The rise of the Villain Emperor: Karma - Chapter 36 - DekuvigilanceX2009 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

"This…” Izuku stops and takes a deep breath to calm his nerves. Wow, he really got into the role there, and he lost his temper in the end too. Definitely needs more practice with Atsuhiro-kun and Danjuro-kun but that's a matter another time. He exhales slowly and narrows his eyes at he President who gulps and steps back on instinct. The Paragons step forward to intercept.

“... is how much you managed to anger me. And now that you know what I’m going to do… I shall start doing it. So let's begin this show shall we?” Izuku takes a step forward, and Activates his Quirk. His main beloved Quirk, his master's greatest gift.

A.F.O : Absorb For Occupy activated : Sense Stimulated, Reaction Increased To 45% of full power stockpiled.

The air around Izuku tensed as black greenish arcs of intense lightning danced around the boy's body, the dark lightning crackled with the sound of thunderclaps, energy poured out of the The Emperor's eyes like it could be barely be contained in his young body.

Dark liquid started covering Izuku's skin until it hardened into Armor-like shall that can't be easily pierced or broken. Dark blades formed around the Mastermind's hands transforming said hands into large sharp swords.

And The cheery on top was the grin, that of a savage animal sneering at it's pray. The eyes narrowed dangerously at the Paragons who tensed in preparation.

"Let's go you Witch slaves, let me put you out of your misery. After all I am a very generous Emperor. Wish I could save you but... I guess it's not meant to be."Izuku said darkly as prepared for the fight about to happen.

The Number One Paragon makes the first move, invincible was his name if Izuku was correct. Quirk Photonian, absorbs photonic energy from the sunlight and turns into physical power.

A Very fascinating Quirk indeed. Shame it's wielder was brainwashed by that Witch in the back hiding like there was anywhere else to go or a place to escape. Unless she manifests a flying Quirk she has nowhere to run from him.

Invincible charges at impressive speeds to attack Izuku. Really impressive speeds, he goes for a punch. A right one. A hook. But it's a fake move, he will go for a left kick. A roundhouse one. Very predictable.

Izuku easily ducks under the kick and decides to toy with the man before killing him. No doesn't need to hurry since the real challengers ain't here yet.

Izuku slashed at the man's face with his dark blade but the man jumped back. Izuku aimed his hand forward and shot a weak explosion that the man dodged and jumped to the far side of the Emperor.

Invincible charged at Izuku from the side and the boy sighed as he jumped over the Paragon and used Explosion to hit The Number One Paragon and blow him away.

No wonderKatchanloved this Quirk, with Shock Nullification Izuku could easily create explosions as strong as Rockets. Explosions that could level buildings.

As Invincible was sent flying multiple portals opened around Izuku surprising him. They looked more like white discs then portals but the intriguing was what came out of them.

A bunch of differently shaped and sized swords shot out of the portals at impressive speeds at the green haired villain ready to pierce him.

Some were set on fire, some were crackling with electricity and some Izuku identified as explosive swords and some were even poisonous.

Fascinating, can the user summon pre-existing swords? Or can they create them? What are the conditions for using such a fascinating Quirk? Oh a lot of questions and no answers.

As he kept on musing the swords reached him exploded with a cloud of smoke and lights and sparks. Invincible, Knight Fall and the rest of The Paragons looked at the cloud of dust disappearing to reveal Izuku perfectly fine like nothing happened.

The green haired mastermind was surrounded by a yellow dome-shaped Barrier around him that protected him from the blast and any possible injuries.

The boy's expression was that of an intrigued collector who found a rare painting as he looked at Knight Fall like he was the only piece of candy left in the world.

"Fascinating Quirk!" Izuku called out as his eyes glowed yellow. He used Scan with Quirk Understanding and the Results were fascinating. Wow he was an avid collector just like his Dad. He always loved Quirks, and hated how others wasted it's amazing, amazing Potential on mundane ways and very uncreative. It always pissed him off even if he didn't display to anyone.

INFINITE SWORDS is an Emitter Type Quirk held by Atsuchi Kenjuki. INFINITE SWORDS allows the user to open a portal to another psychic dimension where an infinite amount of copies of swords is stored where the user could shoot the swords. The only issue of the Quirk is that you need to have seen the sword to summon copies of it.

Izuku deactivated Barrier and grinned at Knight Fall maliciously feeling his Quirkroaringat him to take this Quirk for himself. To make it his own. And honestly that's the same feeling he was experiencing right now. He wanted it. He wanted SO BADLY and he will get it.

Izuku shot like a bullet blitzing past Invincible and the other close quarter combat specialist in an instant and reached out his hand at the startled armored knight with a look on his face that would haunt anyone for decades if not the rest of their lives. His eyes crazed and widely open and his lips twisted into a wide sick grin.

"MINE!!!" Izuku shouted excitedly as he grabbed the man from the face, energy and electrity crackled from his hand as he held into and forcefully ripped the Quirk from the man, right after he took it Izuku landed his final finger on the man's face and activated Decay.

INFINITE SWORDS is an Emitter Type Quirk first held by Atsuchi Kenjuki then was stolen by Deku Shigaraki using ABSORB FOR OCCUPY. INFINITE SWORDS allows the user to open a portal to another psychic dimension where an infinite amount of copies of swords is stored where the user could shoot the swords. The only issue of the Quirk is that you need to have seen the sword to summon copies of it. The way it changed after fusing with ABSORB FOR OCCUPY is yet to be known. Cannot be used currently because Deku Shigaraki has yet to see any swords yet.

Izuku sighed at that, he hoped he would get Knight Fall's collection but, oh well. More fun with powering this amazing ability himself!! He always like a good challenge!!

It startled everyone as a line of energy was sucked from Knight Fall's face and he started decaying to dust while screaming bloody murder. It wasn't painful to turn to dust but everyone scream when they are dying. Well mostly everyone. Izuku didn't like he sound so he blasted The man into dust with Explosion and Air Cannon.

Izuku jumped in the air avoiding a blast of energy from the one known as Athena who seems to be able to shoot blast of solar energy from her crossed arms. She had long dark hair and an Amazon's costume like....

Was it just him... or these guys were a cheep copy of The DC Justice League?! No, no it wasn't just him. They WERE a cheep copy of that comic collection masterpiece.

Ugh, that Witch was a bitch AND had a terrible taste too, man he was now also insulted by her misuse of amazing pre-quirk era comics, the bitch.

Izuku sighed softly at that as he opened a small warp gate and held his hand to the portal. He reached out and stuck his hand inside the warpgate.

His hand came out of the other portal and grabbed Athena from the back of her head, she screamed loudly as he pulled her or half of her through the warpgate before shutting it splitting the woman in half. Welp he is trying to get creative, surprisingly you eventually run out of ways to kill when your body count is at thousands.

Everyone else looked startled by that brutal way of killing as Izuku landed on the ground casually and dropped her upper half on the floor without a care in the world as he gave a bored look. Honestly her Quirk wasn't THAT interesting in his opinion and seems to have limitations. So he didn't bother take it for himself.

Invincible tried to sneakily charge at Izuku from his blind spot, ready to punch his head cleanly off of his shoulders. But he was horrifyingly shocked as nothing happened to Izuku who didn't even react to the hit. Like he didn't even feel it in the slightest.

Izuku turned to Invincible with a "need something?" look and even though he tried to jump back Izuku reached with his hand quickly killing him.

And with that simple gesture Izuku runs his index finger on the Paragon's leg in a swift motion activating Overhaul quickly.

Invincible's skin started to bubble slightly until the top half of his body exploded into a shower of blood covering the floors of the Colosseum and painting it in red.

Everyone around he world were watching the battle in disbelief as the Paragons were being slaughtered without any effort by the green haired demon.

The President was panicking as she watched the paragons get killed one by one. First Knight Fall then Athena then Invincible. And then There was Zeus, his speed Quirk didn't bother the boy in the slightest- oh sh*t he took the Quirk and blew Zeus apart with the Quirk he took from the student in the USJ.

The rest of her Paragons and there number was twenty one try their best... They really do... But this is not a fight... It is a harvest for a very hungry farmer.

Hungry for Quirks and blood.

Izuku chuckled sinisterly as he ripped the Quirk of the last Paragon. Out of twenty one he only was intrigued by five. The ability to summon swords, the ability to inflict Illusions by looking someone in the eye, the ability to manipulate your own speed and increase and decrease it instantly, the ability to control wind itself and now the ability to switch between a secondary dimension where you only exist where to others you are an invisible and untouchable ghost.

This one is obviously the one who spied on Nedzu and his inner cercle's conversation with his mom, so this all his fault for what happened to his mother. Which means that he deserves the worst of fates Izuku could possibly inflict on him.

Instead of a quick and painless death, Izuku will send him to be tortured in the most inhumane ways anyone possiblity could imagine. Doctor will be happy to have a new lab rat... How many Quirks could you shove in someone before they literally explode? Oh he will discover that with this guy...

Wait Izuku just dropped him so where is he? Izuku looked at the ground at where Ghost Freak was a second ago. Izuku took his Quirk so where's-

Izuku crossed his arms as two massive fists and a very strong foot slammed into him and sent him flying into a wall.

Thanks to Shock Notification he didn't get hurt from the impact and any scratches and bruises from the wall instantly healed thanks to Super Regeneration.

Izuku got up and came out of the hole in one of the Colosseum's ring's walls to see something that made him grin savagely in anticipation. Oh yes, finally. Talk about perfect timing!!

"Ah!! So you finally showed up!! I was wondering when you guys would get here!! Lots of traffic huh Top Ten?" Izuku asked cheerfully as he dusted off his suit. Would it be weird that of everything today the damage to his suit could be the most bothersome to him?

Melissa bless her heart and soul made him a suit that's resistant to stabs and heat so couldn't be torn or singed.

He honestly and call him cheep if you wish, doesn't like to keep having to get new suits whenever one gets destroyed or torn apart.

In front of Izuku around The Colosseum were the majority of the Top Ten Heroes all looking at Izuku with different expressions of anger and anxiety.

Not that Izuku blamed them, he did commit probably the most horrible slaughter in history of mankind and he single handedly murdered almost twenty four thousand people without mercy, that's without mentioning the people in the area that his Nomus mercilessly killed and brutalized.

Miruko stepped forward with a snarl of both anger and excitement. Probably still salty because Izuku didn't fight her fairly since it was in the sky.

Eh, he honestly wasn't happy about the result either if he was being honest. He would like a rematch himself to prove that he can beat her without luck.

"Well kid, you owe a goddamn rematch and a f*cking fair one because last time you were in the f*cking sky and I had no Jetpack!! Don't you dare run away!!" Miruko yelled out while shacking her fist at his direction.

Izuku just cackled loudly making The Top Heroes tense suddenly. The green haired mastermind just bowed dramatically with a flourish and grinned at them viciously.

"Oh Usagiyama-san, I assure you that I am not happy with the result of our previous matches either. I would rather a clean and honest fight to prove that I am the best here without a doubt, and to do that? I built this Arena to beat the best of the country... The Top Ten Heroes!! After all such important folks deserve the best of arenas!!" Izuku declared flamboyantly as he cracked his knuckles and neck. His eyes flickering between the figures around preparing to attack him.

Oh Hawks was here... Wasn't he scared sh*tless? Why did he show up? Did he feel guilty or what? "Hey Hawks!! Sorry to ask but... Why the Hell are you here man? Thought you would be happy those guys disappeared from the face of the earth!" Izuku called out to the winged Hero who was flying in the air.

Said Hero groaned as he ran a hand through his face with an exasperated look on his face. "Don't remind me!! That big guy literally guilt tripped me into coming here!! Seriously I would rather be in U.A with bowl of popcorn watching The HPSC get burned to the ground but NO!! That Blond Dick over there has to play Hero." Hawks said as he created two feather blades and took a stance but his face was saying "why me?!" and his left eye was twitching uncontrollably.

All Might ignoring Hawks's jabs and complaints, stepped forward and spoke in a booming voice. "Young Man. I am afraid that the acts you committed are truly unforgivable. And while I am truly sorry for how your past went... And apologize for all the wrongs this world committed on you. I cannot let your atrocious acts go unpunished!! We came here to put you down and defeat you!!" All Might declared with a booming voice as he glared at Izuku heatedly.

Izuku noted that All Might's face was lacking the iconic huge smile. Probably something like that he is in inner torment from seeing his dear mentor's grandson whom he himself failed turn into such... A monster.

He is probably blaming himself for what Izuku is now but then again... Even if he told Izuku he could be a Hero on that rooftop Mizuki would've still ruined him so All Might wasn't the one at fault and honestly... After The USJ Izuku felt all his rage and hate on the Hero disappear and was replaced with inner peace.

He wasn't interested in hurting or killing The Symbol Of Peace. Especially that he hasn't passed the Torch yet.... Did he? Izuku activated Scan and Quirk Understanding and looked at his opponents with a hungry wolfish grin that startled them.

ONE FOR ALL is an Enhancement Type Quirk first held by Shizuku Kendai before it was stolen by Raijin Shigaraki using ALL FOR ONE then was Transfered to Yoichi Shigaraki then Kudo Bakugo then Bruce Hayate then Hikage Shinamori The Daigoro Banjo Then En Tayutai then Nana Shimura then Toshinori Yagi. Toshinori's Quirk allowed him to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, significantly enhancing all of his physical abilities to a superhuman level, resulting in unbelievable feats of strength, speed, agility, and durability.

Izuku sighed in exasperation at that. Seriously old man pass the Quirk already, you are getting too old for this sh*t!! And your body will f*cking collapse eventually!!

"All Might? Why the Hell haven't you picked a goddamn apprentice yet?! Do you really want me to instinguish that damn torch of yours here and now?! Do you want take your legacy with you to the grave?! Do you really have NO OPTIONS this badly?!" Izuku snapped at The Number One Hero. The other Heroes looked confused by what Izuku was talking about which was fair.

All Might flinched at that. Like he heard that so many times, and he obviously did!! Nighteye and Nedzu must've worked really hard to find him a suitable candidate and he already got one!! Was he THAT attached to his Quirk?!

All Might chuckled lightly at that confusing the white haired mastermind."Ph you got it wrong, it's not that I didn't find a suitable candidate but... I happened after your attack to find very kind hearted women with Heroic spirits so I am VERY torn on who to chose."All Might said confidently.

Alarm bells rang in Izuku's head at that. He wants to give one of the girls One For All?! He can't!! He will blow them up!! Mirio might be endangered but Izuku could save him!!

The girls on the other hand their stockpiling Quirks will be overcharged and they will explode!! He must warn them before they take that cursed Quirk thinking they are doing him a huge service and get killed.

Ugh , curse you and your Heroism obsession All Might!! Why couldn't you just pick Mirio al-f*cking-ready?! What the Hell?! Just listen to you f*cking sidekick and The smartest being alive!! How f*cking hard is it?!

"If you say so All Might. If you say so."Izuku said with a sigh. Then his phone dinged and he grabbed it quickly and smiled happily.

BurnBitch : We got the moms Boss!! Thanks again by the way!! And kick Endeavour's ass for me!! Oh and holy sh*t your mom is a saint!!

THE BOSS : Thank you Dabi-kun. Tell mom I will be right there in a bit.

he scanned the rest of his opponents to.mesure their power levels.

HELLFLAME is an Emitter Type Quirk held by Enji Todoroki. Enji's Quirk allows him to produce and manipulate large amounts of extremely intense fire at will. He also has incredible résistance to flames wether it was his or someone else'.

FIERCE WINGS is an Emitter and Mutation type Quirk held by Keigo Takami. Keigo's Quirk grants him a pair of large, bright red, feathery wings on his back. These wings allows him to fly, and he could telekinetically control the movement and nature of each individual feather with ease, enabling him to harden them into a blade-like state and/or shoot them as projectiles, as well as control their speed and trajectory.

FIBER MASTER is an Emitter Type Quirk held by Tsunaru Hamakama. Tsunagu's Quirk allows him to freely manipulate the threads in any nearby piece of fabric. He has power over all types of cloth, but his Quirk works best with denim and is less effective on sweats. Fiber Master also works on other types of fiber not related to fabric, such as carbon fibers.

FOLDABODY is an Emitter Type Quirk first held by Shinya Kamihara. Shinya's Quirk allows him to make his body and limbs extremely thin and long, effectively allowing him to transform himself into a razor-sharp string. He can transform faster than the speed of sound.

RABBIT is a Mutation Type Quirk held Rumi Usagiyama. Rumi's Quirk gives her the attributes and abilities of a rabbit. This grants her incredible leg strength, allowing her to jump and kick with extreme force, she can even destroy large chunks of the ground by thumping her foot. She also has excellent hearing thanks to her rabbit-like ears and possesses animal instincts that alert her to nearby danger.

SHIELD is an Emitter Type Quirk held by Kagami Chikara. Kagami's Quirk allows him to grow stone-like hexagon-shaped shields from his body. He uses these shields to protect himself and others. He can expand these shields to a large size and in different directions. The edges of the shields could also cut through obstacles as an offensive attack, and pieces of it can be detached and thrown for the same purpose.

DRAGON is a Transformation Type Quirk first held by Ryuko Tatsuma. Ryuko's Quirk gives her the ability to transform into a large western-like dragon. This form grants her a good increase in strength and durability, powerful jaws and claws, and wings which allow her to fly.

POWER COMES WITH AGE is an Enhancement Type Quirk held by Yoroi Musha. Yoroi's Quirk makes him stronger the older he gets. The enhancement even in the start makes the user twice as strong as a normal person and gets stronger with age. The current level of strength is ten times of a normal person in all physical aspects.

ORCINUS is a Mutation Type Quirk held Kugo Sakamata. Kogo's Quirk gives him the attributes and abilities of a Killer Whale. He has enhanced physical prowess and can produce hypersonic waves to paralyze his targets.

Izuku whistled at the feedback from his Quirks. He was genuinely impressed with those Quirks, All Might, Endeavour, Hawks, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, Miruko, Crust, Ryukyu, Yoroi Musha and Gang Orca. Very impressive Quirks but unfortunately most of them wouldn't be that useful since they would take a long time to make useful... Well except Fierce Wings because it would be amazing with Pegasus for Eri-chan.

Hmm, Wash is not here though. Probably evacuating whatever lucky bastards that somehow survived downstairs.

Hopefully he is fine. Izuku DID like the guy actually. He was a good and kind hearted Rescue Hero and child friendly too! Eri-chan did like him so that was a plus in Izuku's book.

"Alright. Let's cut to.the chase. What are the chances of you guys surrendering peacefully and-"

"Prominence Burn!!!"

Izuku's villainous monologue was cut short as a large blast of concentrated fire slammed into Izuku and destroyed the walls behind him rushed forward into the sky.

There was a large cloud of dust at the place whare Izuku was. The rest of The Heroes turned robotically to Endeavour who was smirking in triumph at the sight of destruction he caused.

" just attack a Villain in the middle of their monologue?!" Ryukyu gaped at at Endeavour who looked at her with a "obviously" expression.

"Well obviously, what else did you expect?" Endeavour said with a huff.

"That was very unfashionable of you Endeavour. VERY unfashionable of you." Best Jeanist said in a disappointed tone as he gave the flame Hero an incredulous look.

"Huh?" Endeavour said as he looked at Best Like he turned into a dog and took a dump at his shoes.

"Yeah man!! So uncool!! Did you seriously cheep shoot a kid while monologuing?! A goddamn kid?!" Crust snapped at Endeavour in outrage.

Endeavour turned to crust with an expression of bafflement not believing his own ears. "Are you people seriously scolding me for attacking a goddamn villain?!" Endeavour yelled in annoyance.

"When he was going into a f*cking monologue you prick!! That's like- the first Hero vs Villain rule!! Let the bad guys monologue THEN kick their asses to next week you f*ck!!" Miruko snapped and Endeavour gaped at her.

"Seriously you dick!! Did you actually cheep shoot a fifteen year old while he was speaking!!? And you say the youth are disrespectful!!" Hawks looked thoroughly pissed off as glared at a sputtering Endeavour.

"In all of my years in the job I never saw such disrespect to the job. Shame on you Endeavour. Shame on you." Yoroi said shaking his head in disappointment.

Endeavour looked at Edgeshot asking for some back up but the Ninja Hero just gave him a disappointed look in return.

All Might looked at the hole in the wall and called out. "We are sorry about our colleague's lack of taste Karma!! If you wish to restart your monologue we would be delighted to listen!!! And Endeavour will NOT attack this time!!!" All Might said to Izuku who walked out of the hole in the wall while dusting himself off having not taken any damage from the ultimate attack much to the surprise of everyone.

"Nah, I lost all motivation for that. Let's just get to the fighting so I could see my mother."Izuku said as he prepared himself for the fight.

Everyone tensed at that and prepared themselves for the battle.

Miruko was the first to attack Izuku using her strong legs to kick off the floor and shoot at Izuku like a bullet with a roundhouse kick in motion.

"THEN LET'S GO THOUGH GUY!!" Miruko yelled as she kicked the side of Izuku's head with her impressive strength and speed. Her kicks are strong to shatter the concrete with a single stomp.

The kick connected with Izuku's arm that he raised to the side of his head to block. Shock Nullification made him able to stand the attack and he grabbed her leg before tossing her over his shoulder and slamming her into the ground.

The woman proved her incredible skill and experience as she used her other leg to swiftly land on it and punched him in the face. Izuku just grabbed her arm and threw her to the side just to jump up avoiding a sharp shield and feathers attacking where he was standing before.

The shield impacted the floor and surprisingly went after Izuku while the feathers just changed their direction following the green haired mastermind.

Izuku smirked as the shield and feathers closed in on him, the second they were right in front of him a warpgate opened up letting the projectiles pass through them.

The shield hero and the winged Hero both looked surprised at that wondering where their attacks went-

"GAH!!!" Ryukyu cried out as the projectiles slammed on her back.

All Might and Hawks went to catch the falling Heroine and Izuku used the opportunity to shoot a blast of flames at Hawks burning his feathers and throwing into the bleachers.

"FlashFire Fist!!!" Endeavour shot at Izuku quickly with a flaming fist in motion, his face twisted in anger.

Izuku coated his own fist with blue flames as The Number Two Hero closed in on him.

"JET BURN!!!" Endeavour yelled as he launched a massive blast of fire, a blast Izuku negated with his own blast.

The two attacks clashed creating a massive explosion of smoke and heat and light.

Endeavour shielded his eyes and so did everyone else from the smoke of the explosion caused by the two attacks.

From the cloud of smoke Izuku burst out with his fist co*cked back causing Endeavour to cross his arms on instinct to shield himself from the incoming attack.

Muscle Augmentation - ×3 Physical Booster - ×4 Shock Multiplier - Explosion!!!

Izuku punched forward with a right hook, the second the fist hit Endeavour's crossed arms he was sent flying back at high speeds as huge explosion and shock wave shook the entire place.

The Number Two Hero slammed into the Colosseum's bleachers destroying it, and was buried under the rubble.

"Endeavour!!"All Might yelled before turning to a waiting Izuku who was grinning at him as if telling him to come.

Muscle Augmentation - ×4 Strength Enhancer - ×4 Power Boost!!!

The two charged at each other and clashed in a stand off with their hands locked together and pushed against each other.

The clash between the two resulted in a massive shock wave that pushed everyone else away from the two powerhouses who glared at each other as they pushed forward in opposite directions.

"What's wrong All Might?! Getting tired?! How much time do you still have left?!"Izuku taunted with a smirk.

"One hour and twelve minutes!! More then enough to defeat you!!"All Might declared as he pushed forward.

Izuku saw from the corner of his eye Yoroi Musha and Miruko about to to attack him from the sides and The Emperor smirked.

The second the fist and foot were about to slam into his face he opened small warpgates letting the fist and foot hit each of the attackers.

Yoroi Musha was sent flying backwards from Mirko's kick while the Rabbit Heroine was slammed on the ground from the old Hero's punch.

Izuku felt his clothes tightening on him and looking to the side he saw Best Jeanist using his Quirk to tighten Izuku's suit to much on him. Eh Best Jeanist was so cool unfortunately and very proficient.

Using Explosion and Air Cannon Izuku sent All Might back few meters giving himself a window of opportunity to use Erasure on The number four Hero.

The suit loosened on Izuku's form so the boy slammed his hand on the ground and activated Overhaul and Best Jeanist was trapped in a mass of concrete that covered him from his feet to his neck.

Just then All Might shot at Izuku with Miruko and Yoroi Musha all ready to attack him at once and he just smirked.

Impact Recoil

The three Heroes wee sent flying with the power of their own attacks causing Izuku to cackle madly.

"Oh c'mon people!! You can't beat me if you try your damn hardest-" Izuku declared loudly as he felt something pierce him and pass through.

Edgeshot but the second he reformed Izuku used Erasure and Explosion in the same time to knock him out.

Izuku just cleared his throat after that inturuption and restarted."As I was saying, c'mon people!! You can't beat me if you try your damn hardest!! I have more Quirks then you could count and I am physically much more capable!!"Izuku declared flamboyantly.


Izuku felt a bullet hit his arm and scoffed, like bullets could hurt him anymore... Wait why didn't it heal yet? He could also feel the pain... Izuku looked at him arm and his eyes widened as he saw a red bullet like syringe stuck there...


Deku father of the year


"it's time Eri." Overhaul said as he motioned for the chair. That cursed chair. She hated it. She hated it so much.

But she knew that disobeying him will get her punished again. Will get her to die again. She didn't like dying. It was cold and dark.

Sha walked to the chair obediently vibrating in fear with each step. She was scared. She doesn't want to be here. She wants to leave.

"I want to go home..." Eri whimpered quietly as she started tearing up.

"Oh silly Eri... This is your home." Overhaul said to her. Lier, she knows he wasn't her dad. He was a liar. He lies all the time.... right? He lies to her right?

As he kept cutting her she saw the red leaving her arm... It hurt but she learned how to shove the hurt into a small box in her head and not think about it.

It was the only way she could tolerate it. Then she saw black. She felt like death but... She could still see around her even if she couldn't move.

"Oh well... I guess it's time to reset." Overhaul said as his hand came closer to her face.

No... No!! The hand was gonna touch her face... NOOOOO!!!!

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" Eri cried out in horror as she woke up in her room. The little girl panted fearfully as she looked around at her room. Her room... Her room in her home...

She looked at the night stand by her side to see a picture of her self riding on her papa's shoulders with her siblings smiling at her. Her mamas were also smiling at her and looking at her lovingly. She was safe... That bad man can't hurt her... Her papa will protect her from him.

The door opened quickly revealing her papa looking at her worried. Eri felt bad for making him worried but she was happy he came for her. He loved her. He said he loves her so much and her papa never lies, not like that lier Overhaul.

"Are you okay princess?" Her papa asked her while holding her cheek with his hand. Eri felt herself mean into his touch on instinct, attracted into his warm hand. He was so warm... Different than Chizaki and his men.

"I am okay Papa. It wasn't bad." Eri said with the best smile she could muster, her papa doesn't need to be worried about her.

He frowned slightly at that. Was she that obvious? Well she was bad at lying and her papa told her that lying was bad, was she bad? Was she a bad girl?

"Another nightmare? Overhaul again?" Papa asked gently as he caressed her cheek with his thumb gently.

Eri nodded her head shamefully. She got him upset again. She was bad. "Yes papa..." Eri admitted with a sigh.

Her papa stayed silent for a bit before looking at Eri with a smile. "C'mon, I need to show you something." Papa said as he picked her up gently.

Few minutes later she found herself dressed in winter clothes and on the rooftop with her Papa which confused her. Why were they here?

Papa smiled at her warmly, it melted her heart. Her papa was so nice and warm. How could anyone say bad things about him?

"Alright Eri-chan, now I brought you here to show you something nice. Something beautiful. Ready?" Papa asked encouragingly, something else nice about him in her opinion. And he had many nice things about him honestly.

Eri nodded her head with a smile. Her papa must be telling the truth.

Papa picked her up in his arms which was always nice and started flying up in the air. She wasn't scared, her papa would never drop her.

They kept going up until they passed the clouds and reached the sky....

"Wow!! It's beautiful!!" Eri gasped in shock as she saw the clear sky and the stars. They were so beautiful, just like papa said!!

"You like it? Whenever I feel bothered I come here and look at the sky. I promise to find you a nice Flying Quirk so you could come here yourself. How does that sound?" Papa asked her gently and she beamed happily.

"I want Pegasus wings papa!! That way I would become an actual unicorn!!" Eri cheered happily.

Papa begged her lovingly and cooed. "Oh Eri-chan, you will always be my little unicorn. Always." Papa whispered softly to her ear.

Eri hugged her papa. He was the best papa ever!!

The rise of the Villain Emperor: Karma - Chapter 36 - DekuvigilanceX2009 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Views: 6131

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.