Table Discovery in Data Lakes: State-of-the-art and Future Directions | Companion of the 2023 International Conference on Management of Data (2024)


Authors: Grace Fan, Jin Wang, Yuliang Li, and Renée J. Miller

SIGMOD '23: Companion of the 2023 International Conference on Management of Data

June 2023

Pages 69 - 75

Published: 05 June 2023 Publication History

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    Data discovery refers to a set of tasks that enable users and downstream applications to explore and gain insights from massive collections of data sources such as data lakes. In this tutorial, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the most recent table discovery techniques developed by the data management community. We will cover table understanding tasks such as domain discovery, table annotation, and table representation learning which help data lake systems capture semantics of tables. We will also cover techniques enabling various query-driven discovery and table exploration tasks, as well as how table discovery can support key data science applications such as machine learning and knowledge base construction. Finally, we will discuss future research directions on developing new table discovery paradigms by combining structured knowledge and dense table representations, as well as improving the efficiency of discovery using state-of-the-art indexing techniques, and more.



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    • Deng YChai CCao LYuan QChen SYu YSun ZWang JLi JCao ZJin KZhang CJiang YZhang YWang YYuan YWang GTang N(2024)LakeBench: A Benchmark for Discovering Joinable and Unionable Tables in Data LakesProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3659437.365944817:8(1925-1938)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2024

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    Index Terms

    1. Table Discovery in Data Lakes: State-of-the-art and Future Directions

      1. Information systems

        1. Data management systems

          1. Database design and models

            1. Information integration

              1. Mediators and data integration

            2. Information retrieval

              1. Retrieval models and ranking

                1. Top-k retrieval in databases


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          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          Table Discovery in Data Lakes: State-of-the-art and Future Directions | Companion of the 2023 International Conference on Management of Data (5)

          SIGMOD '23: Companion of the 2023 International Conference on Management of Data

          June 2023

          330 pages



          • General Chairs:
          • Sudipto Das

            Amazon Web Services, USA

          • Ippokratis Pandis

            Amazon Web Services, USA

          • Program Chairs:
          • K. Selçuk Candan

            Arizona State University, USA

          • Sihem Amer-Yahia

            CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes, France

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          • SIGMOD: ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data


          Association for Computing Machinery

          New York, NY, United States

          Publication History

          Published: 05 June 2023


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          Author Tags

          1. data integration
          2. data lake
          3. dataset discovery
          4. unionable tables


          • Tutorial

          Funding Sources

          • National Science Foundation


          SIGMOD/PODS '23


          • SIGMOD

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          Overall Acceptance Rate 785 of 4,003 submissions, 20%


          Table Discovery in Data Lakes: State-of-the-art and Future Directions | Companion of the 2023 International Conference on Management of Data (10)

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          Table Discovery in Data Lakes: State-of-the-art and Future Directions | Companion of the 2023 International Conference on Management of Data (2024)


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