on a regular basis.
As a family, they host a life group each week, which entails the kids in the family to make small sacrifices like sharing their rooms with others to make space for the group to gather and study the Bible. The Gibson family has also fostered children.
They make sure to do a variety of hands-on activities that instill the value of service in their kids, such as cleaning the church cafe once a week and inviting some of the older people in the community over to dinner.
At the same time, remember that you can't schedule out every moment of your family's lives. Leave some space for growth and development, and just time together.
While Lisa sees how her children want to serve in their own different ways, she knows there is more room for growth and she believes that the Lord will enable this in their hearts.
[bctt tweet=""Ask the Lord to show you people who you can be a blessing to." There is no shortage of people who need your help." username="jaydholland"]
Resources Mentioned
Sponsor affiliate: Hopegivers Previous episode: Episode 123: Creating a Plan for Summer Growth If you find this podcast helpful, you cansubscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.
I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.
Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

198. Technology is Not the Devil with Scott Pleasants

Technology is an ever-present entity in our lives and sometimes we can become scared of it, but there are also several wonderful things made possible by it. This new series tackles various aspects of technology and how it navigate through it with your family.
Show Highlights
Scott Pleasants is currently the Strategic Innovations Advisor for Innovate Lynchburg where he is responsible for helping businesses with technology and helping tech-based entrepreneurs with their go-to-market strategies.
Before being named SAI, Scott was the CIO for TRBC World-wide and the Director of Engineering Technology and Operations for the Liberty University School of Engineering and Computational Sciences.
Even if Scott is a tech guy and his family is inevitably hooked on their own gadgets, they still make it a point to put their technology down and spend time together, take a hike, or enjoy sometime unplugged – "and not make it the center of our lives," says Scott.
That said, Scott says, technology in itself is not bad – there are just people who do bad things with it. In fact, we can do major good with the technology we have.
Technology and platforms should be tools for you to use. You should not be a slave to it. Empower your kids to use these platforms for good using these tools.
Scott suggests not allowing kids to have technology in their own rooms. Make sure that the technology is in a common area and there are no secrets.
Encourage a healthy use of technology. Let your kids know that they are not being given restrictions because you are treating them like children. They should understand that these precautions are meant to protect them and it is for the whole family's safety.
Technology can be dangerous, so as parents, really sit down with your family and have a serious conversation about how you are going to use technology. Ask you kids, how can you do good with the technology that you have?
[bctt tweet="technology in itself is not bad – there are just people who do bad things with it." username="jaydholland"]
Resources Mentioned
Sponsor affiliate: Hopegivers Service: Apple Family Sharing DNS Filtering - blocks malicious or forbidden websites App: Bark - parental control tool App: Circle - parental control tool Sophos - cybersecurity Life 360 - family safety service If you find this podcast helpful, you can subscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.
I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.
Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

199. My Key Takeaways from The Social Dilemma Documentary

Netflix recently released a documentary called the Social Dilemma. This is film is part interview, part family drama, part recreation of the Pixar Movie Inside Out.
In interviews with some of the primary behavioral and software engineers of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, we learn how these products are not only designed to be addictive, but also to change user’s behavior.
I think every parent who is on social media needs to watch, and every parent of a child who is on social media should watch it with their children. Here are some of my key takeaways from the documentary.
Show Highlights The drug industry and the social media industry are the only two industries that refer to their customers as "users." But, you may not realize that you are not the customer of the social media industry. As a customer, you would have to be paying for the product, but someone else is –advertisers. With social media, you are the product. Advertisers pay social media platforms to influence you into long term behavioral change.
As parents, it is alarming to know that our kids are not sophisticated enough to pick up on the nuance that social media is manipulating them like a tool.
Posts become engaging when they are shocking, outrageous, or incites strong emotions. Social media also tends to show you more and more of what you are biased towards. This makes us eventually see things only from one side and view the other side with contempt.
What makes conversation more difficult than contempt? This is being fueled by the social media platforms that we are on.
Protecting our children's privacy is another very important consideration when it comes to social media. But, social media is reaching a point where it's not just about your privacy. It's about changing who you are – ever more so with your kids.
Together with the normalization of young people having their own gadgets and being on social media at an early age, as a youth pastor I have noticed a much higher rate of p*rnography addiction among young men and women, higher rates of self-esteem issues and suicide than ever before.
To be a good example to my kids, I have deleted my social media apps from my phone so that I am not compelled to check notifications all day. If I want to get on my social media accounts, I have to wait to get on my computer at home. I have found that being on social media less has made me more engaged with actual human beings. I want to model to my children that this is not something that has to rule our life.
Think about how social media has changed your behavior and attitude. Has it raised your level of jealousy? Has it raised your level of isolation or loneliness? Has it raised your level of true connectedness? If you see unhealthy fruits from your habits, maybe you have to go on a social media diet.
Resources Mentioned Sponsor affiliate: Hopegivers Article: “The Social Dilemma - My Top 9 Top Takeaways from the Netflix Documentary” by Catherine N. Wright Documentary: The Social Dilemma

200. The Most Important Thing for Moms and Dads

Studies have shown that the average teen is in church maybe 50 hours a year, but they get about 3,000 hours a year with their parents. What happens in the home is so impactful on a child's spiritual life. As a youth minister, I find it so important to connect not just with young people, but to their moms and dads too. That's how the idea for this podcast started. Now, Let's Parent on Purpose is on its 200th episode!
Show Highlights
Through all the parenting struggles I've gone through as a father and a foster father, I've learned that the most important thing as a parent is this: believe in the gospel. Believe the gospel in its entirety.
As parents, I want to point you back to the reality that the most important thing in your life is not your bank account or your service at church, or even how well your kids are doing. The most important thing in your life is the reality that Jesus died for your sins and he rose again. Put your faith and trust in Jesus.
Many of us believe that gospel, and know that Jesus died for our sins and when we die He will take us to heaven, but we forget to believe the gospel in the moment as it applies to our daily life.
Believing the gospel in the day to day will radically change your narrative as you walk through any event.
Romans 8:1 "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." However crappy of a parent you were this week, there is no condemnation for you. God is not sitting in heaven rating your righteousness. Even if you may have failed today in your parenting, ask yourself: How do I think about that in light of the fact that Jesus died and rose again? In Romans 8 we also learn that God sends his Holy Spirit to dwell within us. There is nothing that God would require in your life that He is not there and empowering you to do. God prays to God for you. You are not alone. God is interceding on your behalf. One of the greatest verses in the Bible is Romans 8:28 "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good." You can believe that gospel that what ever is happening in your life, if you love God and you belong to Jesus, all of those things will work together for your good. Romans 8:29 "For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His son in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers." What does good look like to God? It is for you to be conformed to the image of Jesus. God is working all your victories and trials together to make you more like Jesus. "If God is for us, who can be against us?" When you believe the gospel, it changes how you parent. Because you believe that you are not alone and you are not separated from the love of God.
[bctt tweet="Believe the gospel in its entirety." username="jaydholland"]
Resources Mentioned
Sponsor affiliate: Hopegivers Website: Christian Parenting If you find this podcast helpful, you can subscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.
I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.
Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

201. Raising Kids in a Screen-Saturated World with Eliza Huie

In today's world, we and our children are bombarded by screens. Eliza Huie shows us how we can raise kids in a screen saturated world. She also reveals what the real enemy is – and it's not technology
Show Highlights Eliza is the Director of Counseling at McLean Bible Church in Virginia and the Dean of Biblical Counseling at Metro Baltimore Seminary. As a licensed counselor with biblical training, she brings expertise to the challenges parents face in a way that emphasizes organic gospel connections. Eliza and her husband Ken raised three children and recently had the joy of adding a daughter-in-law to their family. She is the author of Raising Kids in a Screen-Saturated World, Raising Teens in a Hyper-Sexualized World, and The Whole Life 52-Weeks of Biblical Self-Care available summer 2021.
Most of us parents right now are not digital natives. We didn't grow up with screens everywhere, so we need a little guidance on how to navigate technology in our homes.
Now it's common for a kid to have more than one gadget! Because of the COVID situation right now, their world is surrounded by screens from schooling to socialization. Eliza says, parents need to realize that this is a season and it's not always going to be like this.
It's just the reality that screens are a necessity in your kid's life right now, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't still exercise healthy habits and parameters when it comes to using them. Too much can lead to feelings of disconnection from our family and children.
Eliza reminds parents, not all screen time is created equal. If your child has to be online on a Zoom class, that doesn't count as leisure screen time. Sometimes your kids really need to connect with their friends online. But, when you notice them getting screen fatigue – headaches, eye strain, difficulty sleeping – you might need to regulate even their necessary screen time.
Model digital discipline and courtesy. Even if we are all working from home, on our computers, try your best to be available for face to face interaction when your kids are in the room. Let them see that you put your phone away and you have your own limits when it comes to using tech.
Before you hand over a new device to your child, have three important conversations: set the parameters and the conditions around it, like appropriate times and places to use it; talk to them about confidentiality; have the conversation about cost – even if it's a gift. Help them budget their data and the time they spend online. It's important your kids know that having a device is a privilege, not an entitlement.
The devices and screens are not the enemy. Eliza says, the enemy is the enemy of our souls. Don't look at screens as evil, rather think of how you can use them in a positive way that promotes good in your family.
[bctt tweet="not all screen time is created equal." username="jaydholland"]
Resources Mentioned Sponsor affiliate: Hopegivers Eliza's Website: http://www.elizahuie.com Eliza's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ElizaJaneHuie Eliza's Books: Raising Kids in a Screen-Saturated World and Raising Teens in a Hyper-Sexualized World Previous episode: A Homeschooling Peptalk with Eliza Huie Previous episode: Raising Teens in a Hyper-Sexualized World with Eliza Huie If you find this podcast helpful, you can subscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.
I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.
Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you h

202. Hope and Freedom from p*rnography Addiction with Shane O'Neill

p*rnography is becoming an issue for younger and younger Christian youth – and a challenge for their parents. For our final episode in the Technology and Family series, we talk about this often hard-to-breach subject, with a message of freedom and hope from guest Shane O'Neill.
Show Highlights
Shane O’Neill is the host of The Naked Gospel podcast. He is also the Editorial Director for Proven Ministries, a non-profit, sexual integrity organization that partners with individuals, churches, and organizations to see men, women, and families discover Jesus’ freedom. Shane is currently working on a graduate degree in apologetics at Liberty University’s Rawling School of Divinity.
"I needed to re-imagine with a biblical ethic the value of my body," Shane says on his own addiction. Our addictions often stem from the need to anesthetize ourselves from pain or as a stimulant, just like a drug.
p*rnography, especially in the technological age, has everything needed to form a habit – being obvious, easy, attractive, and rewarding in an immediate way. Getting over the addiction means taking time to re-train these habits.
Your kids' devices are constantly being updated with apps and it gets easier and easier for them to view p*rnography, even accidentally, at a younger age. Understandably, when a parent catches their child watching p*rn, the immediate response is to scold them, but remember that often a child stumbling upon p*rnography for the first time is usually just exploring or expressing wonder. Instead, try to sit down and have a serious conversation with them to answer their questions about intimacy.
Parents can go through a range of emotions dealing with their kids' exposure to p*rnography. There is fear for the path of addiction they might go down; guilt that they did not protect their children well enough; shame of making their kids feel dirty in their response.
Process this situation with your child in a healthy way. There are ways to walk with your child though this. There are practical ways to deal with technology, but even more so, show your kids that intimacy can be beautiful with marriage. Rather than having them look for answers to their questions elsewhere, be there to answer their questions in a healthy way.
[bctt tweet="I needed to re-imagine with a biblical ethic the value of my body" username="jaydholland"]
Resources Mentioned
Sponsor affiliate: Hopegivers Website: www.provenmen.org Podcast: The Naked Gospel Book: Your Brain on p*rn by Gary Wilson Book: Good Pictures, Bad Pictures by Kristen Jenson Previous episode: The Prodigal Son Comes Home with Shane O'Neill If you find this podcast helpful, you can subscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.
I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.
Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

203. From the Battlefield to U.S. Congress with Rep. Brian Mast

To begin our new series, Stories of Hope, I can't think of a more hopeful testimony to begin with than Rep. Brian Mast who survived an IED explosion in Afghanistan, overcame the loss of both his legs, and now serves in the United States Congress.
Show Highlights
Congressman Brian Mast is in his second term representing the 18th Congressional District of Florida. Prior to his election to Congress, Brian followed in his father’s footsteps by serving in the U.S. Army for more than 12 years, earning medals including The Bronze Star Medal, The Army Commendation Medal for Valor, The Purple Heart Medal, and The Defense Meritorious Service Medal. While deployed in Afghanistan, he worked as a bomb disposal expert under the elite Joint Special Operations Command. The last improvised explosive device that he found resulted in catastrophic injuries, which included the loss of both of his legs. While lying in bed recovering at Walter Reed Medical Center, Brian’s father gave him advice that has stuck with him to this day--to ensure the greatest service he gave to our country and the best example he set for his children was still ahead of him. Brian took this advice to heart and dedicated himself to finding new ways to serve our country and his community.
As a bomb technician in the military, Brian knew that his job was inherently dangerous. Like those in law enforcement, first responders, and firefighters, Brian says you know the risks, then you take the time to learn how to mitigate the risks.
You can't totally avoid all of them, but you realize that you are serving something more important than yourself, so the risks are acceptable to you. "If something happens to you, it will be without regret because of what you are serving."
He adds, having you family's support matters a lot as you enter a difficult and dangerous responsibility.
Brian had a wife and new born baby when he encountered a serious accident on the battlefield. He says, the struggle beyond physical pain is the psychological pain of the unknown. At that point, losing both his legs made him question his purpose of life, and whether he would ever be able to carry kids or play ball with them.
One thought that kept him going while he was bedridden was: How do I still serve my country and continue to set a good example for kids?
Eventually, Brian found himself fighting on a new battlefield – the congress, fighting with words and ideology over a better direction for the country.
Losing his legs not only changed Brian's future, but also his relationship with God. He says, "Every miracle in the bible was not a passive miracle." Everybody who received a miracle had to do something actively despite being uncertain as they were doing it.
This became a turning point in Brian's life, realizing that he hadto be an active part of learning to walk again.
From everything he has been through, Brian leaves us with two questions: Do you have courage in your life to be bold, daring, brave, to go out into the unknown? Do you have the will, drive, and fortitude to do everything you can do to make sure you don't fail at the dreams you have courage to pursue?
Resources Mentioned
Brian's website: https://mast.house.gov Website: Operation 300 Website: Believe with Me Facebook: 25 United Disaster Relief If you find this podcast helpful, you can subscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.
I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.
Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer

204. Losing a Child Isn't the Last Word with Diana Grounds

Diana Grounds is one of my heroes. As a parent, she has endured more trials and challenges than most of us ever will. Yet, she is still filled with the joy of Jesus like very few people I have ever known and she is one of the best examples of keeping hope and faith through it all.
Show Highlights
Diana Grounds is a mother of four children, two of which have proceeded her to heaven. She and Charles, her husband of 53 years, have followed Jesus through the death of one son to leukemia, another daughter to a heart condition, the brain aneurysms of a third child, and a terrifying path of drugs and rebellion for a forth child. Diana’s hope in Jesus radiates through her severe trials. She has served in various roles at Fellowship Baptist Church in Barboursville, WV, and is a national speaker with the Christian Women’s Connection.
Through everything Diana had been through with each of her children, she finally came to realize: "I have to take God at his word." Trust in Him and lift up to Him what we have no control over.
Clinging to the words in the Bible, she learned, "I did not have to be afraid because He is God. I don't have to be dismayed or discouraged because He is my God." God will provide the strength and help you need.
Just experiencing one of these challenges is overwhelming enough, but the difficult situations strengthened Diana's faith in God's promises. "I could praise the Lord even with our son and daughters' illnesses."
It was harder to deal with her eldest daughter becoming addicted to drugs because she felt somehow responsible for it as a parent. To overcome this, Diana actively looked for ways to help her daughter towards recovery. She ended up having her daughter arrested and committed to a home. It was a difficult decision to make, but a necessary one. "I was able to place her in God's care, expecting Him to accomplish what I couldn't." Knowing that God could do what she could not released a lot of guilt from Diana as a mother.
No parent wants to – or should – have to bury their own child. Diana had to bury two. Still, she has also witnessed big and small moments of God's blessings. "His grace is sufficient."
[bctt tweet="I could praise the Lord even with our son and daughters' illnesses." username="jaydholland"]
Resources Mentioned
Sponsor Affiliate: Christian Parenting Website: http://www.christianwomenconnection.org If you find this podcast helpful, you can subscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.
I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.
Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

205. A Soviet Refugee, a Harvard Grad, and a Disciple of Jesus with Andrew Engleman

The hand of God is absolutely sovereign. Even if you find yourself in circ*mstances that do not make sense to you, God is moving and God is working. He is not done with you, your children, and your family.
Show Highlights
Andrew grew up post World War 2 Russian Speaking Soviet refugee. He spent his childhood in a refugee camp in Australia before immigrating to the United States in 1958 as a teenager. His education and business career in Chemicals and Plastics took him to San Francisco, New York, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Harvard Business School, and throughout South America. Most importantly, he became a follower of Jesus through the young woman who has been his wife for fifty years, Andrea. The Engelmans have two daughters, five grandchildren, and split their time between their south Florida home and the northern states where their children and grandkids live.
As a refugee in Australia at the young age of five, Andrew grew up in a situation that was far different and more difficult than that of most children. Through persistence and determination, he made it to the US as a teenager. His stint in the Peace Corps brought him to Iran.
It was in New York that he met his future wife, Andrea, who he saw one day at the rooftop of their apartment building, reading the Book of Romans. That's when he started to commit himself to the Lord.
It was important for Andrew for his children to be believers and for them to marry believers as well so that they would have someone to go through stresses and strains of a secular world with.
As a business man, Andrew also noticed how the normal standards and principles for people to get ahead in the business world are contrary to the ways of God.
My reliance on my faith and my wife sharpened me in those times when my flesh would prevail over my spirit.
Looking back on his experiences, Andrew says, "If there's a message that I can give... it's for young people to be relentless in the pursuit of something that interests them, to put themselves in situations of deep water so they can understand their full potential, and to be in the word as much as possible."
Andrew's life experiences are not ones that would usually lead towards the Lord, but it's obvious that the Lord was already moving in his life, leading him eventually to become a believer. Because his own spiritual grow was slow, Andrew values the idea of starting children's spiritual growth early and young.

Put your children in the environment of youth groups and fellowships with other believers so they can develop their Christian worldview.

[bctt tweet="My reliance on my faith and my wife sharpened me in those times when my flesh would prevail over my spirit." username="jaydholland"]
If you find this podcast helpful, you can subscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.
I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.
Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

206. The Child of a Murderer becomes an Orphan Leader with Dr. Samuel Thomas

For our last episode of the year, and of the Stories of Hope series, you're going to hear the story of Puja, a girl who was taken into a Hope home after her mother murdered her father. Her life is a testament to God's transformative power through Christ. If you enjoy this conversation with Dr. Samuel Thomas, check out the new podcast, Stories of Hope, debuting on Jan. 6.
Show Highlights
Dr. Samuel Thomas is known throughout India as a leading humanitarian. As president and CEO of Hopegivers, Dr. Thomas helps connect those with a ministry heart in the western world with those in greatest need inIndia and South Asia. The ministry of Hopegivers, started by Dr. Thomas’ father M.A. Thomas, has planted over 70,000 churches and cared for more than 10,000 orphans in the last sixty years. Dr. Samuel, along with his wife Shelly, have two sons, Timothy and Stephen.
I met Puja through Dr. Samuel when I visited Hopegivers in India. He first met her mother when Dr. Samuel himself was in jail. Puja's mother was brought in for murdering her husband who had been abusing her for years. The mother recognized Dr. Samuel as someone who often came to her village as a missionary. Knowing that she would be imprisoned for the rest of her life, the mother asked Dr. Samuel to have someone from Hopegivers to take her ten-year-old child into their orphanage.
When Dr. Samuel was released from prison, he was finally able to meet Puja. She was grateful for being taken care of at the orphanage, with the ambition to become a policewoman so that she could ensure that her murdered father gets the justice he deserves.
Years later, when Dr. Samuel encountered her again, Puja wanted to become a missionary. She said, her time at the orphanage had taught her to forgive her mother and that Jesus had died for her. She wanted to share that good news with others. She is now in charge of 118 boys at an orphanage.
Puja now hopes that her mother can make bail and be released from prison so she can come help at the orphanage. That is the joy of knowing Christ.
There is nothing that you've been through that Jesus can't redeem.
Resources Mentioned
Website: www.hopegivers.org If you find this podcast helpful, you can subscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.
I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.
Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

207. Your Future Self Will Thank You with Drew Dyck

We're starting off the New Year with a discussion on willpower and self-control and the Bible and science behind it, with author Drew Dyck.
Show Highlights
Drew Dyck is an editor at Moody Publishers and the former managing editor ofLeadership Journal. His work has been featured inUSA Today, theHuffington Post, Christianity Today, and CNN.com. Drew is the author ofGeneration Ex-ChristianandYawning at Tigers. He lives with his wife Grace and their three children near Portland, Oregon.
As we all prepare for the New Year, Drew reminds us, don't despise the small resolutions. Start with two or, even better, just focus on one. You only have so much willpower. Start small but consistent, and if you can power through that 30-60 days of habit formation, it will be cemented in your life. That's when you can start forming another habit. If you approach it in their incremental way, you'll have far more success.
Drew was moved to write his book because he realized that he himself needed to grow in the area of self-control. As he start reading about willpower and building healthy habits, he started wondering what he was reading could also help others, especially from the scripture perspective.
Where does scripture play in to self-control and willpower? Drew says, most secular self-help books can be effective, but they do not address one major thing: your priorities. As Christians, we want to have our faith and values, to love God and love our neighbor, as the core motivation for everything that we are doing, even the mundane things should be tied to their spiritual significance.
Drew also points out that though the scripture is filled with stories of struggle, of difficult things that we have to go through, God is always with us. This is not something we can do ourselves. We need the empowerment of God, striving with His spirit, not against it.
Try nailing down where you want to use your willpower by identifying your keystone habits. A keystone habit is one that is not only beneficial in and of itself, but a habit that is beneficial across the spectrum of your life.
For instance, nightly family dinners are observed to have benefits for marriages to last longer, kids to have better grades and more. Exercise is another keystone habit. You not only get healthier, but you also start eating better and your productivity will increase. Another keystone habit, just five minutes of prayer and meditation, can increase your self-control for the day. Bible reading and church attendance are other keystone habits.
Resources Mentioned
Website: www.hopegivers.org Website: drewdyck.com Twitter: @drewdyck Book: Your Future Self Will Thank You If you find this podcast helpful, you can subscribeand clickhereto find past topics and free resources. Feel free to share with others, as well! If you would like to help support Let’s Parent on Purpose, you can do soby becoming a patron.
I send a weekly email called “Things for Thursday” and it includes things I’ve found helpful related to parenting, marriage, and sometimes just things I find funny! You can sign up for “Things for Thursday” by joining my newsletter on myhomepage.
Thank you for your continued support of this podcast. If you have a prayer request or if you have a topic suggestion or question, please contact me at myemail.

208. Cultivating Self Control in Children with Drew Dyck

Show Notes:Author Drew Dyck is back to discuss encouraging self control and willpower in our children. We discuss the difficulties of inspiring self control in young people who do not yet see its merits. Drew shares practical strategies for strengthening self disciple and self control for our children with school, chores, and even their relationships with one another. We also discuss the importance of modeling these behaviors as the adults in our households.
Drew Dyckis an editor at Moody Publishers and the former managing editor of Leadership Journal. His work has been featured in USA Today, The Huffington Post, Christianity Today, and CNN.com. Drew is the author of Generation Ex-Christian, Yawning at Tigers, and Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible and Brain Science. He lives with his wife Grace, and their three children near Portland, Oregon. Connect with Drew at drewdyck.comor on Twitter @DrewDyck.
Resources Mentioned Episode 207 Your Future Self Will Thank You
Your Future Self Will Thank You by Drew Dyck
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear
Sponsor Affiliate: The Hopegivers Stories of Hope

210. Focus on Your Systems, Not Your Goals

Every year we make goals that never happen. The problem is not ourgoals, it’s our systems. As the saying goes “your habits are perfectly suited to give you the life you have.” By learning to focus on our systems, we open the door for radical change in our spiritual life, families, and personal health.
Resources Mentioned:
Episode 207 Your Future Self Will Thank You With Drew Dyck
Episode 208 Cultivating Self Control In Your Children With Drew Dyck
Episode 209 Routines for Faith Formation In Our Children with Kenneth Kuhn
Sponsor Affiliate: The Hopegivers Stories of Hope Podcast

211. Your Friends Determine Your Direction and Future

In the first episode of my new series on Parenting Challenges, I address the truth that “Our friends determine the direction and quality of our lives”. In a unique episode designed for parents to listen to with their children, we discuss how to identify toxic relationships, represented by the acronym MAD GAS (Manipulator, Addict, Deceiver, Gossip, Arguer, and Slug). We then determine the character qualities of a JET PACK friendship (Joyful, Encourager, Trustworthy, Peacemaker, Active, Christ Centered, and Kingdom Minded).

Resources Mentioned:

Sponsor Affiliate:
The Hopegivers Stories of Hope Podcast

212. The Oversized Influence of Dad with Dr. Ron Archer

Dr. Ron Archer shares his powerful life story and then addresses theincredible influence that a father has in a home. We speak to the level of spiritual gravity the dad has in comparison to the rest of the household members. Dr. Archer offers words of encouragement for spiritually engaged fathers: be present, be attentive, be affirming, be consistent, and be committed. He also encourages moms who parent with either spiritually passive or absent fathers on how to find and encourage godly male mentors in their children’s lives.

Ron Archeris a world-renowned inspirational speaker, business executive, and author. He has advised several U.S. presidents and trained top executives of multiple Fortune 500 companies, in addition to leaders in the military. His debut biography and life story of poverty, hardship, and overcoming all odds—What Belief Can Do—was published in February 2020, also from Salem Books. He has traveled the globe inspiring millions with his testimony and currently reaches more than 250,000 people a year through his speaking engagements.

Resources Mentioned:


Ron’s TV Show Ask The Pastor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdSyou2aDxg&feature=youtu.be

Ron’s Book “The Power of One Man” : https://amzn.to/3icwuVs

213. Defining Womanhood for Our Girls with Bethany Beal

It’s imperative that our daughters and sons have a solid understanding of identity, femininity, and beauty from a godly perspective! Author and speaker Bethany Neal joins me as we speak on crafting a definition and vision for biblical womanhood that will help our children through elementary, the preteen and teenage years, and all the way into adulthood. This conversation will not only give you a vision for Biblical Womanhood, but also specific language and vocabulary to help encourage your children along the path.

Bethany Beal is head-over-heels in love with her best friend and husband, David, and is the super proud mommy of Davey Jr. She is the cofounder of GirlDefined Ministries and is passionate about spreading the truth of biblical womanhood through writing, speaking, and mentoring young women. To her family and close friends, she is simply a tall blonde girl who is obsessed with iced lattes and can’t get enough of her sweet baby Davey Jr.
Connect with Bethany!
• The website: https://www.girldefined.com/
• The blog: https://www.girldefined.com/blog
• The books: https://www.girldefined.com/the-books
• The youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCww9VDOBh5hfnsN6pPE6NpA
• The podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-girl-defined-show/id1539982603

Sponsor Affiliate: Hopegivers Stories of Hope Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stories-of-hope-with-dr-samuel-thomas/id1545599796

214. Parenting is Really Hard!

Before we have children, people tell us that parenting is really hard. But it’s not until you get into the midst of your parenting journey that you realize just how many challenges you face in building a thriving family.

Jay talks about four factors that make parenting so difficult:

1) Your family is filled with sinful humans,
2) Mother Nature is trying to kill us,
3) The world is not helpful, and
4) You are in a spiritual battle.

Once we’ve identified the myriad of challenges, Jay offers hope and encouragement from God’s Word in this installment of our Parenting Challenges series.

Sign Up for Things For Thursday Email: https://mailchi.mp/ad8281338869/lpopebook

Sponsor Affiliate: Hopegivers Stories of Hope Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stories-of-hope-with-dr-samuel-thomas/id1545599796

243. Expanding Your Behavior and Consequences Toolbox with Caroline Todd

Behavior should make us curious. As we seek to discern the motive behind our children’s behavior, we can more effectively match the behavior to a consequence that will guide them towards healthy decisions. I’m joined by my church’s Children’s Ministry Director, Caroline Todd, as we discuss four different functions behind our kid’s behavior. Caroline discusses sensory seeking behavior, escape behavior, attention-seeking behavior, and tangible behavior.
As we get better at identifying the motive behind our kids’ actions, we can make better plans for redirecting, correcting, or reinforcing negative and positive behavior. These skills will help you with your own children, in a classroom setting, and might even give you insight on how to better love your spouse!

Caroline Todd is the Director of Children’s Ministry at Covenant Fellowship Baptist Church. She is a graduate of Palm Beach Atlantic University with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Special Education. Before serving at Covenant, Caroline worked as an Applied Behavior Therapist for Special Needs Children. Caroline is married to her high school sweetheart, Nathan Todd.

Resources Mentioned: LPOP 46 Behavior Should Make Us Curious with Bradley McCallister - https://www.letsparentonpurpose.com/2017/11/27/lpop-46-behavior-shouldmake-us-curious/

244. Crisis: My Son Has Relapsed with Leukemia

Seven years after his initial diagnosis for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia,my son Elijah has relapsed. In this episode I share the details of how we found out, an explanation of leukemia and treatment, as well as the potential road ahead for our family. I also share the very real emotions we are struggling through, how God had spiritually prepared me through scripture, and how our family is seeking to help Elijah see this crisis as an open door for the work of Jesus. In hearing our story, by God’s grace you will see how God also wants you to look for the open door for Jesus in the midst of your crisis.

Losing a Child isn’t the Last Word with Diana Grounds: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lets-parent-on-purpose-with-jay-holland/id1190973394?i=1000502221159
Finding a Mission in the Midst of Chemotherapy with Elijah Holland: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/235-finding-a-mission-in-the-midst-of/id1190973394?i=1000529205324
Elijah’s No Longer Orphans Chemo Challenge: https://www.flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/MTI0MTIzSponsor

Ep 245: The Unique Challenges of Blended Families with Ron L. Deal

Nontraditional families are the new traditional family. In the United States, most of Europe, and many other countries, blended families outnumber “traditional” ones. The challenges of a blended family are magnitudes higher than what most couples anticipate. My guest Ron L. Deal is one of the Christian world’s foremost experts on blended families. He shares many of the unexpected challenges a blended family will face, as well as practical tools to help your family thrive and honor God.

Ron L. Deal is one of the most widely read and viewed experts on blended families in the country. He is president of Smart Stepfamilies, directs the blended family ministry at FamilyLife, and is the author of more than a dozen books and resources, including the bestselling The Smart Stepfamily and Building Love Together in Blended Families (with Dr. Gary Chapman). Ron is a licensed marriage and family therapist, popular conference speaker, and host of the podcast FamilyLife Blended with Ron Deal. He and his wife, Nan, have been married since 1986 and have three boys. Learn more at rondeal.org and familylife.com/blended.

Resources Mentioned:
Website: https://www.rondeal.org and https://www.familylife.com/ blended
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/familylifeblended/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RonLDeal
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/familylifeblended/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/FamilyLifeBlended
Ron’s New Book: Preparing to Blend: The Couple’s Guide to Becoming a Smart Stepfamily - https://amzn.to/3yrA7NO

Ep 246: How Do You Keep The Faith with Dr. Samuel Thomas

As we pray and ask God to intervene in our lives, sometimes in our lives, sometimes we see miraculous breakthrough. But often either nothing happens or we experience the very opposite of what we were praying. In times like this, many people walk away from their faith. How are we to keep our faith in Jesus when things go so wrong? I posed this question to Dr. Samuel Thomas of Hopegivers. Dr. Thomas is no stranger to suffering, as his life of service to the orphan, widow, and unreached of India has lead to assassination attempts, jail, and sorrow upon sorrow. Hear Dr. Thomas’ inspiring answer, given from a perspective forged in the fire of trusting Jesus when you have nothing else to cling to.

Dr. Samuel Thomas is known throughout India as a leading humanitarian. As president and CEO of Hopegivers, Dr. Thomas helps connect those with a ministry heart in the western world with those in greatest need in India and South Asia. The ministry of Hopegivers, started by Dr. Thomas’ father M.A. Thomas, has planted over 90,000 churches and cared for more than 10,000 orphan in the last sixty years. Dr. Samuel, along with his wife Shelly, have two sons, Timothy and Stephen.

Resources Mentioned: • The Stories of Hope with Dr. Samuel Thomas Podcast - https:// podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stories-of-hope-with-dr-samuel-thomas/ id1545599796
• www.hopegivers.org
• LPOP 206: The Child of a Murderer Becomes and Orphan Leader https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lets-parent-on-purpose-with-jayholland/id1190973394?i=1000503590306

Ep 247: What If My Child Hates Church?

One of the most common conversations I have is helping parents determine what to do when their child doesn’t want to come to church. The reasons are as varied as the child, and we want to make sure we understand why they might hate church before we jump to our response. Today I go through many different reasons why our children might not like church, as well as several possible solutions for you to encourage their love of the church and enjoyment of the services.

Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y

Ep 248: Understanding and Responding to Teen Substance Abuse with Richard Capriola

One of the greatest fears shared by moms and dads around the world is their child becoming addicted to drugs. While the motivations for using and abusing alcohol and drugs have largely stayed the same, the actual substances continue to evolve, and their availability keeps increasing. Richard Capriola is the author of The Addicted Child: A Parents Guide to Adolescent Substance Abuse. He joins me to talk about the brain changes that happen with drug use, the most prevalent substances used by teens today, what to do if you find your teen using, and where to go for help if your child is addicted.

Richard Capriola has been a mental health and substance abuse counselor for over two decades. He recently retired from Menninger Clinic in Houston Texas where for over a decade he treated adolescents and adults diagnosed with mental health and substance abuse diagnoses. He is the author of The Addicted Child: A Parent's Guide to Adolescent substance abuse which is available on Amazon and from the book's website http://www.helptheaddictedchild.com

Resources Mentioned:
• Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y
• www.helptheaddictedchild.com
• Richard’s Book - The Addicted Child: A Parents Guide to Adolescent Substance Abuse -https://amzn.to/3usGQ9U

Ep 249: Thank God for Your Messy Life

We spend a great deal of time lamenting the messes in our lives: ourhomes are cluttered, our bank account stressed, and our commitments overwhelming. But the mess is often indicative of the abundant life God has given us. This devotion from Proverbs 14:4 reminds us to be thankful in the midst of the mess as we look forward to the day when Jesus ultimately makes all things new.

• Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y
• www.helptheaddictedchild.com

Ep 250: Celebrating 250! Answering Questions about Fun, Family, Faith, and Serving Through Suffering

As we celebrate 250 episodes and nearly five years of the Let’s Parent on Purpose podcast, my friend Jenny Price interviews me about my favorite things, serving through suffering, and keeping our family on mission. You’ll learn how Emily and I set parameters to grow in trust in our young marriage. How do I refill and recharge from work and family? Also, what is the most ridiculous, petty thing I would do if money were no object?

• Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y
• My Sermon on Psalm 127 - http://covenantfellowship.com/pages/ page.asp?page_id=374128&programId=277574
• My favorite novel - https://amzn.to/3Ce3hCV

Ep 251: Revisiting What if it’s a Category 5

At some point every single one of us is going to experience a Category 5 crisis in our life. When our worst fears are realized, we face the challenge of processing what we believe about God. We also need to figure out what to do next. Today I revisit one of my early LPOP topics, sparked by our preparation for a potential Category 5 hurricane pointed at our town. I now consider the words I wrote in light of our family’s current crisis, the relapse of my son’s leukemia.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y My Blog: What if it’s a Category 5

Ep 252: Revisiting: How to win your family’s heart

Revisiting one of my favorite early episodes, I lay out principles that will help you win the hearts of your family and influence the culture of your home. Based on principles form Dale Carnegie’s classic How to Win Friends and Influence People, I share three principles that can help lower defensiveness and increase the willingness of each member of your household to do their best for one another. When it’s all said and done, these principles are nothing more than an exposition of the golden rule “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

Ep. 264: Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids with Eliza Huie

Kids and teens are more stressed than ever. As our world bombards them with social media, bad news, and inescapable connectedness, researchers are finding depression and anxiety rates are higher than ever. Author and counselor Eliza Huie joins me once again with great practical advice for moms and dads on fostering emotional health in every stage of their children’s lives. We talk about the importance of nurture, understanding your child’s capacity, regarding their feelings, cultivating hope, and knowing when and how to get help.

Eliza is a counselor, author, speaker, and trainer committed to providing care and resources for the whole person. Trained both biblically and clinically, she understands the complexities people face in their spiritual, emotional, and physical lives.

She holds a Master of Arts in Counseling and has advanced certificates in biblical counseling from The Christian Counseling Educational Foundation (CCEF) and The Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC). She is also a licensed clinical professional counselor.

Eliza is the director of counseling at McLean Bible Church located in the Washington D.C. metro area. She is the Dean of Biblical Counseling for Metro Baltimore Seminary in Maryland. She and her husband Ken have been married for almost 30 years and they have 3 grown children and a lovely daughter-in-law.

Resources Mentioned:
Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids - https://us.10ofthose.com/raising- emotionally-healthy-kids-help-for-parents-paperback/
Eliza’s other books - https://us.10ofthose.com/search.php? search_query=eliza
Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y

Ep 253: Revisiting: Making a Plan for Family Holiday Gatherings

We’re entering the season filled with awe, wonder, gratitude, and dread. It’s that time of year where we get to spend time with family we love. Sometimes, we get to spend time with family who are easier to love at a distance. Let’s be honest, just because we grew up together doesn’t mean we now have the same worldview, parenting styles, standards, goals, or aspirations. And sometimes we love every member of our family, and are mostly on the same page as them, but it’s just overwhelming when they all get together at once. Today I give you a handy guide to having less stress, more fun, and perhaps even eternally significant extended family gatherings this Thanksgiving and Christmas.

1. Release yourself from the guilt of thinking you’re going to please everybody.
2. Stop sabotaging the peace of all of the days leading up to your family gathering.
3. Make a plan. Aim to stick with your plan. Walk in grace when you cannot stick to your plan.
• “How am I going to calendar these next few weeks with enough margin to not run ragged?”
• “How am I going to coach my children for some of the unsavory experiences they might encounter with our extended family?”
• “Knowing that I do not trust this particular person in my family, how am I going to make sure that my children are not left in vulnerable situations with them?”
• “How am I going to redirect conversations with grace when they go down gossipy or destructive pathways?”
• “How am I going to lovingly hold my boundaries when this particular family member tries to guilt or manipulate me?”
• “How am I going to love and support my spouse as they navigate the different people in their family?”
4. Intentionally instill a time of personal worship and gratitude, for you and your immediate family.
5. Don’t miss the teaching and training opportunities in your own family. Have honest conversations (without gossip or disparaging) with some of the struggles you’ve had in your family before. Teach them how you’ve tried to love and also live in boundaries. Affirm their feelings if they don’t like some of their cousins. Coach them on how to show love to hard people.
6. Don’t go to your gatherings to “just get through them”, go seeking to be an instrument of grace.
7. Bring your other family members in as best as you can on the plan. If it’s dreadful for you, likely it’s dreadful for other family members. Since you have some time, start talking about how you might intentionally make the time more meaningful as you’re together. Maybe each family can put together a little photo video project of what happened over the last year. Maybe you can plan a service project together. Maybe as a family you can adopt a family in need and work together to provide for them.
8. Think of ways you can be “others first” without feeling resentful and manipulated.
9. Don’t add to your spouse’s stress by guilting them over their family.
10. Pray for your family!

Ep 254: Revisiting: How to teach Contentment

As we get near Christmastime, its a wonderful time of year to review a perpetual quandary of our modern age: How to we teach our children contentment when they are surrounded by unrelenting advertisem*nts for more and more stuff. Today I revisit an early episode where we talk about a three part strategy for teaching contentment in the home.

1. Teach Perspective
2. Take Responsibility for Others
3. Live More By Having Less

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Ep 258: Centering on Christ in the Midst of Chaos with Virgil Tanner

More than any other period in our lifetime, the world seems to be swirling in chaos. On top of that, many of us have personal crisis or perpetual responsibilities that leave us traumatized. Today I talk with Virgil Tanner about two strategies for centering on Christ in the midst of a chaotic world. The first strategy is for long term soul health. The second strategy can be adapted to acute times of crisis to keep us from spiraling out of control.

Virgil’s Framework
The Five Dimensions of the Human Soul, and the three areas to address with each:
Spiritual: Alone, With Others, Working in the World
Physical: Eat, Move, Recover
Cognitive: Learn, Focus, Play
Emotional: Notice, Interview, Manage
Relational: Discern, Invest, Grow

Virgil Tanner has been married for 20 years and is a father of five. He has lived on three continents and currently oversees strategy and global operations for a non-profit with hundreds of staff scattered all over the world.

Resources Mentioned:
Centering on Christ, Caring for Your Soul: a self-guided exercise - https://www.dropbox.com/s/fhqkdh8sfdpuwuv/ Centering%20on%20Christ%2C%20Caring%20for%20Your%20Soul%2 0Exercise.pdf?dl=0

Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y

Ep 260: Centering Your Family in the Midst of Chaos with Virgil Tanner

We want our home to be a place of peace and stability, but sometimes external and internal dynamics make this extremely challenging. Virgil Tanner and his wife Joy have parented their children on three continents in a variety of difficult circ*mstances. Today he shares how they learned to order their family stability around regular prayer and the family sabbath. Learn how he took a two thousand year old Christian tradition and adapted it to engage his little ones, teenagers, and the adults in their household. The practice has helped them thrive in the midst of shaky governments, cultural chaos, and personal tragedy.

Virgil Tanner has been married for 20 years and is a father of five. He has lived on three continents and currently oversees strategy and global operations for a non-profit with hundreds of staff scattered all over the world.

Resources Mentioned:
Celtic Daily Prayer - https://amzn.to/30M74JZ
Northumbria Online Prayer Community - https:// www.northumbriacommunity.org/offices/how-to-use-daily-office/
The Book of the Dun Cow by Walter Wangerin Jr. - https://amzn.to/ 32lN55l LPOP 189
Teaching Children How to Think with Virgil Tanner - https:// letsparentonpurpose.com/2020/08/30/shepherding-a-childs-heartpart-2-teaching-children-how-to-think-with-virgil-tanner/
Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y

Ep 255: A Surprising Truth About Discipleship

People are different, and because of that, discipleship does not always look the same. It’s not a step by step process, and just because our children have “caught” one area of discipleship we cannot expect the “next” one will come naturally. In this short devotion, I share how we can give room for differences and encourage the good we see growing in each family member.

Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y

A Simple Illustration to Understand the Importance of the Church Body

When charcoal is grouped together it burns hot and does its job. When you remove a briquette from the fire, it goes cold. In this short devotional I give a simple explanation for the importance of staying connected to the Body of Christ, in a manner that you can easily demonstrate with your family.

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Ep 257: Creating a New Family Habit for 2021

If we want to change our families, we can do so by concentrating on one habit at a time. Today I brainstorm several potential family habits to consider for 2022, and encourage you to pick ONE new one to ingrain in your lives.

Morning Time Meal Time Drive Time Bed Time The Word
Read at dinner The Bible App Devotions Verse of the Week or Month Dinner together
Minimum times per week do Roses and Thorns Make one night a week a special night of worship or blessing
Read the Word Family Worship Invite Grandparents to bless their grandchildren Pick one night a week or month to practice hospitality Be a Blessing
Family service project Adopt an orphan Adopt a spiritual orphan Adopt a single person or widow Serve at Church Together Give Generously
Resources Mentioned:
Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y Northumbria Prayer times - https://www.northumbriacommunity.org/offices/morning-prayer/

Ep 259: The Fight for Freedom from p*rnography with Ted Shimer

The p*rnography industry makes more money than the NBA, NFL, MLB, and NHL combined. p*rn is hunting for every member of our family, and the effects on the body of Christ are devastating. There is no greater obstacle we face when it comes to discipleship, spiritual leadership, relational and spiritual health than the enslavement of p*rn addiction. Today Ted Shimer joins me to talk about the grim realities happening in our families. He then shares the hope that comes when combining spiritual principles with brain science to bring men, women, and our children lasting freedom from the grip of p*rnography.

Ted Shimer has mentored men since 1991 with the collegiate ministry Student Mobilization. He received his MABS from Dallas Seminary and has been trained as a Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional-Supervisor. Ted has helped people overcome the bondage of p*rnography in the context of making disciples. He is the Founder of The Freedom Fight, an online p*rn addiction recovery program. He is also the author of the book, The Freedom Fight, The New Drug and the Truths that Set Us Free. Ted and his wife Amber have four adult children and live in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Resources Mentioned:
The Freedom Fight: The New Drug and the Truth that Sets us Free
The Freedom Fight 30 Day Challenge to break free from p*rnography
Freedom From p*rn Begins Here: YouVersion Bible 30 Day Devotional Plan
Covenant Eyes: Accountability and Internet Filter
Canopy Parental Controls
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Ep 261: Sinners Raising Sinners with Lisa Clark

Sometimes our expectations for our families are just way beyond reality. My guest Lisa Clark reminds us that we are all just sinners raising sinners, still in the process of transformation by the gospel of Jesus. We talk about expectations, personality differences among children, settings habits for a thriving family, and what to do if a child is rejecting the faith.

Lisa is married to Brad, her husband of 35 years. She and Brad co-teach a young married life group at their home church in Plano, TX. They have two daughters, Caroline and Camryn. Grounded in God’s Word, Lisa has a passion for encouraging moms in the day-to-day struggles of parenting preteens and teens. This passion and mission led her to write her very First book in 2016, Raising Sinners. Raising Sinners is a biblical parenting, short story written for moms and dads in all stages of parenting. Lisa also hosts two podcasts - Wonder and Raising Sinners, both with her cohost Chrissie Dunham.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y
The Raising Sinners Podcast - https://www.christianparenting.org/ podcasts-post/a-story-of-hope-with-mary-beth-chapman/
The Wonder Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-wonderpodcast/id1335112615
Raising Sinners - https://amzn.to/3HNAAQj

Ep 262: Advice from the Oldest Mom on the Playground with Cynthia Yanof

What if you could go back in a time machine and give your young parenting self some advice? My guest Cynthia Yanof and I talk about this very idea on today’s episode. As Cynthia watched her little one play on the playground, she thought about the lessons she could teach her younger self based on how the children were playing. We talk through her excellent advice and how we are still in the process of growing, learning, and fumbling forward on our parenting journey.

Cynthia Yanof is a wife, mom, blogger, and the host of the Pardon the Mess podcast. She has a relaxed style of interviewing, combining her quick wit and sense of humor with a firm commitment to never taking herself too seriously.

She loves Jesus, her family, foster care, and having lots of friends around her as often as possible. Cynthia is relatable, real, and a friend to all of us just trying to walk the parenting road in a meaningful way that’s pleasing to the Lord.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y The Pardon the Mess Podcast: https://www.christianparenting.org/podcasts-post/praying-for-our-kids-praying-accountability/ www.cynthiayanof.com www.pardonthemess.org

Ep. 263: Closing the Integrity Gap in the Home with Jeff and Terra Mattson

Our culture is obsessed with influencers and leadership, but parents often forget that their primary opportunity for leadership and influence is in their own household. My guests Jeff and Terra Mattson talk with me about the distance between what we say and what we do in our families, and how that damages our credibility. We discuss the necessity to recognize the influence of our own childhood families, the importance of grieving trauma and loss, and empathizing even when we don’t agree with the other side.

Jeff and Terra are a husband and wife team who co-founder of Living Wholehearted, LLC, a professional counseling and organizational consulting firm outside of Portland, Oregon and a global movement for moms and daughters called Courageous Girls. Terra is a licensed marriage & family therapist and executive coach with over twenty years of clinical and ministry experience. She is the author of Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace and the visionary and curriculum developer for Courageous Girls. Jeff serves as president of their organizations and leads the executive coaching and organizational development arm of the practice. Together they are the co-hosts of the weekly Living Wholehearted Podcast and Dear Mattsons YouTube series produced by Christian Parenting and the co-authors of Shrinking the Integrity Gap: Between What Leaders Preach and Live. Married just over twenty years and raising their two teen daughters, they integrate biblical, clinical, and relational wisdom to help leaders live and lead with integrity in the home, work and community.

Resources Mentioned:



Shrinking the Integrity Gap: Between What Leaders Preach and Live - https://amzn.to/3CA5qsF

Ep. 265: Hope and Help in the Adoption Journey with Mary Beth Chapman

When Steven and Mary Beth Chapman took their 11 year old daughter Emily on a mission trip to Haiti, it changed the trajectory of their family. A burden to adopt started with Emily and spread to each family member. As the Chapmans adopted three children from China, God connected them with other families that needed support in their own adoption journeys. 8,000 children later, Show Hope is still resourcing moms and dads to enlarge their forever families. Mary Beth joins me to share their story as well as her incredible wisdom for others who are at every step of the adoption process. This is a conversation for more than just adoptive families. It takes a practical and spiritual village to adopt a child!

Steven and Mary Beth were married in October of 1984 and have six children – three biological children, Emily Chapman Richards (married to Tanner and mom to three daughters Eiley, Della, and Verity), Caleb Chapman (married to Julia and dad to son Noble and daughter Olive "Ollie"), and Will Franklin Chapman (married to indie artist Jillian Edwards and dad to daughter Willow Faye), and three daughters adopted from China, Shaohannah Hope, Stevey Joy and Maria Sue, who is now with Jesus. The Chapmans live in Franklin, Tennessee.

Resources Mentioned:
• Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y
• https://www.marybethchapman.com/
• www.showhope.org • howtoadopt.org

Ep. 278: How to Measure a Good Day

How do you measure a good day? What are the things you can control when everything feels out of control? As we walked through a month of ICU hospitalization with our son for his bone marrow transplant, he was unable to even leave his room for 28 days. To keep from focusing on the isolation and sickness, we developed a plan to measure a “good day”. No matter what happened in a day, if we could do most of these things, we can say that it was a day well spent. A good day. On todays episode, I walk through the following list, explaining how these items helped the doctors describe my son’s mindset as “the model patient”. If these items work for you in an isolated hospital, you can trust they will help you make the most of the blessedly “normal” days in your life as well!

What makes up a Good Day?
- Time with God
- Train my body - move!
- Eat intentionally
- Encourage someone
- Learn something
- Play
- Talk to a friend
- Tell people I love them

This is the third episode in my “Upside Down Insights” series. Birthed out of our bone marrow transplant journey, these are insights God has given me as our world turned upside down.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y

If you like this episode, check out Centering on Christ in the Midst of Chaos with Virgil Tanner:
https://letsparentonpurpose.com/2022/01/02/ centering-on-christ-in-the-midst-of-chaos-with-virgil-tanner/

Ep. 266: Sorrow and Suffering in Parenting with Daniel and Kelly Crawford

Sometimes our worst fears in parenting do come true. When Daniel and Kelly Crawford were pregnant with their first son Abel, they learned that he had a life limiting diagnosis. Directed to find services to terminate the pregnancy, they instead chose to carry their little boy to birth. They were gifted fifteen days with their little Abel. Their experience led them to reach out and minister to other families facing similar scenarios. It also gave them perspective as they raise their other special needs children. This is an honest yet hope filled conversation about the sadness and sweetness of dying dreams and and an enduring gospel hope.

Daniel and Kelly Crawford have been married since December 2013 and reside in Dallas, Texas. They have three children (Abel, Mayfield, and Deacon) who were all born on the exact same day in 2016, 2017, and 2019. Yes, January 22 is a big day at the Crawford house! They co- founded Abel Speaks in 2018 to support families who have chosen to carry a child with a life-limiting diagnosis. After walking that road with their firstborn son, Abel, they realized the significant need that existed for parents in their position. The vision of Abel Speaks is that every family they serve will cherish their child’s life and have hope in the midst of sorrow. This ministry is but one example of the redemptive truth that God never wastes an ounce of our pain, and the Crawfords love to write and speak on the ways that God can and does use our suffering for his glory and our good. Go to AbelSpeaks.org to find out more.

Resources Mentioned:
Instagram -@abelspeaks
Facebook - www.facebook.com/abelspeaks.org
Website - www.abelspeaks.org
The vision of Abel Speaks https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=qLJrbTZpQB8
A Parent’s Guide to Sorrow & Suffering- www.abelspeaks.org/
store Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y

Ep 267: Building Character in Our Boys with Monica Swanson

It’s a challenge to balance boundaries and freedom, adventure and responsibility when raising a boy. My guest Monica Swanson shares here experience of raising boys who are sensitive to the things of Jesus while still being strong and capable in the face of the world’s trials. She gives examples of success and failures in her process as well as her insight into creating a “character training course” for her son when he needed extra focus.

Monica Swanson is the author of the Boy Mom book and a blogger at monicaswanson.com. She shares encouragement and inspiration for raising boys in today's world. Monica shares practical advice and biblical wisdom through honest conversations, interviews with other boy moms, and light-hearted humor.

Resources Mentioned:
The Boy Mom Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-boy-mom-podcast-withmonica-swanson-and-friends/id1468061855
Boy Mom- What Your Son Needs Most From You - https://amzn.to/3H3d7t2
Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y

Ep. 268: The Transforming Power of Prayer with Stacy Callender

When Stacy Callender was a young mom she felt burdened as her children entered public school. This burden led her to join a Moms in Prayer group that changed the trajectory of her life, family, and mission. Stacy and I talk about the work of God through prayer, and how we grow in courage and faith by consistency praying with others. You can’t help but be encouraged as you listen to Stacy’s story and her infectious joy!

Stacy Callender is the host of the Moms in Prayer podcast. She has been involved in a Moms in Prayer group since her oldest child started kindergarten in 1999. She has served as the Southern California State Coordinator, and also in Women’s Ministry at her local church. She and her husband, Scott, live in Southern California where they have raised their four children, Megan, Bryce, Madison and Brendan. During her free time, Stacy can be found eating Mexican food, hiking, reading or bargain hunting.
Resources Mentioned:
• Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y
• Moms in Prayer https://momsinprayer.org
• Moms in Prayer Podcast https://momsinprayer.org/resources/ podcast/

Ep. 269: Simplifying Family Worship with Rob Rienow

Family worship is one of the most transformative habits a family can have. It’s also very intimidating to most moms and dads. Dr. Rob Rienow, founder of Visionary Families, helps simplify the process of starting and continuing family worship. With a simple toolbox of prayer, Bible reading, and other elements, you can implement a healthy habit of family worship in your home no matter the age of your children.

Dr. Rob Rienow’s most important ministry is loving his wife Amy and partnering with her to lead their seven children to love God. He is the founder of Visionary Family Ministries (www.visionaryfam.com), a pastor, international conference speaker, and the author of several books including Visionary Parenting and Visionary Marriage. When Rob is not fishing for men, he enjoys fishing for fish. The Rienow family lives in West Chicago, IL.

Resources Mentioned:
PODCAST www.VisionaryFam.com/podcast
Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y

Ep. 270: Parenting Adult Children with Willow Sanders

Parenting doesn’t stop just because your children turn 18. But it sure can be confusing! Willow Sanders joins me to talk about the transitions from boss to coach to advisor that a parent must make over the years. We share our struggles and encouragements as we seek to navigate the challenges of parenting adult children in a healthy way.

Willow Sanders is the director of Student Services and Protect the Heart Ministries for CareNet of the Treasure Coast. Willow has served the Treasure Coast for over 2 decades and has two adult sons.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y
Talking to Your Children about Sex with Willow Sanders - https://letsparentonpurpose.com/2018/03/18/talking-to-your-children-about- sex/

Ep 271: Learning and Growing Together in a Newly Blended Family with Jonathan Pitts

Pastor and author Jonathan Pitts joins me once again, this time to talk about the growth and adjustments from his newly blended family. We discuss setting-but also adapting-expectations, the mix of grief and joy in a blended family, and giving one another grace with feelings and emotions.

Jonathan Pitts is an author, speaker and the executive pastor at Church of the City in Franklin, Tennessee. He previously served as the executive director at the Urban Alternative, the national ministry of Dr. Tony Evans. Jonathan has co-authored two books alongside his late wife, Wynter Pitts. He is also President and co-founder of For Girls Like You Ministries, an equipping and resourcing ministry for tween girls and their parents. Jonathan is the father of four daughters and is blessed to be newly married to his wife Pita Pitts.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y
Jonathon’s Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pittsjr26/?hl=en
The Journey Podcast - https://www.christianparenting.org/podcasts-
The Chip Dodd Eight Feelings Chart https://sagehill.co/eight-feelings/

Ep. 272: The Spiritual Journey to Physical Health with Amber Lia

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 74 percent of adults in the United States are overweight. After 10 years of marriage and five pregnancies, Amber Lia, a former college athlete and recreational bodybuilder, found herself to be one of them. Feeling ashamed of her physical state and knowing that she could and should do better—for herself, her husband, and her children—she embarked on a journey to reclaim her health, one unhealthy pattern at a time. We discuss her journey to spiritual and physical health, understanding the importance of your “why”, identifying food triggers, and learning to replace unhealthy habits with healthy ones.

Amber Lia is an independent certified health coach who has been on her own transformative health journey. She has written and coauthored several books, including Marriage Triggers and the bestselling parenting book, Triggers. A former high-school English teacher, Amber is a sought-after mentor for women and a regular contributing writer for The Better Mom. Amber and her husband co- run the faith-friendly production company Storehouse Media Group, and they live in Southern California with their four boys. To learn more, visit AmberLia.com.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y
Your Future Self Will Thank You with Drew Dyck - https://
Food Triggers: Exchanging Unhealthy Patterns for God-Honoring Habits by Amber Lia - https://amzn.to/3mLUbY9

Ep. 273: What if I Fail As a Parent

Fear of failure as a parent can paralyze a mom or dad. In my new “What if…?” series I look at the reality of our parental failure through the lens of the gospel. We talk about:

1. Why many of our failures don’t matter
2. The reality that there will be many times when you really blow it
3. How to view your failure in the light of the gospel.

Failure is not the last word, and God can use our worst moments to shape some of the best character qualities in our children.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y

Ep. 274: What If You Don’t Fit In?

One of the common feelings shared by our children is "I feel like I don't fit in.” The truth is this feeling doesn’t go away just because we become adults.

I've been thinking about that...

From my personal experience and from over 20 years as a pastor, I have come to believe that "I don't fit in" is a more common feeling than "I fit in". 
 Today I share thoughts on why I think this feeling is a part of the curse, and how the Gospel is the cure.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y

Ep. 275: What if My Child Gets Sick... Really Sick

There are few fears more gripping to a parent than the thought that one of their children might get sick... really sick. Sick to the point of real suffering. Sick to the point of no answers. Sick to the point of death.
This is something we’ve been walking through as a family for eight years now. Having experienced the dreaded diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, having walked through years of bad news, good news, injections, and hospitalizations, I want to offer some wisdom that we’ve gained along the way.
Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y

Ep. 276: The Freedom of Simplicity

What would happen if you had to live without 95 percent of your “stuff”? That’s exactly what our family has been experiencing as we live in a rental house for a couple of months. The conclusion: we are just fine. It’s led me to think about how much stress and anxiety we normally live under because of our accumulation of stuff and commitments. How do we fightback to simplify our lives so that we can truly live in the freedom Jesus gives us?This is the first episode in my “Upside Down Insights” series. Birthed out of our bone marrow transplant journey, these are insights God has given me as our world turned upside down.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y

If this topic interests you, check out Richard Foster’s Freedom ofSimplicity: Finding Harmony in a Complex World: https://amzn.to/3OdR9bn

Ep. 277: Our Father is Always Working

Sometimes I feel the pressure to fix all of the broken things in my family and friends. It’s especially paralyzing when you cannot see what God is doing. In this devotional form John 5, we see that Jesus did nothing of his own initiative, but only what he saw His Father already doing. If the Son of God only worked in areas where He could see his Father working, shouldn’t we enjoy the freedom of following His example? God doesn’t need us to join his work, but he wants us to. As we join the Father, we grow in character and skill. We go from knowing about God to knowing God. And the more time we spend working with our Father, the more we become like our Father. This is the second episode in my “Upside Down Insights” series. Birthed out of our bone marrow transplant journey, these are insights God has given me as our world turned upside down.

Resources Mentioned:

Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y

Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God:
https://amzn.to/ 37jJJTa

Ep. 279: A Walkthrough of a Family Sabbath Dinner

This year our family has been stretched and scattered. We have experienced significant disorientation as we walk through a leukemia relapsed. To combat the disorientation, we are developing a new practice of a Family Sabbath Dinner. After years of toying with the idea, talking about it with others, we are finally doing it. Today I want to walk you through what our Family Sabbath Liturgy looks like. This is my own personal modified version, designed to help take some of the awkwardness out of the meal as well as giving each participant a meaningful role. As you follow along my walkthrough, my prayer is that you realize that you can also do this! Jesus tells us that the Sabbath was made for man, and it’s time we reclaimed this gift as we invite Jesus to the feast!

If you find this compelling, check out the links in “Resources Mentioned” for my Sabbath Liturgy as well as a couple of other versions.

This is the fourth episode in my “Upside Down Insights” series. Birthed out of our bone marrow transplant journey, these are insights God has given me as our world turned upside down.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y

If you like this episode, check out Centering on Christ in the Midst of Chaos with Virgil Tanner: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/2022/01/02/ centering-on-christ-in-the-midst-of-chaos-with-virgil-tanner/

Sabbath Dinner Liturgies:
My version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ee6x0p95ghl6x1/ Sabbath%20Family%20Liturgy.pdf?dl=0
Virgil Tanner’s Version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oxzdh5p6b8k2cq3/ Sabbath%20Dinner%20Liturgy.pdf?dl=0
Stovall and Kerrie Weems’ Version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ oxzdh5p6b8k2cq3/Sabbath%20Dinner%20Liturgy.pdf?dl=0

Ep. 280: Communication and Conflict Part 1: Know Your Enemy

This is part one of a four part series to help parents and teens improve their communication and reduce conflict. It’s adapted from a parent/teen retreat and includes small group questions you help you process the material as a family. Today’s episode focuses on understanding the spiritual warfare behind many household conflicts and gives you tools for overcoming.

Key Points:
1. You have an enemy, and it’s not your family.
2. The combat theater is your mind. Satan’s weapon is your flesh, and your weapon is the armor of God.
3. The next combat theater is your family. Your family is not the enemy, they are the battle prize. Satan’s weapon is pride and your weapon is grace.

Remember, healing grace is a two way street but it starts with one person making the step of faith!

Discussion Questions with your family after listening:
1. What was the most important thing you heard in this podcast?
2. Is the concept of spiritual warfare in the family new to you?
3. What seems to be the greatest battlefield to you right now, your mind or your family? Why?
4. Can you see where pride has caused resentment and division in the relationships in your family? In what way?
5. Can you think of a practical way that grace could change the tone in your house? How so?
6. What do you need to do with what you heard today? When are you going to do it?

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
If you like this episode, check out Episode 138 - Spiritual Warfare in the Home

Ep. 281: Communication and Conflict Part 2 Refilling the Love Bank

This is part two of a four part series to help parents and teens improve their communication and reduce conflict. It’s adapted from a parent/teen retreat and includes small group questions you help you process the material as a family. Today’s episode focuses understanding the emotional love bank each family member has with one another. Once we learn the impact of deposits and withdraws, we can begin to build emotional security in our household relationships. We discuss applying the New Testament One Another’s to our family, identifying one another’s love languages, securing easy wins, and avoiding costly losses in our communication.

Key Points:

1. The Love Bank/Tank represents the amount of positive emotional reserves you have for each relationship.
2. Everyone wants to feel noticed, loved, and appreciated. We get to be the hands, feet, and mouth of Jesus to one another in the home!
3. As a general rule, people need to hear 5-10 affirmations for every cirque, otherwise they become insecure and resentful.
4. The Five Love Languages are helpful in understanding how individuals give and receive love. Your family will benefit if you know which ones each member values the highest: Quality Time, Physical Touch, Acts of Service, Gift Giving, Words of Affirmation.

5. Go for the easy wins and avoid the easy loses! Parents need to eliminate cut-downs and comparisons. Teens need to understand that lying breaks trust and relationships.
6. A full love bank allows for a secure relationship.

Discussion Questions with your family after listening:

What was the most important thing you heard in this episode?
If you’re being honest, how would you describe your love tank with each member of your family right now? Why do you say this?
Have you ever thought about how you’ve been called to be the hands, feet, and mouth of Jesus so they can feel secure in the Lord? What do you think about that?
When it comes to the five love languages, what ones help you feel loved the most? Which ones are the ways you most often try to express your love to others? Remember the languages are Quality Time, Physical Touch, Acts of Service, Gift Giving, and Words of Affirmation. What’s a specific way that your family members could help you feel more loved?
What’s an easy win way that someone can make a deposit into your love tank?
Take a time to encourage one another. What are a few specific things that you like about the people in your family? If they are in your group make sure you tell them!
Finish out by praying for each other!

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y

For more detail on the Love Bank, check out my article “The Love Bank”: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/2017/10/30/the-love-bank/

His Needs Her Needs: Making Romantic Love Last by Willard F Harley Jr. https://amzn.to/3LDu92N

The Five Love Languages: Secrets to Love That Last by Gary Chapman https://amzn.to/3LzKztg

Ep. 291: Skills to Communicate With Your Spouse with Nathan and Amy Oliver

Some couples naturally communicate very well with one another. But for most, it’s a learned skill. If we are not intentional with our communication, one day we might wake up next to someone we not longer know nor care to know. Marriage therapists Nathan and Amy Oliver equip us today with key skills to enhance our marriage through better communication. We talk about the primary purpose of communication (connection vs. information collection). The Oliver’s discuss the importance of nonverbal communication, the dangers of trying to communicate through text, and ways to help your spouse feel validated even if you don’t agree with them. These simple skills will help you stay invested in your spouse as you each change from the early years, through the parenting years, into a thriving marriage as empty nesters.

Nathan and Amy Oliver are both licensed professional therapists and members of Covenant Fellowship Baptist Church in Stuart, Florida. They specialize in marriage/family therapy, teens/young adults, substance addiction, depression, and anxiety. The Olivers are individually available for virtual counseling sessions. To find out more visit www.olivercounselling.com

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
It’s Not About The Nail Youtube Video: https://tinyurl.com/3ku2d54c
Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss: https://amzn.to/3nfESXz
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 283: Communication and Conflict Part 4 A New Vision For Your Family

This is last episode in a four part series to help parents and teens improve their communication and reduce conflict. It’s adapted from a parent/teen retreat and includes small group questions you help you process the material as a family. Conflict increases when there is no compelling purpose or mission. Today we begin to re-vision your family as a multigenerational team on mission for the Lord. I share a couple actionable steps for helping your family discover your identity, mission, and strategy.

Key Points:
1. Our culture looks at families as springboards for individual success. We need to begin to view our family as a multigenerational team on mission.
2. Generations are not stuck. It only takes one generation in a family to turn to Jesus to start a new legacy.
3. A team needs an identity, a purpose, and a strategy.
4. To shape your family identity, develop a family mission statement.
• As an example, here’s my family’s mission statement: God has blessed us with relationships, resources, and responsibility. We will use our gifts to enjoy life with Jesus and one another, and to heal a broken world through the love of Christ.
5. A simple strategy for your family to begin living on mission: start a weekly multigenerational meal.
6. Your new vision for family can help cure the disease of more and be the greatest force of discipleship in your household! Discussion Questions with your family after listening:
1. What was the most important thing you heard from this episode?
2. What do you think of the idea of your family being a multigenerational team on mission for Jesus?
3. How has God uniquely blessed your family in ways that could be a blessing to others? What are your treasures in relationships and resources?
4. Who are family members outside of your current household that you could pull in to your family team on mission? 5. Who are people in your life in need of a spiritual family that you could pull in to your team and mission?
6. Start to brainstorm what you would want to include in a family mission statement. How has God blessed you and what are specific ways you want your family to serve Jesus for decades if the Lord doesn’t return in your lifetime?
7. Could you start a weekly multigenerational meal? What night of the week would work best? Who could you invite? What are some things that would help make this night meaningful. For example - the Holland Family try’s to have a role for ever member of the meal, from lighting candles to sharing scripture to prayers of blessing. Over the meal we share our weekly highs and lows as well as something we are learning. What night of the week would work most consistently for you to have it?
8. When are you going to have your first multigenerational meal?

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Episode 280: https://www.christianparenting.org/podcasts-post/communication-and-conflict-part-2-refilling-the-love-bank/#cp-podcast-enc-container
Episode 281: https://www.christianparenting.org/podcasts-post/communication-and-conflict-part-2-refilling-the-love-bank/
Episode 282: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-282-communication-and-conflict-part-3-retooling/id1190973394?i=1000567017578

To explore this concept further check out my episode Your Family as a Team with Jeremy Pryor
https://letsparentonpurpose.com/2021/06/13/ your-family-as-a-team-with-jeremy-pryor/

Ep. 282: Communication and Conflict Part 3 Retooling for Healthier Conflict

This is part three of a four part series to help parents and teens improve their communication and reduce conflict. It’s adapted from a parent/teen retreat and includes small group questions you help you process the material as a family. Every family is going to have conflict. We need a better conflict toolbox to allow us to win the person and not the argument. Today we look at principles from Proverbs as well as Chris Voss’ book Never Split the Difference: Communicating Like Your Life Depends on it. I also share some of the most helpful marriage counseling advice I’ve ever been given.

Key Points:

1. You’re going to have disagreements and conflict. You need a better conflict toolbox.
2. The vast majority of conflict work is done before the conflict. Refill the love bank!
3. People want to be understood and appreciated. 4. Tools for conflict:
• Be a Mirror - Active listening and reflecting
• Accusation Audit - Admit the ugly truth and state your worst case
• Tactical Empathy - State their case and feelings in the best way you can (you don’t have to agree).

• Getting to “that’s right” rather than “you’re right”!
5. The best way to win the conflict is to seek to win the person! 6. Marriage tips for “fighting fair”
• Never use the words “always” or “never”
• Stick to the subject even if it means you’re going to “lose” the argument
• Make enough time for the discussion and take a time out if you need Discussion Questions with your family after listening:

1.What was the most important thing you heard from this episode?

Remember to try to use the toolbox as we continue the questions
Be a mirror - active listening and reflecting
Accusation audit - admit the ugly truth and state your worst case
Tactical Empathy - state the other side’s case and feelings as best as you
Getting to “That’s Right” instead of “Your Right”

2. One of the main points was “everyone wants be understood and appreciated.” Can you think of something in your household where you feel either misunderstood or unappreciated? Share the situation if you feel comfortable. Others in the group should practice listening and interacting using the toolbox. Stick to the subject and don’t switch topics in the middle. See if you can get to a place where one of the people listening can restate your case in such an accurate way that you say “That’s Right”.
4. Take a turn and let someone else go.
5. What do you think would be the most helpful tool in the toolbox to regularly use?
6. Are any of them confusing to you?
7. Do you feel like if you are appreciated and understood its easier to get past individual things that your family members might disagree on? Explain why or why not.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y

Episode 280: https://www.christianparenting.org/podcasts-post/communication-and-conflict-part-2-refilling-the-love-bank/#cp-podcast-enc-container

Episode 281: https://www.christianparenting.org/podcasts-post/communication-and-conflict-part-2-refilling-the-love-bank/

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As if Your Life Depended On It by Chriss Voss and Tahl Raz https://amzn.to/3sOiBDu

Ep. 284: The Most Effective Parenting Style for Teens

The teenage years are a time of radical change. But it’s not just our teenagers who must go through change. Parenting styles and roles rapidly evolve as our children move closer to adulthood. In this episode I discuss three different types of parenting styles. We review why the drill sergeant and the helicopter parent fail to prepare our teens for adulthood. Instead, we should aim to become consultants that empower our teens with greater responsibility and ownership of their actions. If this topic is helpful to you, I highly recommend you check out Parenting Teens with Love and Logic by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
I discussed this topic in more detail in a very early episode of Let’s Parent on Purpose: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/2017/02/20/lpop-9-whatsyour-parenting-style/
Parenting Teens with Love and Logic: Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood: https://amzn.to/3xi6uA8
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/ support/

Ep. 285: Three Pillars for Strengthening Your Teen’s Self Concept

The teenage years can feel incredibly unstable for both parents and adolescents. Today I share three pillars that can help your teen have a stable self concept even as their bodies, brains, and friends keep changing. Learn how important it is for your teen to know “I’m loved,” “I’ve got what it takes,” and “I can take responsibility”. As moms and dads, our interactions with our teens will either enhance or diminish each of these messages.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Parenting Teens with Love and Logic: Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood: https://amzn.to/3xi6uA8
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/ support/

Ep. 286: Finding Hope in Shattering Loss with Lisa Appelo

Lisa Appelo went to bed married one night and woke up a widow and single mom to seven children the next morning. Her story of navigating raw, tender grief stands as a testimony that—regardless of your circ*mstances—life can be good again after it falls apart. We talk about the experience of losing her husband dan, the process of navigating her own grief, as well as the individual paths of grieving each of her children walked. Most importantly, we celebrate how Jesus can bring a depth and richness to our joy even if we’ve experienced traumatic loss.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y

Life Can Be Good Again: Putting Your World Back Together After It Falls Apart by Lisa Appelo: https://lisaappelo.com/lifecanbegoodagain/ LisaAppelo.com
IG: @lisaappelo
FB: @LisaAppelo

Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/ support/

Ep. 287: Which Bible Translation Should I Buy My Child?

I’m frequently asked about which Bible Translation is best for children or teens. Today I share an overview of the differences between translations as well as thoughts on what Bible might be best for your child. Additionally I share a couple of “pre-Bible introductory resources”. I discuss why it’s important to consider what translation your church regularly uses as well as any special reading difficulties your child may have.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
The Jesus Storybook Bible: https://amzn.to/3xUNiZu
The Action Bible: https://amzn.to/3OBsnlr
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 288: How To Schedule Your Ideal Week

A few years ago I began to craft my ideal week. While it never goes according to plan, the practice has radically increased my fruitfulness and decreased my stress. Today I share with you the benefits of crafting your ideal work week as well as the process for creating your own.

Scheduling Your Ideal Work Week:

First off, before beginning your schedule, take a few minutes to write out your long term goals for a fruitful and joy filled life.

For me those would include:

An ever-growing relationship with Jesus
A body that is functional and not in chronic pain
A mind that stays curious and sharp
A deepening love and joy in my life and partnership with my wife
Intentional time with my children and friends
Joyful life with the church
Faithful and fruitful work

Next, write out a Monday-Sunday calendar. Break up the day into these 6 sections: Early Morning, Late Morning, Early Afternoon, Late Afternoon, Early Evening, Late Evening.

Now, fill-in the absolute fixed points of your schedule that you don’t control the time of.

Next, fill in the time slots that are an investment in those long term goals you listed before starting your calendar. For instance, each Early Morning I have slotted a time that is called Morning Startup. This includes a time for a long walk and prayer time, reading the word, quickly journaling about yesterday, and my hygiene time. I know this time will also include helping get the kids ready for school. There’s also a date night blocked, a family sabbath dinner, and a time for personal projects.

Now, aim to block off chunks of 2-3 hour blocks for deep work or batched work (these are tasks that can be done much quicker if grouped together, like emails, chores, or phone calls). I’ve learned is that in a 40 hour work week, if I can get 12-15 hours of uninterrupted deep work, I can really thrive at completing all that’s required of me besides the people interactions. So I block those deep work times in 3 hour chunks through the week.

For more details, listen to the podcast! Additionally you might benefit from checking out Michael Hyatt’s explanation in my resources mentioned section below. This is where I learned the practice.

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
How to Better Control Your Time by Designing Your Ideal Week: https://fullfocus.co/ideal-week/
Free to Focus: A Total Productivity System for Doing More by Doing Less: https://amzn.to/3NRBP2O
Get Your Calendar Year Prayer Journal: www.cpgive.org
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 289: Spiritual Foundation for a Healthy Marriage

This is the first of a four part series on building blocks for a healthy marriage. Before getting into communication and conflict techniques, it’s important to remember that a healthy marriage must have a solid foundation. Today I share three vital pillars for every marriage to thrive in a spiritually broken world. As you listen, consider whether your marriage is supported by: 1) a regular, personal spiritual pursuit of Jesus Christ and His will, 2) spiritually connective practices with your spouse, and 3) an accountable and encouraging faith community.

Helpful questions to ask yourself:

Am I setting aside regular, personal time with Jesus? Do I read His word with a heart to see God, know his will, and follow it? Do I regularly pray for and with my spouse? Does my pursuit of worship, study, and serving enrich my spouse’s walk with Jesus? Do I have a spiritual community that encourages me in my walk and calls me to accountability if I am straying or mistreating my spouse?
Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Sponsor Affiliate:
Get the Key Psalms to Pray Over Your Kids: www.cpgive.org

Ep. 290: How to Have Healthier Conflict with Nathan and Amy Oliver

Every marriage has conflict. It’s how you handle the conflict that determines the direction and quality of your marriage. My guests Nathan and Amy Oliver outline specific steps you can incorporate into your turbulent issues to end more connected than when you began. You’ll learn the power of a time out in the midst of a heated discussion. You’ll also be equipped with steps to take during and after the time out to ensure you win the person, not the argument.

These steps include:
- Asking questions to regain perspective: Who is this person? What am I feeling right now? What does he or she feel in me?
Breathing and regaining control of your “logic brain” from your “emotional brain” Learning to empathetically restate your spouse’s position even if you don’t agree with it.
Additionally, you’ll discover the emotional, physical, and sexual benefits of conflict resolution and how to not live in fear of the next argument.

Nathan and Amy Oliver are both licensed professional therapists and members of Covenant Fellowship Baptist Church in Stuart, Florida. They specialize in marriage/family therapy, teens/young adults, substance addiction, depression, and anxiety. The Olivers are individually available for virtual counseling sessions. To find out more visit www.olivercounselling.com

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss: https://amzn.to/3nfESXz
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 292: Five Healthy Marriage Habits with Nathan and Amy Oliver

Great marriages don’t happen without intentional work. There’s a saying: “your habits will determine the direction and quality of your life.” In the same way, your marriage habits will determine the direction and quality of your marriage. As we wrap up our Building Blocks for a Healthy Marriage series, Nathan and Amy Oliver share with us five powerful habits to practice for a healthy marriage. We will learn the power of
10 Minutes of check-in each day A weekly date night 3 Consecutive nights away each year Regular family business meetings Developing a Care List so your spouse knows how to best show you love Nathan and Amy Oliver are both licensed professional therapists and members of Covenant Fellowship Baptist Church in Stuart, Florida. They specialize in marriage/family therapy, teens/young adults, substance addiction, depression, and anxiety. The Olivers are individually available for virtual counseling sessions. To find out more visit www.olivercounselling.com

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Trusted Pet Sitters: https://www.trustedhousesitters.com/
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 293: What To Do With the Mean People In Our Lives

Whether you are surviving a middle school lunch room or trying to navigate the adult relationships in your life, there will always be mean people. Based on an excellent sermon on the same topic from Andy Stanley at North Point Church, I walk through insights about getting even vs. giving love. We look at how attempting to get even almost cost David his future kingdom. Finally we consider the following set of questions to help us deal with the mean people in our lives:
Do you want to be even with someone you don’t even like? How much control are you giving this person in your head? When this is nothing more than a story to tell, what story do you want to tell? What would it look like to return good for for? Is Jesus your king… really?
Resources Mentioned:
North Point Church: Mean People and What to do about them: https://bit.ly/3c24UeT
Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets by Andy Stanley: https://amzn.to/3AtzUhq
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 294: Reflecting on the 70 20 10 rule of learning and transformation

There is a general principle that states that 70% of our learning comes from experience, 20% from the people in our lives, and 10% from formalized instruction and book education. Today I reflect on how these truths might impact the way we parent and approach spiritual development in our households and churches.

Resources Mentioned:
What is the 70 20 10 Model in Learning and Development? https://elearningindustry.com/70-20-10-model-learning-and-development
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 295: A Four Minute Habit With Compound Results

Six years ago I started a simple habit of writing five lines in a daily journal. Today I share six insights I have from this practice as I try to encourage you to develop this four minute habit. Listen to me explain how I learned:
1. God is faithful
2. My seasons of discontent are truly seasonal
3. Ingrained habits take very little willpower
4. Many of my plans don’t work out. Actually, most don’t.
5. My wife just keeps getting more awesome.
6. It’s only through journaling daily did I to discover some of the sneaky blessings of God in my life.

Resources Mentioned:
The Levenger 5-year journal: https://amzn.to/3TfRlJI
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/ support/

Ep. 296: A Rite of Passage Ceremony for Our Sons with Steven Arms

How does a child know when they are accepted as an adult? In our modern world, young people are often left to figure this out on their own. Many never do. I’m joined by author Steven Arms, who shares with me the family Rite of Passage tradition he experienced at 13 years old to welcome his as an adult member of his family. We discuss the importance of affirming manhood and womanhood, the need for a tribe of mentors, as well as the specifics of how to create a Rite of Passage experience for a young man. I also share how our church affirms our graduates with a Rite of Passage Ceremony their senior year.

Steven Arms is a co-author of the book Milestone to Manhood: A Christian Rite of Passage to Help Your 13-Year-Old Son Make the Leap from Boyhood to Manhood. In the book, Steven shares his firsthand experience of his Rite of Passage weekend and reflects on how it shaped him into the man that he is today. Steven lives in Portland, Oregon, with his wife, Emily, and is the proud father of two young children.

Resources Mentioned:
Buy the book Milestone to Manhood: https://amzn.to/3LevzTb

Visit Steven and David’s website: www.milestonetomanhood.com

Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y

Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 297: Equipping Our Children For Conversations on Gender Identity and Sexuality with Dr. Sean McDowell

There is no way to completely shelter your children from the cultural campaign on gender identity and sexuality. Dr. Sean McDowell shares how we can equip ourselves to walk alongside our children, asking questions, and teaching them how to have loving, biblical worldview in their schools and sports teams.

Dr. Sean McDowell is a gifted communicator with a passion for equipping the church, and in particular young people, to make the case for the Christian faith. He connects with audiences in a tangible way through humor and stories while imparting hard evidence and logical support for viewing all areas of life through a Biblical worldview. Sean is an Associate Professor in the Christian Apologetics program at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. Sean’s most recent book is called A Rebel’s manifesto: Choosing Truth, Real Justice, & Love amid the Noise of Today’s World.

Resources Mentioned:
Sean’s Website: www.seanmcdowell.org
A Rebel’s Manifesto: https://seanmcdowell.org/item/a-rebels-manifesto
Episode 216 Talking to Your Children About Sexuality and Gender Identity: https://tinyurl.com/ycyb6a4d
Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets by Andy Stanley: https://amzn.to/3AtzUhq
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 298: What if your children identify with a different gender or sexuality with Dan Seaborn

Culture continues to saturate our children with messages on gender and sexuality. Parents should expect their children to come to them with questions about these topics. At some point, there’s a reasonable likelihood your child might approach you confused or identifying as a different gender or sexuality. What are you going to do? In the first half of a two part conversation with author and counselor Dan Seaborn, we talk about how to react to that first revelation. Dan reminds us how to keep perspective rather than panic, and how we can even celebrate the fact that our kids are even willing to talk to us. We discuss the way God has redeemed our own sexual sins. He speaks encouragement (from personal experience) for parents who are grieving wayward children. Dan also addresses the realities of the different culture our children live in compared to our child.

Dan Seaborn, M.A., is the founder and president of Winning At Home, an organization that supports marriages and families. As an author, speaker, and leader of the Marriage and Family Network of AACC, Dan uses humor, practical illustrations, and real-life examples to teach others how to win at home. He has authored thirteen books and holds a master’s degree in Christian ministries. His new book, Winning at Home, will be available nationwide on September 13, 2022.

Resources Mentioned:
Episode 297 Equipping our children for conversations on sexuality and gender identity with Sean McDowell
Episode 216 Talking to Your Children About Sexuality and Gender Identity: https://tinyurl.com/ycyb6a4d
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 299: Pointing to a Deeper Orientation in Jesus with Dan Seaborn

This is the second half of my conversation with Dan Seaborn on how to parent a child who is identifying as a different gender or sexuality. Be sure to first listen to episode 298 What if Your Children Identify With a Different Gender or Sexuality? In this half of the discussion, we talk the term “Super-Straight” as well as the peer pressure that labels traditional sexual ethics as toxic. Dan encourages parents away from humiliation and towards humility as we process our children’s struggles. We discuss trusted resources for counseling if your child has more than a passing interest or questions. And finally Dan encourages us in how healing is not about turning our orientation towards heterosexuality, but in finding our orientation with who Christ made us to be. Be sure to share this episode with moms and dads you know are struggling with this topic!

Dan Seaborn, M.A., is the founder and president of Winning At Home, an organization that supports marriages and families. As an author, speaker, and leader of the Marriage and Family Network of AACC, Dan uses humor, practical illustrations, and real-life examples to teach others how to win at home. He has authored thirteen books and holds a master’s degree in Christian ministries. His new book, Winning at Home, will be available nationwide on September 13, 2022.

Resources Mentioned:
Episode 297 Equipping our children for conversations on sexuality and gender identity with Sean McDowell
Episode 216 Talking to Your Children About Sexuality and Gender Identity: https://tinyurl.com/ycyb6a4d
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Episode 300! Beating leukemia together with Elijah and Micah Holland.

Today we are celebrating episode 300 of Let’s Parent on Purpose! I am joined today by both of my sons, Elijah and Micah Holland. The boys share what it was like to go through leukemia, relapse, and then bone marrow transplant together. We talk about worries, struggles, and the picture of Christ we find in bone marrow transplant. Additionally I share about the future of Let’s Parent on Purpose, including the beginning of the 127 Project to grow the outreach of Let’s Parent on Purpose and to take care of orphans. On this day of celebration, I want to say a big Thank You to every listener, supporter, and guest I’ve spent time with in the last 300 episodes. Parenting is a marathon, not a sprint, and we are all better with intentional investment in our marriage, parenting, and walk with Jesus. Thanks for sticking around for the first 300, I look forward to the next 300!

Elijah and Micah Holland are the sons of Jay and Emily Holland. In 2014 Elijah was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. After 3.5 years of treatment and 4 years off of chemo, Elijah relapsed in September of 2021. By God’s grace, his brother (and bunkmate) Micah was a Perfect Sibling Match as a bone marrow donor. In the spring of 2022, Micah gave over one liter of his bone marrow to save his brother’s life. Today both boys are healthy and thriving as they catch up on school, play in the church band together, and try to avoid emptying the dishwasher and cleaning their room.

Resources Mentioned:
LPOP 1 It’s a Marathon - https://letsparentonpurpose.com/2016/12/30/lpop-1-its-a-marathon/
Episode 235 Finding a Mission in Chemotherapy with Elijah Holland: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/2016/12/30/lpop-1-its-a-marathon/
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 301: Putting a Dagger in the Heart of Worry with Louie Giglio

What do you do when fear grips you up in the middle of the night? Pastor Louie Giglio joins me today for a transparent conversation on anxiety, depression, and worry. He shares his personal struggles, research on real and imagined fears, and most importantly, the pathway to peace through Jesus. We talk about our own seasons of anxiety and how Jesus gives us worship as a tool to combat the doubts in the night. Finally, Louie shares about the confidence we can have in Jesus to carry our worries, since he has already carried our sin.
Louie Giglio is Pastor of Passion City Church and Original Visionary of the Passion movement, which exists to call a generation to leverage their lives for the fame of Jesus. Since 1997, Passion Conferences has gathered collegiate-aged young people in events across the US and around the world. Most recently, Passion 2022 hosted 55,000 students and leaders.
Louie is the national-bestselling author of over a dozen books including his newest release,Winning the War on Worry. An Atlanta native and graduate of Georgia State University, Louie has done post-graduate work at Baylor University and holds a master’s degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Louie and Shelley make their home in Atlanta.

Resources Mentioned:
Louie Giglio’s recent trilogy of books:
Winning the War on Worry: https://amzn.to/3RsbJoG
Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table: https://amzn.to/3BQapGu
At the Table with Jesus: https://amzn.to/3dRTLOG
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 302: Teach your children to overcome racism with the gospel with Michelle Sanchez

In a culture inflamed by racial tensions, how can parents teach children a healthy perspective on race and culture? Author Michelle Sanchez joins me today for a discussion on the gospel vision of a diverse, multiethnic community. We talk about how backgrounds and personal experiences can form our racial prejudices. Michelle also shares biblical, Christ-honoring ways for a parent or church to pursue healthy, diverse racial relationships.
Michelle T. Sanchez, MDiv, ThM, is the senior discipleship and evangelism leader of the Evangelical Covenant Church, a vibrant multiethnic denomination of more than 900 congregations. Michelle completed seminary degrees at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and spiritual direction training at Boston College. She is a conference speaker and a columnist with Outreach magazine. Michelle has enjoyed engaging with colorful cultures in over thirty countries and territories around the world. She and her husband, Mickey, live with their children in the Chicago area.
Michelle has written a trilogy of books on color-courageous discipleship centered on the healing power of the gospel of Christ.

Resources Mentioned:
Michelle’s Website https://michelletsanchez.com
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 303: What Do I Do If My Child Is Cutting With Eliza Huie

The trend of teenagers engaged in cutting has risen in recent years with the rise in social media and Youtube Influencers. What should a parent do if they find out their child has been cutting? Is this a pathway to suicide or something else? Eliza Huie joins me once again to help parents understand the pressures that lead a child to begin cutting. She offers council on what we can do if we find out our child has behaved in this behavior. Finally, she shares how the hope of the gospel can walk us through even this dark challenge.

Eliza is a counselor, author, speaker, and trainer committed to providing care and resources for the whole person. Trained both biblically and clinically, she understands the complexities people face in their spiritual, emotional, and physical lives.
She holds a Master of Arts in Counseling and has advanced certificates in biblical counseling from The Christian Counseling Educational Foundation (CCEF) and The Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC). She is also a licensed clinical professional counselor.

Eliza is the director of counseling atMcLean Bible Churchlocated in the Washington D.C. metro area. She is the Dean of Biblical Counseling forMetro Baltimore Seminary in Maryland. She and her husband Ken have been married for almost 30 years and they have 3 grown children and a lovely daughter-in-law.

Resources Mentioned:
Help! My Teen is Self-Injuring https://www.focusonthefamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Self-Injury.pdf

How to Get the Most Out of Counseling: https://us.10ofthose.com/how-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-counseling-tract-booklet/

Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids - https://us.10ofthose.com/raising-emotionally-healthy-kids-help-for-parents-paperback/

Eliza’s other books - https://us.10ofthose.com/search.php?search_query=eliza

Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y

Ep. 304: Engaging and Protecting Your Video Gamer with Drew Dixon

Whether you like it or not, your child probably loves video games. When we as parents act like video games are a curse, we often miss a key opportunity with our children. My guest Drew Dixon shares the wonder of video games including creativity, connection, and play. We talk about the gospel opportunities to discuss worldview with your children as they play video games, as well as equipping them to be on mission with their friends and contacts through social gaming. Finally, Drew and I discuss our responsibility to set safeguards and parameters with our children as they engage in gaming. Drew helps us see how important it is for our rules to be clear, collaborative, and written down.

Drew Dixon is a team leader at Lifeway Christian resources, co-founder and Chief Content Nerd of Love Thy Nerd, public speaker, co-host of Humans of Gaming, editor, author, and has traveled all over the world to spread the Gospel at nerd conventions. His new book Know Thy Gamer was released in September 2022.

Resources Mentioned:
Episode 297 Equipping our children for conversations on sexuality and gender identity with Sean McDowell
Drew’s new book Know Thy Gamer: https://www.lifeway.com/en/product/know-thy-gamer-P005835794
ESRB.org for ratings of video games
commonsensemedia.org for expert and parental reviews of games
twitch.tv to watch people play video games and evaluate if they are appropriate for your children
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 305: Setting up Safeguards on Screens

Every holiday season we seem to collect more devices connected to the internet. Today I walk you through some amazing parental control features that are already built in to your iPhone. Additionally, I give you my overview and recommendations on three different internet monitoring systems: Bark, Canopy, and Covenant Eyes.

Resources Mentioned:
Episode 304 Engaging and Protecting Your Video Gamer with Drew Dixon (Please provide link after show airs)
Get to Know Screen Time for Families on the iphone, Ipad, and Itouch: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZAXcyGw8Q2Y
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 306: How To Get The Most Out Of Counseling with Eliza Huie

At some point, one or more members of our family will likely need the help of a professional counselor. How can you make sure you are getting the most out of your time with a counselor? Eliza Huie joins me once again to walk through the differences between counselors, therapists, psychologist, and psychiatrists. She gives her top three tips for how to maximize the time and value you get out of counseling. Eliza also shares her recommendations for where to search for solid, biblical counseling.

The Christian Counseling and Education Foundation: https://www.ccef.org
Association of Biblical Counselors: https://christiancounseling.com
Fieldstone Counseling: https://fieldstonecounseling.org
The Gospel Care Collective: https://www.gospelcarecollective.com
Eliza is a counselor, author, speaker, and trainer committed to providing care and resources for the whole person. Trained both biblically and clinically, she understands the complexities people face in their spiritual, emotional, and physical lives.

She holds a Master of Arts in Counseling and has advanced certificates in biblical counseling from The Christian Counseling Educational Foundation (CCEF) and The Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC). She is also a licensed clinical professional counselor.

Eliza is the director of counseling atMcLean Bible Churchlocated in the Washington D.C. metro area. She is the Dean of Biblical Counseling forMetro Baltimore Seminary in Maryland. She and her husband Ken have been married for almost 30 years and they have 3 grown children and a lovely daughter-in-law.

Resources Mentioned:

How to Get the Most Out of Counseling: https://us.10ofthose.com/how-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-counseling-tract-booklet/

Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids - https://us.10ofthose.com/raising-emotionally-healthy-kids-help-for-parents-paperback/

Eliza’s other books - https://us.10ofthose.com/search.php?search_query=eliza

Sign Up for My Things For Thursday Email - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y

Ep. 320: The Greatest Influences on Generation Z with Dr. Tim McKnight

Dr. Tim McKnight, a missions and evangelism expert, reveals the potential for Gen Z to make a kingdom impact if parents can shepherd them well.
You will learn:
1. How is Generation Z different from previous generations, and what unique potential do they have to make a kingdom impact?
2. What is the role of technology in shaping and influencing Generation Z?
3. How can parents help their children develop a biblical understanding of identity and the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Dr. McKnight is the Director of the Global Center for Youth Ministry and Associate Professor of Missions and Youth Ministry at Anderson University and Lead Pastor/Planter of Mosaic Church of Anderson. He is the author of Engaging Generation Z (Kregel) and editor of Navigating Student Ministry (B&H Acaemic).

Dr. McKnight has pastored churches throughout West Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina, and South Carolina. He's served as an infantry chaplain in the United States Army Kentucky Army National Guard, deploying on Operation Noble Eagle and Operation Enduring Freedom.

Dr. McKnight is also a black belt in Kenpo Jujitsu and a NRA certified basic pistol instructor.
Engaging Generation Z: Raising the Bar for Youth Ministry

Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Ep.307: A Simple Set of Questions To Review Your Year

As we close out 2022 I share with you five questions that can help you process your year and lead you into an intentional 2023. For each of the questions I share with you my answers as I process my year. Listen as we discuss the following questions:
- What are the 2-3 ways you experienced the goodness of God most deeply?

- What are the 3-4 decisions you made that have had the most impact on your life this year? (2 Good, 2 Bad)

- Which relationships had the greatest impact on you this year? Were they good or bad?

- What is something you really wanted to do that did not happen this past year? Why didn’t it happen?

- If money were no object and you could do anything with your life to serve the Lord, what would you do?

- Walk through these questions personally. Write down your answers. Then prayerful take the questions to the Lord and process them with your spouse.

Resources Mentioned:
Episode 300 Beating Leukemia Together with Elijah and Micah Holland https://letsparentonpurpose.com/2022/10/24/episode-300-beating-leukemia-together-with-elijah-and-micah-holland/

Episode 278 How to Measure a Good Day

Episode 279 A Walkthrough of a Family Sabbath Dinner

Get a copy of my Measuring a Great Day checklist and Family Sabbath Liturgy - https://bit.ly/3EDH56y

Consider a year end gift to Cpgive.org

Ep. 308: The Decisions that Had The Greatest Impact on My Year

Every year is filled with thousands of decisions. Some of them are inconsequential, while others have life long impact. As I reflect on this past year, today I share with you the three new decisions that greatest impact on my life and family.

Listen as I discuss my top three decisions:
Learning how to measure a great day Praying the Psalms with my children Starting a weekly Family Sabbath Dinner
As you hear me describe the impact, you’ll see that these are also choices you can make in your household!
Resources Mentioned:

Episode 278 How to Measure a Good Day

Episode 279 A Walkthrough of a Family Sabbath Dinner

Ep. 309: Don’t Focus on Goals, Focus On Systems

In this last week of the year, many of us make goals for how we are going to be different. Most of our goal don’t make it much further than February. Today I share one of the great revelations of my life: goals don’t matter that much. It’s our systems that determine everything. I’ll share with you how to think through creating a system that will help you start and end your day well. You’ll learn the secret of habit stacking. And I’ll encourage you to learn to love the process rather than obsessing on the final goal.
Resources Mentioned:

Free to Focus: A Total Productivity System to Achieve More By Doing Less - https://amzn.to/3Ejz8oU

Episode 210 Focus on Your Systems, Not Your Goals: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/2021/01/24/focus-on-your-systems-not-your-goals/

Ep. 310: This Year: Head, Heart, and Hands: Questions to Grow As A Disciple

Today I share an exciting update as Let’s Parent on Purpose is now a ministry of The 127 Project. All of your giving is now tax deductible. In addition to supporting Let’s Parent on Purpose, your giving will help build a Hope Home for Dowry Castaway children in India.
I also share a set of questions to help you evaluate the discipleship growth of yourself and your children. Listen as I discuss how the following questions can help you grow in discipleship:
For an initial believer:
Do I understand the gospel?
Do I believe the gospel?

Am I convicted of sin?
Am I drawn to Jesus?

Have I surrendered my life to Jesus?
Have I received His forgiveness and grace?

For an ongoing disciple (compared to past self, not to other people):
How Am I growing in understanding God and His Word?
What do I now know how to teach or share to another?

Am I tender to the things of Jesus?
How would I describe my joy in the things of God?

What am I releasing to God?
How am I serving Jesus?

To be intentional about your discipleship walking forward:
What habit am I going to pursue to grow in knowing God and His Word?

What habit am I going to pursue to grow my love and joy in Jesus and not just fall into religious duty?

In what ways am I going to be consistently generous with my money and service this year?

Resources Mentioned:

You can learn more about the 127 Project and support Let’s Parent on Purpose here: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 311: A Story of Marriage, Betrayal, and Hope with Dr. Samuel Thomas

This episode is a crossover podcast from Stories of Hope with Dr. Samuel Thomas of Hopegivers International. Hear Dr. Sam share about arranged marriages, dowries, and a horrible custom that still happens today in some homes when the money runs out. Listen to how the love of Jesus Christ rescues the most hopeless, and pray about how your family could get involved to help.

Dr. Samuel Thomas is the president and CEO of Hopegivers International. He is a pastor, speaker, and humanitarian who has given his life to help the least of the earth find the love of Christ. You can learn more about the ministry of Hopegivers at www.hopegivers.org

Resources Mentioned:
You can learn more about the 127 Project and support Let’s Parent on Purpose here: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Listen to Stories of Hope with Dr. Samuel Thomas on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stories-of-hope-with-dr-samuel-thomas/id1545599796

Ep. 312: Laying a Foundation of Connection

Marriage and family therapist Nathan and Amy Oliver join me today for a new series on Boundaries that will Help Your Family Thrive. Today we lay the foundation that’s critical before we can expect boundaries to work: healthy connection between parents and children. Nathan and Amy share multiple ways we can pour in to our children throughout the day and week. We discuss creative ways to involve your children in your regular tasks, as well as the need daily debriefing and special times of adventure.

Ideas discussed include:
- Connecting around the table
- The importance of dates with your children
- Family adventures
- Bedtime routines

Nathan and Amy Oliver are both licensed professional therapists and members of Covenant Fellowship Baptist Church in Stuart, Florida. They specialize in marriage/family therapy, teens/young adults, substance addiction, depression, and anxiety. The Olivers are individually available for virtual counseling sessions. To find out more visit www.olivercounselling.com

Don’t forget to check out this week’s sponsor, the She is Confident Courses from Christian Parenting at www.cpguides.org

Resources Mentioned:
LPOP 290 How to Have Healthier Conflict with Nathan and Amy Oliver: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/how-to-have-healthier-conflict-with-nathan-and-amy-oliver/
LPOP 291 Skills to Communicate with Your Spouse with Nathan and Amy Oliver https://letsparentonpurpose.com/skills-to-communicate-with-your-spouse-with-nathan-and-amy-oliver/
LPOP 292 Five Healthy Marriage Habits with Nathan and Amy Oliver https://letsparentonpurpose.com/five-healthy-marriage-habits-with-nathan-and-amy-oliver/
Telestrations - https://amzn.to/3HIpJJH
The Things Game - https://amzn.to/3PvzT2p
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 313: Boundaries to Help Protect Time and Relationship in Your Household with Nathan and Amy Oliver

The very best way to love your children well is to have an amazing marriage. If there’s not a oneness in your marriage, children will see that and exploit it. Today my guests Nathan and Amy Oliver help us set boundaries to protect time and relationships in our marriage. Listen as we discuss the following healthy boundaries:
Regular date night
The Bedroom
In a marriage there has to be unity in what you say yes to and what you say no to. Step back and define - what is your goal and mission and mission of you your household?

It’s not just good decisions, it’s good, better, and best.

Nathan and Amy Oliver are both licensed professional therapists and members of Covenant Fellowship Baptist Church in Stuart, Florida. They specialize in marriage/family therapy, teens/young adults, substance addiction, depression, and anxiety. The Olivers are individually available for virtual counseling sessions. To find out more visit www.olivercounselling.com

Resources Mentioned:
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/
LPOP 290 How to Have Healthier Conflict with Nathan and Amy Oliver: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/how-to-have-healthier-conflict-with-nathan-and-amy-oliver/
LPOP 291 Skills to Communicate with Your Spouse with Nathan and Amy Oliver https://letsparentonpurpose.com/skills-to-communicate-with-your-spouse-with-nathan-and-amy-oliver/
LPOP 292 Five Healthy Marriage Habits with Nathan and Amy Oliver https://letsparentonpurpose.com/five-healthy-marriage-habits-with-nathan-and-amy-oliver/

Ep. 314: Boundaries to Nurture Your Child’s Spirit with Nathan and Amy Oliver

Counselors Nathan and Amy Oliver are back to help us navigate healthy boundaries in the realms of Social Media, Sleepovers, and Curfew. This is part three of our four part Boundaries to Help Your Family Thrive series. Remember, we want to insulate our children, not isolate them. Each child is different, and you need to be a student of your children. Therefore, each boundary flows out of the question: What does love look like? And what does love look like for each individual child?
We also talk about the challenges of boundaries when you are a single parent or blended home.
Resources Mentioned:
The Innovation of Loneliness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6Bkr_udado
Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose! https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 315: Snow Plow Parenting with Nathan and Amy Oliver

Snow Plow Parenting. You might have never heard of the term, but you have definitely witnessed method in families. Are you a snow plow parent?

Today I finish my Boundaries to Help Your Family Thrive series with my guests Nathan and Amy Oliver. They explain Snow Plow Parenting, share signs to recognize if you might be a snow plow parent, and give healthy boundaries to allow your children to grow resiliency.

In Snow Plow Parenting you pave the path of least resistance for your children so they don’t encounter difficulty or failure in life. The hard things of life are inevitable. You’re not always going to win. It’s important we teach our children how to deal with the hard emotions that come with life.

It’s essential for children to experience loss and suffering and failure more than they feel comfort and ease. Questions to help you evaluate your parenting:
How do I feel when my chid fails or is rejected?
Is my interaction helping them become more capable and competent or incapable and incompetent?
What does love look like?

Nathan and Amy Oliver are both licensed professional therapists and members of Covenant Fellowship Baptist Church in Stuart, Florida. They specialize in marriage/family therapy, teens/young adults, substance addiction, depression, and anxiety. The Olivers are individually available for virtual counseling sessions. To find out more visit www.olivercounselling.com

Resources Mentioned:

Sign up for my Things for Thursday Email: https://tinyurl.com/292kv68y
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose through the 127 Project: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/
Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Ep. 316: How Jesus’ Incarnation Speaks to Gender Identity and Sexual Confusion

Series Overview: Jay will be discussing the unique challenges of parenting Gen Z and the struggles they face due to the world they live in.
Today's Topic: Jay shares how the gospel speaks into the topic of gender identity and sexuality. This includes aTheology of the Body: Jay will be sharing a piece of a sermon he recently preached in the church on how the incarnation of Jesus helps bring clarity where there is confusion over gender, identity and sexuality. He encourages listeners to have their kids listen along and discuss the content with them.
Resources Referenced:
Talking to Your Children about Gender Identity and Sexuality with Dr. Sean McDowell
Equipping our Children for Conversations on Gender identity and Sexuality with Dr. Sean McDowell
What if Your Children Identify as a different Gender identity or Sexuailty with Dan Seaborn
Pointing to a Deeper Orientation in Jesus with Dan Seaborn
Genesis 1:27, passages on hom*osexuality, adultery, coveting your wife and your neighbor's stuff.
Support Let's Parent on Purpose through your Tax Deductible Giving
Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!

Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Ep. 317: Sharing the Gospel with Generation Z with Josh Leucht

Generation Z is the most unchurched and unreached generation alive today. At the same time, research shows that the vast majority of people who put their faith in Jesus do so before the age of 18. Pastor Josh Leucht joins Jay for a conversation on the difference approach we need to take in sharing the gospel with Generation Z. Their discussion includes:
Understanding how many in Gen Z find it offensive for you to share your moral standards.
The pressure Christian students feel for having absolute truth claims and believing Jesus is the only way.
How many older methods of sharing the gospel don’t work as readily.
The difference in law/punishment cultures and honor/shame cultures
How the gospel speaks into honor/shame cultures and reaches Gen Z
The effectiveness of story
The effectiveness of pointing out brokenness as an entry point to the gospel

Pastor Josh Luecht is a teaching pastor at Calvary Chapel Palm City, FL. He holds a M.A. in Biblical Leadership from Calvary Chapel University and loves leading students into a deeper understanding of the Gospel…Josh is also a sports fan, musician and reading enthusiast. In his spare time he enjoys watching hockey and hanging out with his wife. He has been married to Mary since 2012.

Resources Referenced:
Episode 88 A Happy Adoption Story
Calvary Chapel Palm City Verse by Verse Podcast
Support Let's Parent on Purpose through your Tax Deductible Giving
Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!

Ep. 318: The Missing Piece of Discipleship with Jon Price

Discover how to unlock spiritual growth and maturity through the power of relationship and identity.
"Relationship inspires behavior, and gives us motivation for obedience.”
Pastor Jon Price has been in ministry for 35 years and is a speaker, trainer, author and coach. He lives in north Georgia with his wife of 26 years and has two grown children also in the Atlanta area. He is the Pastor of Missions and Connections at Peachtree Corners Baptist Church in Peachtree Corners, GA.
Through Alan Shore's research on brain science, Jim Wilder's books and Marcus Warner's teachings, Jon learned that the right side of the brain, filled with relationship and identity, is the key to spiritual maturity and growth. With this knowledge, Jon realized that the joy of God is the strength that helps us through our trials and the importance of remaining relational with those around us.
In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. The power of identity and group identity in spiritual growth and maturity.
2. The importance of relationship and joy in providing nourishment for the brain.
3. The concept of "rare maturity" in remaining relational and keeping relationships foremost.
Twitter: @baldjonp
Instagram: @baldjonp
Invited In and Set Free: Meditations on Galatianshttps://tinyurl.com/Invited-In
Books by Jim Wilder: https://amzn.to/3H8zSgU

Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/
Website: www.letsparentonpurpose.com

Support Let's Parent on Purpose through your Tax Deductible Giving
Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!

Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Ep. 319: Family Identity Through Everyday Responsibilities with Jeremy Pryor

When Jeremy Pryor discovers that God designed families to be teams on mission, not nests for individual success, he embarks on a journey to challenge the idol of individualism and bring his family closer together. You will learn how to strengthen family identity through everyday responsibilities with Jeremy Pryor's unique approach.
In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. What does it mean to be part of a multi-generational family?
2. How do identities shape and limit freedom?
3. What does it look like to embrace fatherhood/motherhood as an identity?
4. How can we use everyday responsibilities to help shape our children's understanding of identity, value, and worth?
"When we're in a multi generational family, the father or mother is always thinking about their grandkids, how am I raising my kids to be really good parents to my grandchildren someday? And so of course you have to be really thoughtful about how to parent." -Jeremy Pryor
Jeremy Pryor is a family identity expert and author of the book "Family Revision". His passion is helping families discover and live out their multigenerational mission to further the Kingdom of God.
Jeremy Pryor had been on a journey to understand the meaning of family. He embraced the idea that identities, including those of sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers, were meant to be handed down through generations, and that freedom of self expression was not the ultimate goal. He saw that individualism had been put on a pedestal and was causing chaos, and he realized that families were designed to be teams to rescue and bless each other,

Family Revision: How Ancient Wisdom Can Heal the Modern Family
Episode 230 Your Family as a Team with Jeremy Pryor
Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Ep 321: Getting the Most Out of Your Youth Pastor with Josh Leucht

No relationship has more impact on the spiritual direction of a child or teen than mom and dad. But every parent needs a community to raise a disciple. Today Jay is joined once again by Pastor Josh Luecht. Between the two of them they have over 40 years of student ministry experience. Jay and Josh share the best ways parents can engage with their church youth pastors and youth volunteers to minister to their children. In this episode, Jay and Josh discus:
The importance of knowing and communicating directly with youth workers
How to give the inside scoop to youth leaders to help them have better conversations with your children
Ways you can be involved in youth ministry even if you don’t want to be a small group leader
What to do if you are frustrated with a certain aspect of your youth pastor or youth leader
The importance of showing appreciation so your youth leaders stay for many years
Discerning the times when you might need to directly speak to a youth pastor about a problem and the times when you need to involved senior leadership
Ways you can use your knowledge and skills to improve your youth pastor’s knowledge and skill
The importance of not dumping off all spiritual direction for your children to the youth pastor or church
Bio: Pastor Josh Luecht is a teaching pastor at Calvary Chapel Palm City, FL. He holds a M.A. in Biblical Leadership from Calvary Chapel University and loves leading students into a deeper understanding of the Gospel…Josh is also a sports fan, musician and reading enthusiast. In his spare time he enjoys watching hockey and hanging out with his wife. He has been married to Mary since 2012.
Resources Referenced:
Calvary Chapel Palm City Verse by Verse Podcast
Support Let's Parent on Purpose through your Tax Deductible Giving
Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!

Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Ep. 322: A Pep Talk When You Feel Like a Bad Parent

We all have those days when we feel like we are a terrible parent. Sometimes it’s because we blow a moment or decision. Other times it's because we compare ourselves to the best parts of other people’s lives. And sometimes it’s because we are fooled into thinking the false presentation of our friends on social media is true.

Whatever your reason for being down about your parenting, listen to Jay’s pep talk as he encourages you to:
Give yourself the benefit of the doubt
Give your kids the benefit of the doubt
Get over yourself
Get better
Finally, be encouraged by Jay’s reminder from scripture that God uses suffering and brokenness to produce character, and that ALL things work together for the glory of God and the good of His children!

I Wish I Was A Better Parent
Support Let's Parent on Purpose through your Tax Deductible Giving
Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!

Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Sponsor Affiliate: Christian Parenting Event
Notes from Recording: Please post the Christian Parenting Event promo somewhere :) Thank you!

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We never want trial or tragedy or broken hearts to come into our kids’ lives. But in reality, the people we admire and want to be most like have walked through deep valleys.

Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Ep. 323: Antidotes to Anxiety with Terra Mattson

What if you could lower some of the sources of anxiety in your children’s lives and build a greater sense of stability and connection? My guest Terra Mattson rejoins me today for a conversation on the digital drivers of anxiety in our children, especially our young ladies. In this episode, you will learn about
The science behind the wiring of male and female brains and how it contributes to higher female anxiety.
The various ways our cell phones promise connection but instead bring isolation.
What are the right questions to ask yourself before deciding to give your children a cellphone?
How do you walk back cell phone privileges when you see they are causing harm?
The role of joy in healthy brain development and the simple practices parents can initiate to grow the joy and connection in their home.
Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual guidance to help you grow into the perfectly imperfect parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org
Alongside her husband Jeff Mattson, Terra is co-founder and CEO ofLiving Wholehearted, LLC, a professional counseling and organizational development firm outside Portland, Oregon, andCourageous Girls, an online resource helping moms gather in intentional communities so they can walk with their daughters at every stage of her growing years in a world of confusing messages. As a licensed marriage and family therapist and executive coach, she has spent two decades counseling, coaching, and training leaders around trauma-informed theology and wholehearted leadership. She is co-host of the weekly Living Wholehearted Podcast and the DearMattsonsYouTube series, bridging the gap between biblical, clinical and relational wisdom to help leaders (who are also parents) build healthy relationships in their home, work, and community.You can learn more atterramattson.comorfollow@terramattson

Resources mentioned:
Episode 323 Closing the Integrity Gap in the Hope with Jeff and Terra Mattson
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Ep. 324: Substance Abuse Warning Signs with Richard Capriola

Can you recognize the warning signs of substance abuse in your child? How do you broach the conversation if you suspect your child has gotten involved with alcohol, vaping, marijuana, or other substances? What can you do to help convince your child that pot is a big deal on a developing brain? My guest Richard Capriola joins me once again to discuss these topics as well as give updated statistics on substance abuse trends during and after the Covid-19 pandemic.
Richard Capriola has been a mental health and substance abuse counselor for over two decades. He recently retired from Menninger Clinic in Houston Texas where for over a decade he treated both teens and adults diagnosed with substance use disorders. He is the author of The Addicted Child: A Parent's Guide to Adolescent Substance Abuse which can be found athttp://www.helptheaddictedchild.com
Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual guidance to help you grow into the perfectly imperfect parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org
Resources mentioned:



Episode 248 Understanding and Responding to Teen Substance Abuse with Richard Capriola
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Ep. 325: Are Youth Sports and Extracurricular Activities Enslaving Your Family?

Youth sports have become a multibillion dollar business in the United States. In search of the tantalizing promise of a college scholarship, many parents sacrifice years and thousands of dollars to keep their child competitive on sports teams. Even the casual sporting family must make difficult decisions on how much they are willing to commit to sports or other extracurricular activities. In this episode Jay walks parents through a list of questions to help them determine the level of involvement their family is willing to invest in ever consuming culture.
Questions to ask when considering how involved your family should get in youth sports or other extracurricular activities:

Why are we wanting to do this?
Is this something the child wants or something the parent wants?
If it’s something the child wants, does that mean its the best thing?

What are the short term costs of getting involved in this activity?
How much money does it cost to sign up?
How much does it costs in equipment or other gear (including shoes)
What are the expenses involved per event?
Tickets to watch
Travel costs - food, hotel, gas
Am I going to require private training or tutoring?
How many days and nights a week?
What are the things we currently do during those night that we will no longer be able to do?
Family time
Date your spouse

What are the long term costs of getting involved with this sport?
Multiply the short term expenses by the number of seasons per year and years of potential play
What kinds of sacrifices are you and your family going to have to make to stay committed at this level?
Am I setting my child up for a high likelihood of injury due to repetitive motion in the same sport being played all year?
What is the environment of the team and the people involved?
How much family or spouse time are you missing?

What am I communicating to myself, my family, my neighbors, my peers, my children’s peers, my church, and God through my interaction in this activity?
Are we a sports family?
Are we slaves to our children’s wants?
What is sacred in our lives?
Who do we serve?

Am I playing a form of lottery with my child’s educational future?
Is my excuse for investing in this activity so heavily that I think they can get a college scholarship?
What if I calculated all of my anticipated costs for investing in this sport and put it into a 529 College Savings Plan?

Jesus says “no one can serve two masters. you can either hate one and love the other or else be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”
If someone were to observe our family’s life. Not based on what we SAY but based on what we DO and how we LIVE, who would they conclude that we serve?

When my child rearing years are done, and the time I had with my children in the home is just a story, what story do I want to tell?

Resources mentioned:

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Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
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Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Ep. 326: Increase Your Child's Security By Investing in Your Marriage

One of the greatest ways to increase the security and stability of our children is to invest in our marriage. If mom and dad love and enjoy one another, children feel safe. Today Jay shares a number or regular habits each couple can make to increase the quality and security of their marriage. By committing to these regular and public habits, you not only enhance your marriage, you will also create more stable, grounded children.

Jay’s suggestions include:

Tell your spouse you love them. Tell them often. In front of the kids.

Flirt with your spouse. In front of the kids.

Hug and kiss and cuddle with your spouse.

Put a date night on the calendar for each week. Fight for it, and then walk in grace when it only happens once or twice a month.

Write notes to each other. Put them in places your spouse will find at surprising points in the day.

Have sex. With each other. A lot.
Be open with what you need from one another.

Pray with each other. Read the Bible together.

Find a hobby together, apart from the kids.

Talk up your spouse to your kids. Talk about how awesome they are, how mommy and daddy are a team, how much you love them, and how you’ve got their back.

In an ideal world, get away, overnight, a few times a year.

Give yourself grace.

Give your spouse the benefit of the doubt.

Lighten up!

Resources mentioned:
Want to be a Better Parent? Be a Better Spouse

Episode 120 How Your Marriage Affects Your Parenting

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Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Ep 327: Communicating With Your Teen Involves More Than Just Talking

It can often feel like our teenagers hear the exact opposite message from what we intend. Teens are likewise frustrated that their parents don’t understand them. Jay shares insights that can help you bridge the gap with your teen and enhance true communication. We don’t want to just exchange words, we want to understand and be understood.

Our discussion includes:

The importance of seeking the Lord in prayer for wisdom and understanding.

How teens are hypocrisy radars and why this will shut down their ability to hear what you are saying.

Limiting inputs in their life that are increasing insecurities.

Learning to be consistent in affirming elements our teens can control.

The power of paper notes and text emojis.

An encouragement to give the Lord time to do his work in each of our lives.

Resources mentioned:
Communicating With A Teenager

If you like this check out the first episode of my Communication And Conflict Series: Know Your Enemy

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Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Ep. 328: Practical and Scriptural Tips for Discipling Your Kids with Rene Christensen

Jesus calls us to make disciples, and the first disciples we should seek to make are the members of our own household. Rene Christensen has over 24 years of obeying Jesus’ command with her seven children. Through the years she has gained a wealth of knowledge and experience of how to simplify and normalize discipleship practices that will grow our children’s love of God, love of others, and heart to obey Jesus.

Rene joins Jay to share scriptural and practical tips on discipling our children. As you listen, you will pick up on fun and easy practices you will want to make a part of your own household rhythm.

Jay and Rene discuss:

The biblical command to disciple our households from Deuteronomy 6
Instilling scripture in our children’s hearts through song.
Establishing a daily quiet time for each child.
Various ways to pray for your family, neighbors, and church.
Practical acts of service to grow our children’s love for their hurting neighbors.
Practices to point to Jesus’ command to love one another to resolve family disputes.

Rene Christensen is an author and speaker (formerly Budget Saving Mom) whose passion is to help Christians disciple others, have a biblical worldview, and become biblically literate. She and her husband Eric are the parents of 7 kids ages 4-24 years old. Her new book Training Them Wisely - Discipling Kids is available on amazon.com.

Resources mentioned:

Training Them Wisely with Rene Christensen: https://amzn.to/3lPK5Z8

Hide ‘Em In Your Heart Bible Memory Melodies: https://open.spotify.com/album/58kaa7tWGiebuNc1f4KjzR?si=S-ng1XWZSCCEqMoO-NjzhQ

Seeds Family Worship: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5kV2pC0biCYFh3y9HxgNkS?si=4wHGS2ZEQk-K_S6VNV7Edg

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Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
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Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Ep. 329: Introducing Generation Alpha with Janine McNally

In this episode, Jay interviews Janine McNally, founder and director of Grace4Kidz, about the latest generation to hit the scene, Generation Alpha. Janine shares insights into the unique characteristics of this generation, how they differ from previous generations, and how parents can best understand and relate to them.

Janine describes Generation Alpha as the first truly global generation, born into a world that is connected by technology and social media. She notes that this generation is highly creative, adaptable, and entrepreneurial, with a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world.

Jay and Janine discuss the importance of building strong relationships with Generation Alpha children, and the role that parents, grandparents, and other family members can play in shaping their worldview and values. Janine emphasizes the importance of modeling healthy relationships, empathy, and service, and encourages parents to cultivate a sense of wonder and curiosity in their children.

Janine also shares insights from her upcoming book, "When You See Fireflies", which is designed to equip parents and leaders to minister effectively to Generation Alpha. She provides practical tips and strategies for engaging with this generation, including the importance of creating safe spaces for conversation and exploration, and empowering children to use their unique gifts and talents to make a positive impact on the world.
Janine's background as a teacher, writer, and non-profit founder gives her a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities of working with Generation Alpha, and her insights are sure to be valuable to parents, educators, and anyone who works with children.

Janine McNally is a writer, professor, and doctoral student, as well as the founder and director of Grace4Kidz, a non-profit that produces gospel-centered resources for children. She has recently completed her first book, "When You See Fireflies", which provides practical insights and strategies for ministering effectively to Generation Alpha.

Resources mentioned:



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Connect with Jay:
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Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Ep. 330: Creating a Fun Summer Theme For Your Family

At best you’ll get around 18 summers before your children are out of the house. Today Jay shares fun and creative ideas for how to make the most out of your summer by creating a summer theme. With a summer theme, you can focus on a particular area of discipleship in creative ways that will deepen your family’s faith while making sweet memories.

With the help of his new A.I. Assistant Chat GPT, here are some fun summer themes Jay talks about:

"Summer of Faith" – Focus on growing your family's spiritual life through daily devotions, prayer, Bible study, and attending church events or retreats.

"Summer of Service" – Engage in community service and mission projects, both locally and globally, to demonstrate Christ's love and compassion.

"Summer of Creation Care" – Emphasize environmental stewardship by participating in eco-friendly activities, learning about sustainable living, and caring for God's creation.

"Summer of Fellowship" – Strengthen bonds with other Christian families and friends through regular gatherings, potlucks, and group outings, while also welcoming new people into your community.

"Summer of Discipleship" – Mentor and guide your children in their faith journeys by exploring different aspects of Christian living, such as prayer, worship, and evangelism.

"Summer of Gratitude" – Encourage your family to recognize and give thanks for God's blessings, keeping gratitude journals or sharing daily blessings at dinner.

"Summer of Worship" – Attend different churches or Christian events, explore various worship styles, and incorporate family worship time into your daily routine.

"Summer of Christian Art" – Discover the beauty of Christian art, music, and literature, and encourage your children to express their faith creatively through various mediums.

"Summer of Pilgrimage" – Plan a family trip to visit historically significant Christian sites or meaningful places in your own faith journey.

“Summer of Rest” — Unplug! Do less!

“Summer of Generosity” — Become more like Jesus as you give more, share more, serve more, and learn patterns of habitual proportional stewardship.

Resources mentioned:

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Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Ep. 331: The Real Differences Between the Generations with Dr. Jean M. Twenge

There are currently six adult generations living and working together in the United States! Today Jay is joined by Dr. Jean M. Twenge, author of the brand new book Generations: The Real Differences between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents – and What They Mean for America’s Future. Dr. Twenge brings insights from analyzing over 38 million people from 21 different datasets to share how technology is the driving factor for the great differences between generations.

As we consider the radically different world our parents and grandparents grew up in, Dr. Twenge also gives advice to parents on how to best set their own children up to avoid the higher rates of depression, anxiety, and isolation so common in the youngest generation.

Jean Twenge has spent her entire academic career – 30 years – studying generational differences, and this book, Generations: The Real Differences between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers and Silents – and What They Mean for America’s Future (978-1-9821-8161-1, April 25, 2023), is her magnum opus. Its analysis is derived from 21 huge datasets that go back to the 1940s and are as recent as this year, spanning some 38 million people. Jean is the gold standard in decoding and unpacking massive data sets.

Resources mentioned:
Generations: The Real Differences between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents—and What They Mean for America's Future: https://amzn.to/3GZ4emV

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Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Ep. 332: How Will Chat GPT and the A.I. revolution affect Parenting with Scott Pleasants

At the beginning of 2023 most parents had never heard of Chat GPT, and had given very little thought to how artificial intelligence might affect their parenting. But in just a few short months Chat GPT has amassed over 100 million users. Artificial Intelligence is going to change the landscape on a scale similar to the introduction of the iPhone or the internet. But how? Jay is joined today by Scott Pleasants for a wide ranging discussion on what A.I. is already doing and what might be around the corner. They discuss how A.I. can assist families in incredibly helpful ways as well as the potential dangers of using a technology that randomly produces false information. Scott also shares cautions for students using A.I. for homework and other assignments.

Scott Pleasants is the Director of Information Technology for FBA in Dunwoody and the Strategic Innovation Advisor for Innovate Lynchburg and is the founder of CrossHackers, technology solutions organization focused on helping organizations to see the world “possible”.

Resources mentioned:


bark.us Screen filtering service

turnitin.com plagiarism protection software

Should My Kid Be Using ChatGPT? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/should-my-kid-using-chatgpt-barktechnologies/

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Connect with Jay:
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Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Ep. 333: Everyday Discipleship Through Regular Rhythms of Life with Caesar Kalinowski

Parents can often feel burdened that discipleship is just one more thing to add to a list of tasks they are already doing poorly. My guest Caesar Kalinowski helps us walk through a framework for discipleship that takes advantage of six regular rhythms of life that are already happening in each of our lives. Listen as Caesar explains how we might disciple our children through:
Story formation

Caesar Kalinowski the host of the podcast Everyday Disciple with Caesar Kalinowski. He is a father, recent grandpa, and has been married to his high school sweetheart, Tina, for over 30 years. He is a serial church planter, coach, and the author of several books, including the top-selling,The Gospel Primer. He has worked in 30+ countries training thousands of people in discipleship and mission as a lifestyle.

Resources mentioned:
Get Caesar’s free resource for parents: The Story of God for Kids: everydaydisciple.com/kids


The Everyday Disciple with Caesar Kalinowski Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/everyday-disciple-podcast/id1209249450

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose

Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Ep. 334: What Do I Do When My Children Have Doubts?

Many moms and dads are shocked to find out how disorienting it is to parent their young adult children. Our 18-25 year old children still need parenting, but the relational dynamics are very different during these years. Pastor and author Jim Ramos has navigated these years with three of his own children, and shares insights he learned from parenting through this time frame. One of his mentors called the 18-25 year old period of life “the stupid years”, and it can be a terrifying time for a mom and dad as our children seek independence and often drift in their faith while making major life choices.
Listen as Jim shares seven insights from his time of parenting through the “stupid years”. As you listen, you’ll learn why it’s vital to
Remember that you are the incarnation of Christ to your children
Pray over your children and pray for their spouses
Engage with your children - be the rubber band!
Remember to show them that you love them, and that you LIKE them, with your eye contact and facial expressions
Understand that when your adult child is out of the house, THEY are now the ones who control the relationship
Be wise as a parent and avoid being the bulldozer or helicopter parent
Trust Jesus with your children!
Bio: Jim Ramos is a bestselling author, speaker, and the founder of Men in the Arena, a non-profit Christian ministry focused on equipping men to honor God in the leadership of their family, church, and community.
He hosts the #1 ranked Spotify podcast for Christian men, the Men in the Arena Podcast, and has written the #1 Amazon Bestseller Strong Men Dangerous Times.
Jim lives in McMinnville, Oregon, with his wife Shanna. His goal is to live each day to its fullest with courageous abandon according to Jesus’ promise in John 10:10.

Resources mentioned:
The Men in The Arena Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/men-in-the-arena-christian-mens-podcast/id1144237071
Strong Men Dangerous Times: Five Essentials Every Man Must Possess to Change His World: https://amzn.to/3oq8DZV
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Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Ep. 335: Knowing God Through Doing God’s Will

Today Jay begins a series on Knowing and Doing God’s will. In this opening episode Jay shares a powerful prayer from Colossians 1 that explains the lifelong connection between knowing God’s will and knowing God. The reality is that God often calls us to follow Him before we know him deeply. It can be hard to trust God enough to obey, but it’s in the path of obedience that we truly meet God and know him on a deeper level.

Listen today as we discuss the lifelong pattern of:
Being filled with the knowledge of God’s will
Having the strength and courage to walk in God’s will
Bearing fruit as we step in faith
Moving from knowing about God to knowing God
The fruit of thanksgiving as experience a deeper walk with God

Resources mentioned:
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Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Ep. 336: How do I Know God’s Will for My Life?

One of the most common questions for a follower of Jesus is “How do I know God’s will for my life?” Often, these questions revolve around a few major decisions, such as where should I go to school, what should I do for a job, and who should I marry? As we continue our series “Knowing and Doing God’s Will”, Jay lays out the Path of Wisdom for how to determine God’s will for your life, including what one should do if God’s will is not clear.

Relying heavily on guidance from the book “Decision Making and the Will of God” by Garry Freisen and J. Robin Maxson, Jay outlines a Path of Wisdom for decision making that will serve every believer in every circ*mstance. Ultimately summed up in the phrase “love God and do what you will,” Jay explains the following principles:
Where God commands, we must obey
Where there is no command, God gives us freedom (and responsibility) to choose
Where there is no command, God gives us wisdom to choose
When we choose wisely, we trust the Lord to work out the details

Resources mentioned:
Decision Making and the Will of God https://amzn.to/3otDepG
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Connect with Jay:
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose

Ep. 337: Maximum Freedom is Found Under God’s Authority

One of the great paradoxes of life is that more choices don’t always lead to a happier life. Never ending choices can be paralyzing. Additionally, many choices give the illusion of freedom on the front end but ultimately lead to entrapment, slavery, and devastating consequences.
As we continue our series on Knowing and Doing God’s Will, today Jay takes about surprising principle: “Maximum Freedom is Found Under God’s Authority”. Jay discusses how there is a beauty in God’s word of eliminating the pressure of unending choices. Additionally, he shows how what may first appear restriction actually produces a greater degree of freedom.

When we choose to seek and honor God’s will in our lives, we are free from many of the devastating consequences of sin, including disease, regret, and destructive relationships. By submitting ourselves to the authority of God’s word and limiting our choices to those God permits, we experience a far greater joy and satisfaction in life, as well as the anticipation of eternal reward for a life that’s pleasing to God.

Resources mentioned:
The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less by Barry Schwartz https://amzn.to/45qZ8ub
The Seven Checkpoints for Youth Leaders by Andy Stanley: https://amzn.to/3ICSfw1
Decision Making and the Will of God https://amzn.to/3otDepG
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Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose

Ep. 338: Tools To Help You Make Decisions When You Don’t Know God’s Will

Where the Bible is clear about God’s will, we must obey. But what about the thousands of choices we have in life where there doesn’t seem to be specific clarity in God’s Word? Do we pause and wait to hear the voice of the Lord? What about the people who seem to constantly say “God told me this?” Are we not walking with Jesus because we don’t have a steady stream of “God told me this?”

As we continue our series Knowing and Doing God’s Will, Jay highlights the many tools God has given us to make wise choices in areas where there are not specific commands from the Lord in Scripture. Borrowing the wisdom of Gary Freison and his book “Decision Making and the Will of God”, Jay walk through the different gifts God has given us that can serve as guideposts for decision making.

Listen as Jay shares how we can make wise decisions using
The Bible
An Open or Closed Door
Mature Council
A Fleece
Inner Peace or Tension
An alignment of passion, skills, and opportunity
Common Sense
With these gifts, God has given us plenty of resources to make healthy, wise, God-honoring decisions every day of our lives.

Resources mentioned:
The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less by Barry Schwartz https://amzn.to/45qZ8ub
The Seven Checkpoints for Youth Leaders by Andy Stanley: https://amzn.to/3ICSfw1
Decision Making and the Will of God https://amzn.to/3otDepG
Support Let's Parent on Purpose through your Tax Deductible Giving
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Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Ep. 339: What if I Missed God’s Will By Blowing a Major Decision?

There are times in our lives when we know we’ve made a terrible decision. Sometimes our choice was blatant sin and rebellion, and other times the choice might have just been totally foolish. We know it’s not God’s will for us to sin and it’s not God’s will for us to make foolish decisions. So how do we recover when we know we’ve blown a major decision? Do we miss God’s will for our life?

In this final episode in Jay’s “Knowing and Doing God’s Will” series, Jay talks about the reality of blown decisions and understanding why it’s important to have an eternal perspective on our temporal choices. He shares the hope that we find in Romans 8:28 and the joy of knowing that God’s purposes are not thwarted because of our foolishness or rebellion.

As we come to terms with the reality of bad decisions, Jay gives us a simple pathway forward that will help us back on the right path. Listen as Jay discusses why it’s important for us to:

Acknowledge our poor choice and repent to God and anyone else affected
Grieve the loss caused by our foolish decisions
Seek to make amends if possible
Trust God’s word, especially Romans 8:28, is true even in this situation
Minimize the fallout of our poor choice by not compounding one bad decision with another
Learn from our mistakes and choose more wisely next time!
Find joy in the grace of God, the humility of our weakness, and the hope that God uses even our worst moments for our good and His glory

Resources mentioned:
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Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose

Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Ep. 340: Parenting Through the Stupid Years with Jim Ramos

Many moms and dads are shocked to find out how disorienting it is to parent their young adult children. Our 18-25 year old children still need parenting, but the relational dynamics are very different during these years. Pastor and author Jim Ramos has navigated these years with three of his own children, and shares insights he learned from parenting through this time frame. One of his mentors called the 18-25 year old period of life “the stupid years”, and it can be a terrifying time for a mom and dad as our children seek independence and often drift in their faith while making major life choices.

Listen as Jim shares seven insights from his time of parenting through the “stupid years”. As you listen, you’ll learn why it’s vital to
Remember that you are the incarnation of Christ to your children
Pray over your children and pray for their spouses
Engage with your children - be the rubber band!
Remember to show them that you love them, and that you LIKE them, with your eye contact and facial expressions
Understand that when your adult child is out of the house, THEY are now the ones who control the relationship
Be wise as a parent and avoid being the bulldozer or helicopter parent
Trust Jesus with your children!
Bio: Jim Ramos is a bestselling author, speaker, and the founder of Men in the Arena, a non-profit Christian ministry focused on equipping men to honor God in the leadership of their family, church, and community.

He hosts the #1 ranked Spotify podcast for Christian men, the Men in the Arena Podcast, and has written the #1 Amazon Bestseller Strong Men Dangerous Times.

Jim lives in McMinnville, Oregon, with his wife Shanna. His goal is to live each day to its fullest with courageous abandon according to Jesus’ promise in John 10:10.

Resources mentioned:
The Men in The Arena Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/men-in-the-arena-christian-mens-podcast/id1144237071
Strong Men Dangerous Times: Five Essentials Every Man Must Possess to Change His World: https://amzn.to/3oq8DZV
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Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Ep. 341: Inner Healing Through Prayer with Don Love

What if the Holy Spirit truly served as the Comforter and Counselor? When we read our Bibles, that what we would expect. However, when we live our lives, the transforming power of the Holy Spirit is often diminished, and we carry wounds and hurts for decades. While serving as a biblical professor at a large Evangelical University, Dr. Don love began to ask the Lord to show him if there could be more to his walk and life. Why did he not see the fruit of the spirit in his character? These prayers began a transformation in Don’s life as he learned to seek Jesus in a much more intentional and intimate way through prayer.

Today Don and his wife Jennifer lead a ministry called Pray Through It, where they help lead followers of Jesus to experience the transforming healing power of the Holy Spirit through focused prayer. On this episode we talk about Don’s journey to experiencing the healing power of prayer. He shares the biblical basis for prayer having more power than we typically experience. And then Don leads us in a time of prayer as we ask God to reveal the condition of our heart.

Dr. Don Love is the director of Pray Through It and the host of the weekly podcast Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living
Before leading Pray Through It, Dr. Love was a pioneer in online education, designing some of the first online classes for Liberty University. He spent almost two decades as a Biblical Studies professor and during that time, he taught over 10,000 students.He holds BS in Biblical Studies and Youth Ministries, an MAR in Church Ministries, a Masters of Divinity (MDiv), a Masters of Theology (ThM), and a PhD in Biblical Theology.
He and his wife Jen co-lead Prayer Through It and unquenchable while raising their children in Lynchburg, VA.

Resources mentioned:
Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unquenchable-biblical-theology-listening-prayer-and/id1548674310
Support Let's Parent on Purpose through your Tax Deductible Giving
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Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Ep. 342: Spiritual Breakthrough Through Prayer with Jennifer Love

Jennifer Love longed to experience the life of Christ and the transformational power of prayer like she was reading in the Bible. As she sought the Lord asking for this life, He began to answer her. Through a series of experiences with her prayer group in church and on a mission trip, Jennifer began to see spiritual breakthrough in her prayer life. Her prayer team at church saw movement in areas that had long been stagnate. Ultimately, Jennifer’s husband and children experience transformation in their own lives as God began moving powerfully through Jen’s prayers.

We talk about Jen’s journey, the way this has impacted normal life as a wife and parent, as well as how God has used prayers for discernment and healing to open missional doors that had long remained closed. You’ll be inspired and encouraged by Jennifer. Her story might sound exceptional, but if we believe the Bible, her story should be normal for each of us!

Jennifer Love leads Pray Through It with her husband Don Love. She has been involved with leading a college listening prayer ministry for 5 years and has been part of her church’s prayer team for 8 years. She holds a BS in Secondary Education and an MAR in Pastoral Counseling. She is the author of the Bible in Storiesand a blogger for Pray Through it and Intentional Traditions. Her passions are to creatively teach the Bible to children, to write about what God is teaching her and to meet with others to help lead them through life’s issues to freedom in Christ.

Resources mentioned:
The Bible In Stories:https://bibleinstories.com/?ref=jennilee.love
Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unquenchable-biblical-theology-listening-prayer-and/id1548674310
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Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!
Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Ep. 343: Discipling Your Family Through Missional Living with Josh Gardner

What if your family’s pursuit of Jesus takes you in the opposite direction ofThe American Dream? Josh Gardner and family sought to obey Jesus byintentionally moving closer to a lower income housing development,befriending their community, and becoming an incarnation model of thegospel of Christ.
Josh and his family had been serving in a traditional church setting whenhe and his wife felt the burden to live more intentionally missional. Theyinitially left Stuart, FL for a discipleship role in Anderson, SC. As theysettled in the community, the Lord continued to put the hurting and brokenin their path. Over time, the Gardners ministry began to focus on a lowerincome apartment complex in South Carolina. While incredibly challenging,the Gardners experienced the joy of their children becoming teammates intheir efforts to make disciples in their community. They gained trust amongpeople who would normally look at them with suspicion, and they becamevalued members of a community often plagued by poverty, crime, and loss.
Josh’s story of faith is not one where it all worked out neatly. There wasmassive stress, heartbreak, loss of safety and comfort, and the loss of anormal support network of Christian friends. At the same time, theGardners were able to live on mission as a team, know Jesus more deeply,and see fruitful disciples in an area that is often overlooked by thetraditional church.
Listen to Josh’s story and listen to how Jesus might be calling your family to live with sacrifice for the sake of the kingdom.

Resources mentioned:
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Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!

Connect with Jay:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@letsparentonpurpose
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Ep. 344: The Sex Talk with Nick Liberto

Do your kids know beyond shadow of a doubt, if they see p*rnography on the school bus, they can come home and tell you? Today’s guest Nick Liberto introduces us to an incredible resource that will help equip mom and dad to be THE expert on sex in their child’s life. The current average age of exposure to hardcore p*rnography is 8 years old. As parents, we need to have a good defense of protecting our children through internet filters and limiting harmful friendships. But equally important, we need a good offensive plan for how we are going to talk to our children about sex early and often over the course of decades so they can understand God’s great vision and see their parents as the safest, most trusted resource.

In Jay’s conversation with Nick, they discuss:
How early should we begin talking to our children about sex?
What is a good definition of p*rnography to help our children understand but not arouse curiosity?
The new resource “The Sex Talk” that helps equip mom and dad as THE expert to discuss sex with their children from childhood through engagement.

Additionally Nick shares the following golden nuggets:

Embrace “it’s not if, but when your children are going to be exposed”.
Early and often - as early and as often as you can, you don’t need a course. Make mom and dad the number one place to go to have the sex talk.
It’s both offense and defense - why should we assume we will equip our children to thrive with sexual integrity if we only put a filter on their phone? Figure out what your gameplan is for offense for the sex talk.

Nick is a graduate of Liberty University as well as a husband, church leader, avid adventurer, and someone who is constantly looking for new and exciting ways to experience Jesus. He has been leading Proven Ministries for over seven years and is excited to see the ministry in a place to serve the whole family with sexual integrity resources.

Nick’s story is not unlike many other men. He has experienced the stronghold of the Internet on his generation and witnessed the toll it takes on a man’s identity and relationships. He has been discipling men within his sphere of influence for over a decade and seeks a revival which starts with the family and spreads across the nation. Nick has a unique view of the world and its ever-changing sexualized culture. It’s his calling to help individuals discover their strength in Christ so that they can become a resource to a dying world.

Resources mentioned:
www.thesextalk.com Use the code “parentonpurpose” to receive a 25% discount!
The Naked Gospel Podcast
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Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!

Connect with Jay:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@letsparentonpurpose
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose

Let's Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Ep 345: Moving Beyond Anxiety in Parenting with Sissy Goff

“Our past hurts mixed with our present pressure often dictate our future fear.” Counselor and author Sissy Goff has watched this reality play out hundreds of times through the decades as she councils chidden as well as their moms and dads. So often parents are willing to get help for their anxious children while not addressing their own anxieties. In our conversation today, Licensed Counselor and author Sissy Goff explains that anxiety is contagious, and the worries we see in our children can often come from our own unaddressed anxieties.

In our conversation today, we talk about the rapid growth of anxiety as major struggle for more and more children and adults. Sissy shares insights from her new book, The Worry Free Parent: Living in Confidence So Your Kids Can Too. We discuss
The difference between worry and anxiety
The way unaddressed past hurts can bleed into our present parenting
How the amygdala is contagious
Practices to deescalate when anxiety is taking over
The importance of the following advice: Try Softer, Trust Your Gut, and Trust God
How the hope of the resurrection re-centers us on our darkest days

Sissy Goff, LPC-MHSP, has worked as the director of child and adolescent counseling at Daystar Counseling Ministries since 1993. She speaks to parents and children's ministers across the country and is a frequent guest on media outlets such as Southern Living, NBC Nightly News, CNN, Good Morning America, Focus on the Family, That Sounds Fun, Family Life Today, Fox News, and many more. Sissy Goff is the author of 13 books including her latest, The Worry-Free Parent. She co-hosts the chart-topping Raising Boys and Girls podcast, with fellow Daystar Counselor David Thomas. The podcast just celebrated more than 5 million downloads to date www.RaisingBoysandGirls.com

Resources mentioned:
Instagram: @RaisingBoysandGirls
The Worry Free Parent: Living in Confidence So Your Kids Can Too: https://amzn.to/3NZCBOm
Are My Kids On Track: The 12 Emotional, Social, and Spiritual Milestones your Child Needs to Reach: https://amzn.to/3PL4bR0
Episode 217: Worry, Anxiety, and Emotional Vocabulary with Sissy Goff
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Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Ep. 346: Not Your Fault, Still Your Responsibility

Jay shares a powerful set of words that can help rewire your household to get past the blame game and start working towards making things right. “It doesn’t have to be your fault to be your responsibility” is a concept we see through the teachings of Scripture (The Good Samaritan, Galatians 6, the incarnation of Jesus). As we start to incorporate this concept into every day life we will see endless applications in our households that will train our children for a more fruitful adult life. Learn how “not your fault, still your responsibility” can help you change the conversation with
messes and spills
lost toys
group projects and homework assignments
arguments and fights
the larger broken world around us.
Jay walks through a biblical basis for the concept and then shares several real world examples where you can apply this teaching in with your children.

Resources mentioned:
Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!
Connect with Jay:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@letsparentonpurpose
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose

Ep. 347: Smile

There’s a simple action you can take that has profound theological and neurological significance in your household… smile. Jay shares the correlation between smiling and the blessing of God from Numbers 6. A core facet of God’s blessing upon his people was the shining face of God looking upon them. In a similar way, we bless the members of our household simply by looking at them and giving our smile.

In this episode Jay goes on a scriptural journey to explain the concept of the smile of God and then turns to the neurological benefits of training a child with our smile. If you want a simple way to build attachment, lower stress, and increase security in your home, look your family members in the face and smile!

Resources mentioned:
What’s in a Smile
Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!

Ep 348: From Addiction to Mission with Craig Hettlinger

As a Division 1 college soccer player, Craig Hettlinger was living many young men’s dream. A fateful decision to partake in a controlled substance after a win started a 16-year collapse into addiction and destruction.

Craig shares his story of addiction, failed attempts at sobriety, and his ultimate recovery and deliverance through God’s power. Craig now lives out his mission for Jesus by running recovery houses in Huntington, WV, the Ground Zero for the opioid epidemic. Craig’s raw, honest recounting of his life journey will encourage families who are suffering through long term addiction in their own households.

Craig Hettlinger is the CEO of HAWC Recovery in Huntington WV. He is also the author of That Ain’t No Mountain For a Climber - a heartfelt firsthand account of overcoming drug addiction.

Resources mentioned:
www.hawcrecovery.com Craig’s book: That Ain’t No Mountain for a Climber: http://hawcrecovery.com/media.html The Freedom Fight: The New Drug and the Truths That Set Us Free: https://amzn.to/3OJTD27 Support Let’s Parent on Purpose through your Tax-Deductible Giving Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!

Connect with Jay:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@letsparentonpurpose Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland

Ep. 349: Handling Conflict in Community

Every community is going to experience conflict. The way we navigate these conflicts will either break our community or make it stronger. Today Jay shares important truths to help you grow personally and relationally as you encounter conflict in your various communities. This is an episode that is very helpful for parents in their personal lives as well as giving language for how to train their children to handle conflict in a healthy way.

Listen as we discuss:
The inevitability of conflict in community
Why we experience conflict
Deciding on whether we want to win the person or win the argument
Developing a posture of humility
Choosing to forgive even before we address the other person
Seeking God’s power to pursue peace
Understanding that it’s not always possible to have peace, and what to do next

Resources mentioned:
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose through your Tax-Deductible Giving
Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!

Connect with Jay:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@letsparentonpurpose
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose

Ep 350: Lessons Learned from 350 Episodes

14, 8, 6, 5 years old when I started
Thanks Christian Parenting, Covenant Fellowship, Listeners, My wife and kids
In the past 7 years Jay has released 350 episodes and interviewed over 120 different people for Let’s Parent on Purpose. Today Jay shares his biggest personal insights from the years of being a learner behind the microphone.

To commemorate the Episode 350 milestone, be sure to check out Jay’s 10 all time favorite Let’s Parent on Purpose podcasts!

Listen today as Jay shares his biggest insights including:
Parenting is a marathon, not a sprint
Your marriage must take precedence over your parenting
No single event is going to make or break your children
One of the biggest threats your children face is your ego
Our habits should reflect our heart, and also our habits will shape our heart
Keep preaching the gospel to yourself!

Resources mentioned:

Link Jay’s Favorite Let’s Parent on purpose Episodes
Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!

Connect with Jay:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@letsparentonpurpose
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose

Ep 351: Empowering Parents to Deescalate Teenage Anxiety with Hannah Conway

More children and teens wrestle with anxiety than ever before. Sometimes moms and dads feel powerless to help their children escape the grip of chronic anxiety. Today our guest Hannah Conway shares several simple, practical strategies that can deescalate the general level of worry, tension, and anxiety your children experience. As we continue to create a household of engagement and encouragement, we equip our children to face their own challenges, make wise decisions, and live without the need to be rescued from every small challenge.

Listen as we discuss:
The physiological reality of why young teenagers seem to “lose their mind”.
The importance of knowing whose you are in order to know who you are.
Strategies parents can employ when it feels like anxiety is cranking up in the home including:
Take a deep breath. Literally!
Be in the Word, and remind yourself of the Word.
Pray for your kids, pray with your kids.
Open communication, dinner table conversations with guided topics.
Letting them deal with consequences to learn resiliency.
Bringing healthy adult mentors into your children’s life.

Hannah R. Conway is a Social Media Marketing & Communications Coordinator and Women’s Ministry Director. She's a best-selling author, podcast host on “What’s Your Story? With Hannah & Stephani”, and speaker.
Hannah is also a military wife, momma, former teacher, dog lover and roots for the Kentucky Wildcats. Most days she can be caught with a coffee cup in hand. She and her family live near Nashville, Tennessee.

Resources mentioned:
In Case You Forget: A 6-Week Devotional about Who You Are in Jesus https://amzn.to/3Lk6abC
Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!

Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose

Ep. 352: Why I Wanted to Be Trans with Christine Sneeringer

This is the first of a two-part series on gender with Christine Sneeringer, a ministry leader who specializes in sexuality and gender issues. Growing up, Christine knew all too well the distress and hardship of not feeling at home in her female body. More than anything she longed to be a boy. Looking back, Christine now realizes how her abuse history drove her negative perceptions of femininity, which she equated with victimhood. In our conversation today, Christine shares her decades long battle with gender dysphoria that led to her same-sex attractions.
We also discuss the importance of critical thinking skills and how children are prone to misinterpret adverse childhood events. Christine’s journey was a prime example of how we can develop distorted beliefs about gender, which were not addressed until God intervened in her life. Surrounded by a loving Christian community as a young adult, she surrendered her life and sexuality to Christ. Afterwards she finally felt safe enough to embrace her femaleness for the first time in her life.
Listen to this encouraging example of the redemptive love of Christ. Christine’s story will give you hope in a culture that celebrates running from God’s design for gender and sexuality.
Christine Sneeringer is the executive director of Worthy Creations, a parachurch ministry that specializes in sexuality and gender related concerns. A gifted communicator, she teaches and speaks at churches, conferences, and campus ministries, sharing her dramatic story of overcoming abuse and battling more than two decades of gender dysphoria that led to her same-sex attractions. A consultant with the Institute for Healthy Families, Christine provides one-on-one support and coaching for individuals who feel conflicted about their gender identity. Christine has a master’s degree in Counseling from Palm Beach Atlantic University and a Bachelor of Theology degree from Oxford University. She is a freelance writer and her articles have appeared in Decision Magazine, Charisma, and Spirit Led Woman. She lives in South Florida, where she enjoys tennis and tacos.

Resources mentioned:
Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!
Connect with Christine:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christinesneeringer/
Worthy Creations: www.worthycreations.org
Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose

Ep. 353: Unpacking the Trans Narrative with Christine Sneeringer

This is the second of a two-part series on gender with Christine Sneeringer, a ministry leader who specializes in sexuality and gender issues. Her own personal journey to overcome more than two decades of gender dysphoria informs her belief that it can be resolved without medical interventions. Because gender dysphoria is a psychological challenge, Christine argues that children and teens would be better served with psychological solutions that lead to a mindset shift rather than hormones and surgery. For her, that happened as a result of developing a relationship with God and surrendering to His design.
In this episode we unpack dangerous aspects of the trans narrative that is being foisted upon vulnerable children who don’t have the critical thinking skills to recognize it as harmful. We cover such topics as
There’s no such thing as putting a pause on puberty
Gender identity does not supersede biological sex
Medical interventions are dangerous and often irreversible
How eating disorders and imposter syndrome compares
Historically "watchful waiting" is the best approach for children
The importance of developing resilience
The universality of awkward and uncomfortable feelings during puberty
Most people desist in their distress about gender by adulthood

Christine Sneeringer is the executive director of Worthy Creations, a parachurch ministry that specializes in sexuality and gender related concerns. A gifted communicator, she teaches and speaks at churches, conferences, and campus ministries, sharing her dramatic story of overcoming abuse and battling more than two decades of gender dysphoria that led to same-sex attractions. A consultant with the Institute for Healthy Families, Christine provides one-on-one support and coaching for individuals who feel conflicted about their gender identity. Christine has a master’s degree in Counseling from Palm Beach Atlantic University and a Bachelor of Theology degree from Oxford University. She is a freelance writer and her articles have appeared in Decision Magazine, Charisma, and Spirit Led Woman. She lives in South Florida, where she enjoys tennis and tacos as often as possible.
Resources mentioned:
Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!
Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose

Ep. 354: The Lowest of the Low

Enjoy this sneak peak into the Stories of Hope with Dr. Samuel Thomas Podcast! Dr. Samuel Thomas of Hopegivers International paints the heartbreaking picture of the life of a street child in India. Without a stable home or a mother and father to care for them, children are forced to scrap, beg, or steal. Many of them are trafficked, forced to take drugs, and work for criminals who keep them addicted and enslaved. Hopegivers works to rescue orphaned, abandoned, and at risk children from circ*mstances like these. They bring them into Hope Homes where the children are loved, fed, educated, and cared for in the name of Jesus Christ.
Listen to this episode and then follow the Stories of Hope with Dr. Samuel Thomas podcast to hear the full journey of hope from an unwanted child to a pioneering church planter and pastor.

Dr. Samuel Thomas is a pastor and the President of Hopegivers International, a ministry that rescues and redeems at risk and abandoned children in India and Haiti. Hopegivers, founded over 60 years ago by the late Dr. M.A. Thomas, has been used by God to minister to orphans, widows, lepers, and plant schools and churches throughout India and South Asia.

Resources mentioned:
Stories of Hope with Dr. Samuel Thomas: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stories-of-hope-with-dr-samuel-thomas/id1545599796
Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!
Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose

Ep. 355: Living in the Joy of the Season with Jeanette Tapley

Every season of our parenting journey is fleeting, and we often miss the joy that God presents us while wishing away our current challenges. Today Jay talks with Jeanette Tapley about the importance of living in the joy of every season of life. They discuss the guilt that many working moms feel over not being a stay at home mom, the need for flexibility in how you parent from one child to the next, and the importance of choosing joy rather than focusing on what’s not going well.
Jeanette has a unique perspective on each of these topics. As a mom, Jeanette is in the midst of raising a family of biological and adoptive children while maintaining a demanding job. In her work life, Jeanette produces multiple Christian parenting podcasts. Jeanette hears more great parenting advice in one week than many people hear in a year, but must navigate the reality that one household cannot do every great parenting idea they come across. The Tapley's have learned the joy of discipleship through everyday life and laughter, while trusting Jesus to form their children over the long run.
Jeanette Tapley is podcast host, author, speaker, wife, and parent of three great teenagers. Her heart beats for people to be heard, valued, and never alone no matter what stage of life they find themselves in. You can hear Jeanette each week on the Moms at Work Podcast with Jeanette Tapley Podcast as well as the Joy Millionaire Podcast.

Resources mentioned:
Moms At Work with Jeanette Tapley Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/moms-at-work-with-jeanette-tapley/id1610793701
The Joy Millionaire Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-joy-millionaire-podcast/id1355530534

Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!
Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose

Ep 356: Faith Beyond Youth Group with Brad Griffin

Every parent following Jesus hopes their children will continue to love and follow Jesus beyond their youth group years. Sadly, a large percentage of people leave the church and leave the faith in their young adult years. Brad Griffin joins Jay today to share Fuller Youth Institute’s years of research on the key habits of ministries and families to form a character that lasts beyond the youth group years.
Listen as Jay and Brad discuss the importance of
Cultivating Trust
Modeling Growth
Practicing Together
Making Meaning
Brad M. Griffin is the Senior Director of Content & Research for the Fuller Youth Institute, where he develops research-based resources for youth ministry leaders & families. A speaker, writer, and volunteer pastor, Brad is the coauthor of over fifteen books, including Faith Beyond Youth Group, 3 Big Questions That Change Every Teenager & 3 Big Questions That Shape Your Future, Growing Young, and Sticky Faith. Brad and his wife, Missy, live in Southern California and share life with their three teenage and young adult kids.
Resources mentioned:
Faith Beyond Youth Group: 5 Ways to Form Character and Cultivate Lifelong Discipleship
3 Big Questions Books: https://fulleryouthinstitute.org/3-big-questions
Get Your Jesus, Light of the World Advent Book: www.cpgive.org
Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!
Connect with Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose

Ep. 357: Making Every Moment Holy with Doug McKelvey

Our lives are shot through with sacred purpose even when, especially when, we are too busy or too caught up in our busyness to notice. Jay’s guest Douglas McKelvey has spent the last several years penning beautiful prayers to help us bring Christ into the mundane parts of our lives. As Jay and Douglas discuss the Every Moment Holy series, you’ll discover how your life is already full of liturgy whether you realize it or not. Liturgy shapes us. Let’s be intentional about our rhythms and prayers!
Douglas Kaine McKelvey is an author, song lyricist, scriptwriter, and video director. He has penned more than 350 lyrics recorded by artists such as Switchfoot, Kenny Rogers, Sanctus Real, and Jason Gray. Doug and Lise McKelvey, the parents of three young adults, live near Nashville, TN.

Resources mentioned:
To download the Every Moment Holy app:https://www.everymomentholy.com/app

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Ep. 358: The Five Traits of a Healthy Family with Dr. Gary Chapman

Dr. Gary Chapman brings his 30+ years of biblical wisdom and counseling expertise to help identify the core traits of a healthy family. In this episode we unpack what each trait looks like and how to progress towards health if you are not there yet. Listen as Dr. Chapman describes:
Families who Serve
Husbands and Wives Who Relate Intimately
Parents Who Guide
Children Who Obey and Honor Parents
Husbands Who Love and Lead
Gary Chapman, Ph.D.—author, speaker, pastor, and counselor—has a passion for people, and for helping them form lasting relationships. Chapmanis a well-known marriage counselor and director of marriage seminars. The 5 Love Languages® is one of Chapman’s most popular titles,topping various bestseller charts for years, selling over twenty million copies, and has been on the New York Times best-sellers list continuously since 2007.Chapman has been directly involved in real-life family counseling for more than 30 years, and his syndicated radio programs air nationally on Moody Radio Network and over400 affiliate stations. For more information visit www.5lovelanguages.com

Resources mentioned:
5 Traits of a Healthy Family: Steps You can Take to Grow Closer, Communicate Better, and Change the World Together
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Ep. 359: Marriage as a Picture of Christ and the Church

Why does Scripture compare the husband-wife relationship to that of Christ and the church? How does a marriage reflect Jesus and His bride? Today Jay walks through the commands of Ephesians 5:22-33 and then expands on the greater story of redemption in the gospel. He shares the larger story of the Bible from the viewpoint of creation, sabbath rest, sin/vandalism, redemption, and restoration. Jay then goes on to show how a husband and wife can mirror God’s restoration of the vandalism sin causes as they believe the gospel in their household.

Resources mentioned:

Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose as we help families thrive though the gospel: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 360: Your Family is Not the Enemy, They Are The Prize!

Jay walks us through Ephesians 5 and 6 to point out a key truth: the greatest section of the Bible on family and interpersonal relationships is right next to the greatest section of the Bible on spiritual warfare. Today we look at the reality of spiritual warfare in our homes, and how we are called to remember that our family members are not the enemy, they are the prize. Jay discuses the armor of God in terms of being “in Christ”. Finally, he gives pointers for families who find themselves in a difficult time of anger or arguing with one another. Remember, you have an enemy, but it’s not your family member!
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Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose as we help families thrive though the gospel: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep 361: How I Set and Achieve Goals

The beginning of a new year is a great time to think through resolutions, habits, and goals. Today Jay takes you far beyond setting resolutions that will likely fail by February. He walks through his process for starting with determining your specific goals for five aspects of your life: Spiritual, Family, Professional, Financial, and Physical. Once you have determined “who you want to be”, Jay walks you through how to set multi-year goals and then determine the steps for this coming year.
Many of our plans will fall short. We will constantly encounter new opportunities, calamities, and circ*mstances that will change our ability to achieve specific goals. But if we have a solid vision for who we want to be over the course of our life, God tends to do far more in and through us than we would ever imagine!
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Resources mentioned:

Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose as we help families thrive though the gospel: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 363: Parent Differently with Dr. Kathy Koch

**Be sure to check out our new discussion guide to help you make the most out of this episode. >> https://bit.ly/3Hilh2R
Character changes destiny, and character changes culture. Dr. Kathy Koch helps define the core character qualities we want to instill in our children to help them honor Christ, even when no one is looking. As we learn to parent for character instead of outward obedience, we begin to raise children who will change their culture.
Listen today as Jay and Dr. Kathy discuss:
• The definition of character, and the vital importance of training for gratitude, joy, and self-efficacy.
• How to cast vision in your children to be culture changers instead of just rule followers.
• The definition of joy and the dangers of comparison and unrealistic expectations.
• The way technology teaches us to live entitled and the wisdom of limiting choices.
• Why “choice” is one of the most powerful words a parent can use.
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Dr. Kathy Koch is the founder and president of Celebrate Kids, Inc., and a child development specialist. She is also the author of seven bestselling parent-child enrichment books including her latest book, Parent Differently: Raise Kids with Biblical Character that Changes Culture.

Resources mentioned:
Parent Differently: Raise Kids with Biblical Character that Changes Culture
Screens and Teens
Start with the Heart
Eight Great Smarts
No More Perfect Kids
Resilient Kids
Five to Thrive
Facing the Dark Podcast
Dr. Kathy Says Podcast
Celebrate Kids Podcast

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Support Let’s Parent on Purpose as we help families thrive though the gospel: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 362: The Best Interviews from 2023

Today Jay revisits his very favorite interviews from 2023. He also celebrates the fruitful year for The 127 Project, including production of Let’s Parent on Purpose and Stories of Hope with Dr. Samuel Thomas, the building and remodeling of three Hope Homes in India, and supporting a pioneering church planter in Nepal.

Be sure to check out the full interviews from Jay’s favorite episodes:
Episode 319 Family Identity Through Teams with Jeremy Pryor Episode 340 Parenting Through the Stupid Years with Jim Ramos Episode 345 Moving Beyond Anxiety in your Parenting with Sissy Goff Episode 341 Inner Healing Through Prayer with Dr. Don Love Episode 344 The Sex Talk with Nick Liberto Episode 358 The Five Traits of a Healthy Family with Dr. Gary Chapman
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Resources mentioned:
Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!
Support Let’s Parent on Purpose and The 127 Project: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 364: The Fruit of the Spirit with Dr. Don Love

**Be sure to check out our new discussion guide to help you make the most out of this episode. Download it here.

What does it mean to walk in the Spirit and live in the Spirit? This week I am joined by Dr. Don Love for a walk through Galatians 5 and a discussion of the Fruit of the Spirit in the life of a believer. We talk about how to discern the will of God in your life, ways that the Lord might be speaking to you, and the importance of the statement “God’s will is found in God’s Word.” You will learn the difference between the gifts of the Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit and how this understanding can be transformational in your marriage and parenting. Finally, Don leads us in a time of prayer to seek the Lord’s guidance on each aspect of the Fruit of the Spirit in our own lives.

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Dr. Don Love is the director of Pray Through It and the host of the weekly podcast Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living. You can find out more and interact with Dr. Love at www.praythroughit.com

Resources mentioned:

Episode 341: Inner Healing Through Prayer with Dr. Don Love


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Support Let’s Parent on Purpose as we help families thrive though the gospel: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 365: Making the Most of this Season of Life with Rita Diapoules

**Be sure to check out our new discussion guide to help you make the most out of this episode. Download it here.

The parenting journey is filled with seasons of life, and each one has unique opportunities as well as real experiences of longing and loss. There is a real temptation to focus on what we are missing with the fantasy that life will be complete if we get “that next thing”.

I’m joined today by my friend Rita Diapoules, who shares her testimony of coming to Christ through a period of loss and longing. We talk about finding contentment and identity in Christ andnot our careers. Rita also shares ways we can be specifically intentional in the mundane days of parenting, especially when we are tempted to feel that our career would offer more validation. Ultimately, our discussion is an encouragement to mirror the Apostle Paul’s command in 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 to “make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.”

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Rita Diapoules is the wife of Mark, mother of two beautiful girls, and Children’s Ministry Director at Covenant Fellowship Baptist Church. Before serving at Covenant Fellowship, Rita spent more than a decade as an elementary school teacher, earning Teacher of the Year at Palm City Elementary.

Resources mentioned:

Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!

Support Let’s Parent on Purpose as we help families thrive though the gospel: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 365: The Power of Pre-Deciding

**Be sure to check out our new discussion guide to help you make the most out of this episode. Download it here.

Research shows that the average adult makes over 35,000 decisions every day! We make a lot of choices, and many of our choices have a compounding effect as we repeat them day after day. Other choices are not as important but drain our energy. This week Jay shares insights on the power of pre-deciding in seven areas of your life that will have tremendous compound interest. Listen as Jay explains why you should:

1. Pre-decide when you are going to have your time with God each day.

2. Pre-decide when you are going to bed and when you are going to wake up as a normal habit.

3. Pre-Decide your default meals for breakfast and lunch.

4. Pre-decide your days and time to be a part of the church

5. Pre-decide your date nights

6. Pre-decide family dinner nights

7. Pre-decide to be proportionally generous

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Resources mentioned:

The Greatest Choices of Strategic Leaders: https://go.roberts.edu/leadingedge/the-great-choices-of-strategic-leaders

Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!

Support Let’s Parent on Purpose as we help families thrive though the gospel: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

Ep. 366: Grieving and Healing Through Intense Personal Loss with Eliza Huie

What do you do when you and your children experience intense personal loss, like the unexpected death of a loved one? Eliza Huie helps us walk through a series of questions that parents wrestle with as they try to process shock and grief while also helping their children deal with tragedy.

Listen as Eliza answers the following questions from Jay:
How can parents shepherd their children through intense personal loss?How can they do this while also dealing with the loss themselves?What are normal feelings and emotions that go along with trauma.What might counseling to do help. How do you know if counseling is appropriate? How soon after the loss?

In crisis we have (psychological needs):
The Activation of the BodyThe Activation of the Mind and EmotionsThe Activation of the Soul

What does a person in crisis need? (relational needs):
What determines if a crisis situation results in long-term trauma?What are the essential characteristics of a helper in these situations?

A plan for what’s ahead (situational needs):
First few daysFirst 1-3 weeksFour weeks and beyond
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About Eliza Huie

Eliza Huie is the director of counseling at McLean Bible Church located invthe Washington D.C. metro area. She is the Dean of Biblical Counseling for Metro Baltimore Seminary in Maryland. She and her husband Ken have been married for almost 30 years and they have 3 grown children and a lovely daughter-in-law.

Resources mentioned:

Biblical Virtual Counseling Resource:

Anchored Hope Counseling –https://anchoredhope.co

Fieldstone Counseling –https://fieldstonecounseling.org

Christian Trauma Counseling –https://christiantraumacounseling.com

Breath as Prayer by Jennifer Tucker

Tips for Survivors of a Disaster or Other Traumatic Event:https://store.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/sma13-4776.pdf

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Ep. 367: The Story You Choose

**Be sure to check out our new discussion guide to help you make the most out of this episode. [Go to Discussion Guide]

What do you think about when you think about God? Is He distant, uncaring, weak or unjust? Or is He good, near, powerful, just, and loving? Every person has a story they tell themselves about God, and we continually feed this story.

Today Jay shares how we have a choice in what we choose to feed in our story about God. He then shares how those choices tend to have control over us in ways that we don’t expect. The story you tell yourself about God will affect how you handle temptation, trials, and tragedies. Will sin become a coping mechanism or an evil to avoid? It all depends on the story you are feeding yourself about God.

This principle also holds true in the story we tell ourselves about other people. You can make or break relationships based on the internal story you create and then seek to prove through your interactions. If you are stuck in a bad story, listen and hear how Jay shares two powerful antidotes that can change your story.

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Resources mentioned:

Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!

Support Let’s Parent on Purpose as we help families thrive though the gospel: https://letsparentonpurpose.com/support/

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Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship podcast FAQs

Who is the host of Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship, the podcast show?

A podcast series like Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship usually features one or more recurring hosts engaged in a discussion about a particular topic or current event. Discussion and content within a podcast can range from carefully scripted to totally improvised.

According to Apple Podcasts and Google Play Podcasts, Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship is hosted by Jay Holland and Christian Parenting. If you think Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship hosts information is not correct, please leave a comment about Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship's real host names.

Who has guest appearance on the podcast show: Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship?

According to Wikipedia, notable guests of the podcast show Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship are B.B. King, Third Eye Blind, Gavin DeGraw, The Beach Boys, and Jason Mraz. If you think Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship guests information is not correct, please leave a comment about Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship's real guest names.

Which company is sponsoring the Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship podcast?

Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship is sponsored and produced by Jay Holland and Christian Parenting. If you think Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship sponsorships information is not correct, please leave a comment about Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship's real sponsors.

How much money is Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship making for Jay Holland and Christian Parenting each episode?

Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship is free for everyone to download Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship and subscribe. But there are potential sponsorship deals that can help generate more income for Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship by each new episodes.

What about Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship's Youtube podcast ad revenue?

Podcasts shows very often can join Youtube's creator program to earn advertisem*nt revenue from Youtube. As it is usually a revenue sharing program, creators like Jay Holland and Christian Parenting can earn about 4K-5K ad revenue per million views on Youtube.

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How much money is Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship making on Instagram?

Many people ask about the amount of money Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship makes from Instagram. Normally the ad cost for an Instagram ad post is based on the number of followers on the account.

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How much money is Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship making on Facebook?

Many people ask this question about the money Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship makes from Facebook. It's actually a myth about how to make money on Facebook...

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Let's Parent on Purpose: Christian Marriage, Parenting, and Discipleship podcast episodes download Jun, 2024 (2024)


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